As we near the annual holidays of Thanksgiving, the celebration and remembrance of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the celebration of New Year's, we enter a season where many of our routines are interrupted with different activities and interactions. Family, celebrations, and travel, bring many people a respite from the routines established in daily/weekly life.
For many, holidays seem to accelerate our busyness- darting from home-to-home or place-to-place; sharing time with friends and family members not regularly seen. For some, a return to the routine after the holidays may even seem like a relief!
But routine or no routine; how many of us as Christians make every day a holiday with God?
While it's true that no two days are exactly alike (there may be similarities in routine, etc.); do we ever consider setting apart each and every day as a holy day (holiday) for/with God?
Redeeming the Time
Jesus kept in constant contact with the Father in prayer and thanksgiving (spoken and silent). In doing so, he was able to do and be who the world needed to meet, see, and come to know! He was holy; that is, set apart from the world- yet while in the world.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we're called to do and be the same- just like our Teacher; our Master!
3 We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. 4 Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. 5 But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: 6 Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. - 1 John 2:3-6
So, what could it look like to make each day a holy day?
All people- As you get up in the morning, praise God for who he is. Share time with him. Ask him to establish your steps (your plans, schedule, and more), and listen for his answer(s). Throughout the day, continue asking him to revise your plans if he desires. Obediently follow him if/as he does. Ask him to help you realize opportunities to share your faith with others, then let him empower you (your words and actions) to do so. Without realizing it, you've woven prayer and a closer ongoing connection with the Lord into and throughout your day. The day has become more of a holy day!
Teachers- Begin as suggested above (All people). Throughout the day, ask the Lord to provide you with his wisdom in instructing, correcting, teaching, and loving the children and/or students you teach and serve. While correcting tests and homework, ask the Lord to bring you deeper insight into each child's life and thinking- so that you may more effectively pray for each one as the Spirit leads. In doing so, the day has become more of a holy day for you- and for those you're in prayer for!
Businessmen- Begin as suggested above (All people). Throughout the day, ask the Lord to speak to you truths about how he sees your dealings, service, networking, presentations, preparation, interactions with others, the spreadsheets you may review and revise, and more. Invite Jesus to review and advise you in each decision, contact, presentation, and more throughout the day/night. Follow him as he guides you. As you do, each day becomes more of a holy day- yielded and led by the Lord instead of man's earthly thoughts or wisdom.
Students- Begin as suggested above (All people). Throughout the day, ask the Lord to instruct you in your relationships with other students or teachers. Ask the Lord to sit with you and instruct you (help you learn what you're studying) as you read, prepare your reports or projects, and more. Ask the Lord how he'd have you pray for others around you in class, between classes, or after school. Obediently follow him and do what he instructs. He's all-knowing and will always tell you the truth- with your best in mind as he sees and knows you personally. As you seek and follow the Lord throughout each day, each day becomes holy and set apart for his glory- working in and through you.
Retirees- Begin as suggested above (All people). The world would tell you that your best days have passed and that you should simply coast and surrender the latter days of your life until you pass away. Nonsense!!! Each day is a holy day where Jesus desires to minister to and through you! Call or visit a friend or acquaintance (maybe someone you haven't spoken with in awhile). Tell them what Jesus has been doing in your life recently. Ask them if they've seen Jesus working in their lives. Encourage them to read or listen to the Word of God (maybe suggest a Scripture passage to read/listen to). Offer to pray for or with them in person, over the phone, via email, or another means. Let the Holy Spirit instruct you as you pray. The day becomes holy and set apart as you redeem the time in the Lord's strength and wisdom. You'll also likely bring encouragement to that other person/people as you do (encouragement that might last far beyond that very day!).
Finish this day by making it holy. Then begin and practice making tomorrow a holy day... and the day after that... and the day after that...