

April 21

drop and pray

Hey folks, Here is something that would be simple and easy to remember. At 7:14 every day in the AM and then again in the PM - gather a team of 5 of your friends to do this - not together, but , where ever they are at 7.14 - being reminded by a watch alarm, iphone,..........         Then after 30 days have a potluck supper and ask people to share how they saw God move in answer to their prayer.   In honor of 2 Chronicles 7.14 , you could use this as your verse to pray during this…

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  • Hi Dave. I invite you to join a group. We are worshiping Christ and praying for His lordship in every part of our lives and across the nation, using 153 names and attributes of Christ (one for each day, Aug. 1 - Dec. 31). You can go to: http://www.prayersummits.net/articles.html, then click on daily names of Christ. I will also add you to my friends list and send you a daily update, if you want. CHRIST IS ALL, Steve Hall
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