

October 22

New Mini-Course on Houses of Prayer!


Dear Praying Friends,


I am more convinced than ever that it is time to revive prayer in our homes and communities. To this end, I created a FREE mini-course on Building Houses of Prayer, which outlines Bible verses pertaining to God's heart for prayer and ways He ordained "sacred spaces" for…

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Prayer Walk






Praying Hands Albrecht Durer


Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,

Son of the Father, in truth and love.  I rejoiced that I found thy children walking in truth, …

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Praying Together Class- Revision 2

The Praying Together Class which was on Pray.network has been updated/revised and is now posted on Wheatlandministries.blogspot.com.  

It is an excellent training, encouraing people to pray together.

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Authentic Christianity




Now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ
       so that when he returns, you will be full of courage
             and not shrink back from him in shame.
                      1 John 2:28 NLT






Be captivated in your heart.
     Lovingly obey Me, and I will get…

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Children and Prayer Class update

Children and Prayer Class update

The Children and Prayer class blog presented by Wheatland Ministries has been updated.  This was necessary because some of the links no longer worked, and other technical “updates” to the blog were made in the past by Google. 


The Blog should work well now.  If you have visited it in the past, please…

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Formula for Excellence



Add diligence to divine promises, employ effort exercising faith
  to develop virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy),
   and in exercising virtue develop knowledge (intelligence),
    and in exercising your knowledge develop self-control,
      exercising self-control develop endurance (patience),

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trying to get back to normal

having lost my job for over a year and just got hired full time does anyone else find themselves lost and not able to get back to normal? What is normal? Have I lost all? Does God hear our cries? How do we know if or when an answer is given?

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  • Marilyn and I are always humbled at how the Lord has called us into ministry. Reaching our Military men and women for Christ and seeing them walk with their Lord is a call we take very seriously! When we look at the realities of war,and realize these precious men and women are one heart beat away from eternity it causes us to live each and every day in the light of heaven's call on our lives. These are real people,with real families, and most importantly people for whom Christ died! These men and women are truly "Heaven's Heroes". Let's honor them!:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2VVvqzhM0E
    Yours For Today's Military,
    Ron and Marilyn
    Missionaries To Our Military
    North American Mission Board
    Ron and Marilyn Leonard
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