

August 9


Lately, God is stretching me. I resist when He starts…struggling to maintain my "sameness". I had just figured out how to manage it all..and He is adding one more thing?

But that is where I learn Christ…when I feel weak and inadequate the most. He is taking me here…and I can choose to trust the One who knows not only where I am now but how to lead me to the end, where I meet Him face to face. He sees it all with His…

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Can you hear it?

God put me in a place of leading a Christmas event for the first time in about ten years. A Ladies' Tea? Not what I would have normally put on the calendar....but God used this suggestion from one of our ladies to bring me to see Christmas in a whole new way.

As we walked through the events for that night, we were missing a song for one of the drama vignettes. As I looked and searched through songs on YouTube, I came across a beautiful video illustrating "A Song of…
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