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It Seems To Me ...


by Pgil Miglioratti, Curator @ REimagine.Network


NOTE: See also"Fruit of the Spirit Evangelism"

It Seems To Me ..... prayer is not listed a a fruit of the Spirit.

We all know the list by heart. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (OK, I confess, I had to think about the correct order as they appear in Galatians 5:22-23). I like how the Contemporary English Version puts it: God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. There is no law against behaving in any of these ways.

The apostle Paul is reminding us that the indwelling Holy Spirit's role is to produce these nine character qualities in each Christ follower. No matter what our society values today, there is no law against showing authentic love or simply being kind, even to people who do not seem to deserve it. It is not yet against the rules to be good. No one needs to force a believer to be gentle at times when others get angry. Some commentators would say: The fruit of the Spirit's work in our lives is love; love as evidenced in our joy, through our peace (peacemaking?) and patience, in our acts of kindness and goodness, when we are faithful or gentle or self-disciplined.

Recently this thought was downloaded into my mind: If the fruit of the Spirit is evidenced by at least nine character qualities, then what is the fruit of the Spirit's work in us as we grow in prayer? Or, is it possible that this same fruit cluster of the Holy Spirit should also be evidenced in our praying? Should we not expect similar evidence that our praying is Holy Spirit inspired, informed and instructed?

Holy Spirit motivated prayer is loving, joyful, peace-producing, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, self-controlled.

Both in our private prayers and certainly as we seek to coach those we lead in corporate praying, we must learn to listen for these vital markers of the Holy Spirit praying through us.

Holy Spirit prayers are loving -- Even when we are responding to hurt or fear, love must be the motivation of why we are asking God to act.

Holy Spirit inspired prayers are joyful -- Too many Christians only offer reactive prayers, seldom expressing or experiencing the joy of the Lord.

God Spirit's presence brings peace -- No matter what our circumstances, no matter how difficult the situation.

The Spirit of the Lord produces patience -- Are our prayers demands for instant gratification or are we capable of both patience (waiting upon) and perseverance (walking with) Christ?

Holy Spirit people are kind -- And the text and tone of their prayers reflect a kind heart, even toward enemies.

God is good -- As should be what the answer to our simplest prayer would produce . . . and not merely what is good for us.

Christ is faithful -- Every prayer uttered in His name must also be faithful to His name, faithful to the values of His kingdom.

Jesus was gentle -- Gentle prayers are meek (humble) not weak (sentimental); they destroy strongholds by releasing God's grace, mercy, healing, forgiveness, creativity.

Holy Spirit prayers are self-controlled -- Not self-focused but submitting self to the word of Christ and the will of the Father and the work of the Spirit.

It seems to me . . . that prayer may not be listed but if we look closely, it is all over the fruit of the Spirit!

Pastor Phil

NOTE >>> It Seems To Me... originally appeared in Prayer Leader Online @

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When You Pray . . .

When you pray . . . Start with the Spirit, asking him to inspire and inform your prayers.

When you pray . . . Pray for God's will (thy Kingdom come, thy will be done) before instructing God on what needs to be done or how to respond.

When you pray . . . Seek the mind of Christ (what is God's purpose in this circumstance) before seeking the help from Christ you think is best.

When you start to pray . . . Ask before you ask. Ask questions (how should I pray about this?) before asking for preferred outcomes.

Seek first the kingdom of God (when you pray) and all these things (that you would have prayed for) will be added unto you.
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by Stuart Robinson. At the time of writing this article The Rev Dr Stuart Robinson was the Senior Pastor at the Blackburn Baptist Church in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Luke 11:1 Lord teach us to pray


In 1952 Albert Einstein was asked by a Princeton doctoral student what was left in the world for original dissertation research? Einstein replied, 'Find out about prayer'. English preacher Sidlow Baxter, when he was eightyfive years of age, said, 'I have pastored only three churches in my more than sixty years of ministry. We had revival in every one. And not one of them came as a result of my preaching. They came as a result of the membership entering into a covenant to pray until revival came. And it did come, every time' (Willhite 1988:111).

Chaplain of the United States Senate, Richard Halverson, advised that we really don't have any alternatives to prayer. He says, 'You canorganise until you are exhausted. You can plan, program and subsidise all your plans. But if you fail to pray, it is a waste of time. Prayeris not optional. It is mandatory. Not to pray is to disobey God' (Bryant 1984:39). Roy Pointer, after extensive research in Baptist churches in the United Kingdom, arrived at the conclusion that wherever there was
positive growth, there was one recurring factor: they were all praying churches.

In the United States of America, at Larry Lea's Church on the Rock in Rockwall, Texas, numerical growth was from 13 people in 1980 to 11,000 people by 1988. When he was asked about such amazing growth, he said 'I didn't start a church I started a prayer meeting'. When David Shibley, the minister responsible for prayer in that church was asked the secret of the church, he said, 'The evangelistic 11program of our church is the daily prayer meeting. Every morning, Monday through Friday, we meet at 5.00 am to pray. If we see the harvest of conversions fall off for more than a week, we see that as a spiritual red alert and seek the Lord' (Shibley 1985:7).

In Korea, where the church has grown from almost zero to a projected 50% of the entire population in this century alone, Pastor Paul Yonggi Cho attributes his church's conversion rate of 12,000 people per month as primarily due to ceaseless prayer. In Korea it is normal for church members to go to bed early so they can arise at 4.00 am to participate in united prayer. It is normal for them to pray all through Friday nights. It is normal to go out to prayer retreats. Cho says that any church might
see this sort of phenomenal growth if they are prepared to 'pray the price,' to 'pray and obey.'

Cho was once asked by a local pastor why was it that Cho's church membership was 750,000 and his was only 3,000 when he was better educated, preached better sermons and even had a foreign wife? Cho inquired, 'How much do you pray?' The pastor said, 'Thirty minutes a day.' To which Cho replied, 'There is your answer. I pray from three to five hours per day.' In America one survey has shown that pastors on average pray 22 minutes per day. In mainline churches, it is less than that. In Japan they pray 44 minutes a day, Korea 90 minutes a day, and China 120 minutes a day. It's not surprising that the growth rate of churches in those countries is directly proportional to the amount of time pastors are spending in prayer.

Growth a Supernatural Process

The church is a living organism. It is God's creation with Jesus Christ as its head (Colossians 1:18). From Him life flows (John 14:6).We have a responsibility to cooperate with God (1Corinthians 3:6). We know that unless the Lord builds the house we labour in vain (Psalm 127:1). The transfer of a soul from the kingdom of darkness to that of light is a spiritual, supernatural process (Colossians 1:14). It is the Father who draws (John 6:44). It is the Holy Spirit who convicts (John 16:811). He causes confession to be made (1 Corinthians 12:3). He completes conversion (Titus 3:5). It is the Holy Spirit who also strengthens and empowers (Ephesians 3:16). He guides into truth (John 16:16). He gives spiritual gifts which promote unity (1 Corinthians 12:25), building up the church (1 Corinthians 14:12), thus avoiding disunity and strife which stunt growth.

This is fundamental spiritual truth accepted and believed by all Christians. However, the degree to which we are convinced that all real growth is ultimately a supernatural process and are prepared to act upon that belief, will be directly reflected in the priority that we give to corporate and personal prayer in the life of the church. It is only when we begin to see that nothing that matters will occur except in answer to prayer that prayer will become more than an optional program for the faithful few, and instead it will become the driving force of our churches. Obviously God wants our pastors, other leaders and His people to recognise that only He can do extraordinary things. When we accept that simple premise, we may begin to pray.

In the Bible

The battle which Joshua won, as recorded in Exodus 17:813, was not so dependent upon what he and his troops were doing down on the plain. It was directly dependent upon Moses' prayerful intercession from on top of a nearby hill, with the support of Aaron and Hur. In the Old Testament, not counting the Psalms, there are 77 explicit references to prayer. The pace quickens in the New Testament. There are 94 references alone which relate directly to Jesus and prayer. The apostles picked up this theme and practice.

So Paul says, 'Pray continually, for this is God's will for you' (1 Thessalonians 5:16). Peter urges believers to be 'clear minded and self controlled' so that they can pray (1 Peter 4:7). James declares that prayer is 'powerful and effective' (James 5:16). John assures us that 'God hears and answers' (1 John 5:15). In the book of Acts there are 36 references to the church growing. Fiftyeight percent (i.e. 21 of those instances) are within the context of prayer. We would all love to see growth in every church in the world like it was at Pentecost and immediately thereafter. The key to what happened there is found in Acts 1:14 when it says: 'They were all joined together constantly in prayer.'

They were all joined together one mind, one purpose, one accord. That is the prerequisite for effectiveness. Then,they were all joined together constantly in prayer. The word used there means to be 'busily engaged in, to be devoted to, to persist in adhering to a thing, to intently attend to it.' And it is in the form of a present participle. It means that the practice was continued ceaselessly. The same word and part of speech is used in Acts 2:42: 'They devoted prayer.' Over in Colossians 4:2, Paul uses the same word again in the imperative form: 'Devote yourselves to prayer.' Most significant expansion movements of the church through its history took up that imperative.

In history
When we read the biographies of William Carey, Adoniram Judson, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, or whomever, the initiating thrust of the work of their lives began in prayer encounters. About a century ago, John R. Mott led an extraordinary movement which became known as the Student Christian Movement. It was based amongst college and university students. It supplied 20,000 career missionaries in the space of thirty years. John Mott said that the source of this amazing awakening lay in united intercessory prayer. It wasn't just that these missionaries were recruited and sent out in prayer; their work was also sustained through prayer. Hudson Taylor told a story of a missionary couple who were in charge of ten stations. They wrote to their home secretary confessing their absolute lack of progress,and they urged the secretary to find intercessors for each station. After a while, in seven of those stations, opposition melted, spiritual revival broke out and the churches grew strongly. But in three there was no change.When they returned home on their next furlough, the secretary cleared up the mystery. He had succeeded in getting intercessors for only seven of the ten stations. S. D. Gordon (1983:40) concludes, 'The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is to pray.'

Luther, Calvin, Knox, Latimer, Finney, Moody, all the `greats of God' practised prayer and fasting to enhance ministry effectiveness.John Wesley was so impressed by such precedents that he would not even ordain a person to ministry unless he agreed to fast at least until 4.00pm each Wednesday and Friday. Yonggi Cho (1984:103) says, 'Normally I teach new believers to fast for three days. Once they have become accustomed to threeday fasts, they will be able to fast for a period of seven days. Then they will move to ten day fasts. Some have even gone for forty days.' These people seem to have latched onto something which we here in Australia hardly know anything about. We are so busy, so active. We try so hard to get something good up and running. But it doesn't seem to grow much, or permanently change many lives. Why? Is it that the ground in Australia is too hard? Compared with other times and places, this could hardly be so. For example, back in the 18th century things didn't look good.

Eighteenth century

France was working through its bloody revolution, as terroristic as any of our modern era. America had declared its Rights of Man in 1776.Voltaire was preaching that the church was only a system of oppression for the human spirit. Karl Marx would later agree. A new morality had arisen. Amongst both sexes in all ranks of society, Christianity was held in almost universal contempt. Demonic forces seemed to have been unleashed to drive the church out of existence. In many places it was almost down and out. Preachers and people would be pelted with stones and coal in places in England if they dared to testify to Jesus Christ in public.

But even before those satanic forces collaborated to confound and confuse, it appears that the Holy Spirit had prepared His defence, like a plot out of some Peretti novel. In the 1740s, John Erskine of Edinburgh published a pamphlet encouraging people to pray for Scotland and elsewhere. Over in America, the challenge was picked up by Jonathan Edwards, who wrote a treatise called, 'A Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of God's People in Extraordinary Prayer for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ's Kingdom.'

For forty years, John Erskine orchestrated what became a Concert of Prayer through voluminous correspondence around the world. In the face of apparent social, political and moral deterioration, he persisted. And then the Lord of the universe stepped in and took over. On Christmas day 1781, at St. Just Church in Cornwall, at 3.00 am, intercessors met to sing and pray. The heavens opened at last and they knew it. They prayed through until 9.00 am and regathered on Christmas evening. Throughout January and February, the movement continued. By March 1782 they were praying until midnight. No significant preachers were involved just people prayingand the Holy Spirit responding.

Two years later in 1784, when 83year old John Wesley visited that area, he wrote, 'This country is all on fire and the flame is spreading from village to village.' And spread it did. The chapel which George Whitefield had built decades previously in Tottenham Court Road had to be enlarged to seat 5,000 people the largest in the world at that time. Baptist churches in North Hampton, Leicester, and the Midlands, set aside regular nights devoted to the drumbeat of prayer for revival. Methodists and Anglicans joined in.

Matthew Henry wrote, 'When God intends great mercy for His people, He first sets them praying.' Across the country prayer meetings were networking for revival. A passion for evangelism arose. Converts were being won not through the regular services of the churches, but at the prayer meetings! Some were held at 5.00 am, some at midnight. Some preChristians were drawn by dreams and visions. Some came to scoff but were thrown to the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes there was noise and confusion; sometimes stillness and solemnity. But always there was that ceaseless outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Whole denominations doubled, tripled and quadrupled in the next few years. It swept out from England to Wales, Scotland, United States, Canada and to some Third World countries.

Social Impact

The social impact of reformed lives was incredible. William Wilberforce, William Pitt, Edmund Bourke, and Charles Fox, all touched by this movement, worked ceaselessly for the abolition of the slave trade in 1807. William Buxton worked on for the emancipation of all slaves in the British Empire and saw it happen in 1834. John Howard and Elizabeth Fry gave their lives to radically reform the prison system. Florence Nightingale founded modern nursing. Ashley Cooper, the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, came to the rescue of the working poor to end their sixteen hour, seven day a week work grind. He worked to stop exploitation of women and children in coal mines, the suffocation of boys as sweeps in chimneys. He established public parks and gymnasia, gardens, public libraries, night schools and choral societies.

The Christian Socialist Movement, which became the British Trade Union movement, was birthed. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was formed to protect animals. There was amazing growth in churches, and an astounding change in society came about because for forty years a man prayed and worked, seeing the establishment of thousands of similar prayer meetings, all united in calling on God for revival. Missionary societies were established.

William Carey was one who got swept up in that movement. We speak of him as the 'father of modern missions'. The environment of his situation was that he was a member of a ministers' revival prayer group which had been meeting for two years in Northampton in 1784-86. It was in 1786 he shared his vision of God's desire to see the heathen won for the Lord. He went on to establish what later became known as the Baptist Missionary Society. In 1795 the London Missionary Society was formed. In 1796 the Scottish Missionary Society was established, and later still the Church Missionary Society of the Anglicans was commenced.

Nineteenth century

The prayer movement had a tremendous impact, but waned until the middle of the 19th century. Then God started something up in Canada,and the necessity to pray was picked up in New York. A quiet man called Jeremiah Lanphier had been appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church as a missionary to the central business district. Because the church was in decline and the life of the city was somewhat similar, he didn't know what to do. He was a layman. He called a prayer meeting in the city to be held at noon each Wednesday. Its first meeting was on the 23rd September1857.

Eventually, five other men turned up. Two weeks later, they decided to move to a daily schedule of prayer. Within six months, 10,000 men were gathering to pray and that movement spread across America. Surprise, surprise! Within two years there were one million new believers added to the church. The movement swept out to touch England, Scotland, Wales and Ulster. Ireland was as tough a nut to crack as any. But when news reached Ireland of what was happening in America, James McQuilkan gathered three young men to meet for prayer in the Kells schoolhouse on March 14, 1859. They prayed and prayed for revival. Within a couple of months a similar prayer meeting was launched in Belfast. By September 21, 20,000 people assembled to pray for the whole of Ireland. It was later estimated that 100,000 converts resulted directly from these prayer movements in Ireland. It has also been estimated that in the years 185960, some 1,150,000 people were added to the church, wherever concerts of prayer were in operation.

Twentieth century

Many would be aware of the Welsh Revival this century. It commenced in October 1904. It was spontaneous and was characterised by simultaneous,lengthy prayer meetings. In the first two months, 70,000 people came to the Lord. In 1905 in London alone, the Wesleyan Methodists increased from their base membership of 54,785 by an additional 50,021 people. Coming closer in time and nearer to Australia, in the Enga churches in Papua New Guinea there was a desperate spiritual state 20 years ago. To redress the situation, people there committed themselves to pray.

Prayer meetings began amongst pastors, missionaries and Bible College students. It spread out to the villages. In some villages, groups of people agreed to pray together every day until God sent new life to the church. On 15 September 1973, without any prior indication, simultaneously, spontaneously, in village after village as pastors stood to deliver their normal Sunday morning messages, the Holy Spirit descended bringing conviction, confession, repentance and revival. Normal work stopped as people in their thousands hurried to special meetings. Prayer groups met daily, morning and evening. Thousands of Christians were restored and thousands of pagans were converted. Whole villages became Christian, and the church grew not only in size but in maturity. In the Philippines in the 1980s, as a result of some people attending an international prayer conference in Korea, 200 missionaries of the Philippine Missionary Fellowship each organised prayer group meetings daily at 7.00 pm to pray for the growth of the church. They report that within a couple of years this directly resulted in the formation of 310 new churches.

Spectacular growth is occurring in Argentina. Jose Luis Vasquez saw his church explode from 600 to 4,500 with a constituency of 10,000members in five years following a visit from Carlos Annacondia. Hector Gimenez started his church from zero in 1983. His congregation now numbers 70,000. Omar Cabrera started his church in 1972 with 15 members. There is now a combined membership of 90,000 members.

Peter Wagner, who is intensely investigating what lies behind such effective ministry, has arrived at the conclusion that powerful intercessory prayer is the chief weapon. Much of it is happening in a Pentecostal, charismatic environment. But the structure or doctrine is not the essential thing. Walter Hollenweger, a prolific researcher into Pentecostalism said that for them, from the earliest Pentecostals onwards, it was more important to pray than to organise (1972:29). Wherever that principle is invoked, amazing things happen.

In 1982 Christians in East Germany started to form small groups of ten to twelve persons, committed to meet to pray for peace. By October 1989, 50,000 people were involved in Monday night prayer meetings. In 1990,when those praying people moved quietly into the streets, their numbers quickly swelled to 300,000 and 'the wall came tumbling down.' In Cuba in 1990, an Assemblies of God pastor whose congregation never exceeded 100 people meeting once a week suddenly found himself conducting 12 services per day for 7,000 people. They started queuing at 2.00 am and even broke down the doors just to get into the prayer meetings.

Asked to explain these phenomena, Cuban Christians say 'it has come because we have paid the price. We have suffered for the Gospel and we have prayed for many, many years' (O'Connor 1990:79). When a group known as the Overseas Missionary Society saw that after 25 years of work in India all they could report was 2,000 believers in 25 churches, they adopted a new strategy. In their homelands they recruited 1,000 people committed to pray for the work in India for just 15 minutes per day. Within a few years the church exploded to 73,000 members in 550 churches.

Will we 'pray the price'?

Today there is great pressure from many directions in our society to work harder, to become smarter, to produce results, or to be moved aside. The church in many western countries is in danger of absorbing this mentality into its own attitudes and practices, forgetting that in the divine human endeavour, success comes not by might nor by power but by a gracious release of God's Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). Years ago, R. A. Torrey (1974:190) said, 'We live in a day characterised by the multiplication of man's machinery and the diminution of God's power. The great cry of our day is work, work, work! Organise, organise, organise! Give us some new society! Tell us some new methods! Devise some new machinery! But the great need of our day is prayer, more prayer and better prayer.' Friends, in the church in the west we now have the most up to date, state of the art technology available to communicate the Gospel. Yet comparatively little seems to be happening in so many countries.

In terms of the growth and mission of our churches, could it be that whilst the world has learned to communicate with robots on Mars, in sections of the church we have forgotten to communicate with the Lord of the earth? If that is so, then our best course of action is to stand again with the company of the first disciples and, like them, return to the Head of the church Jesus Christ and say 'Lord, teach us to pray' (Luke 11:1).


David Bryant (1984) Concerts of Prayer. Ventura, California: Ventura.
Paul Y Cho (1984) Prayer: Key to Revival. Waco, Texas: Word.

S D Gordon (1983) 'Prayer, the greatest thing,' Australia's New Day, April, 40.
Walter J Hollenwager (1972) The Pentecostals. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Augsburg.
Greg O'Connor (1990) 'Miracles in Cuba,' New Day, May.
David Shibley (1985) Let's Pray in the Harvest. Rockwall, Texas: Church on the Rock.

R A Torrey (1974) The Power of Prayer. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
Bob J Whillhite (1988) Why Pray? Altamonte Springs, Florida: Creation House.

(c) Stuart Robinson. First published by the Australian Baptist Missionary Society, 1992.

Used by permission.

Reproduction is allowed as long as the copyright remains intact with the text.

ource: Rev Dr Stuart Robinson
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2,001 Strong!

Deepening Your Relationship with God Through Prayer

A message to all members of Pray! Network

Our Pray! Network community is now two thousand members strong!

... and that includes a growing number of prayer leaders who serve the Body of Christ on a national (and sometimes international) scope.

I've set the "Members" section on the main page to feature them so that you can check out their blogs, join their groups, or initiate a discussion with any of them.

Check out these recent additions:
. . . and please add your comments. Pray! Network is an ongoing, Spirit-led conversation. Your biblical insights or resource suggestions, even your questions, contribute to the spiritual growth and ministry of each of us in this growing community.

Let's talk!


Phil Miglioratti
Pray! Network Community Manager

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It Seems To Me ...

. . . boring prayer meetings might be more fun than we realize! OK, maybe not fun. How about, valuable?

It must have been the Holy Spirit working on me because the other day I began to feel bad about how often I complain about how boring most church prayer meetings have become. Now, just to be clear, I still think too many small group or weeknight gatherings produce uninspired prayer. Same format 52 weeks in a row without any variance. New illness or crisis but same request; just fill in the blank. Same seating arrangement (circles never become rows of pews nor vice a versa ).

Lots can be done to remodel corporate prayer, but this is not that column.
Seems the Spirit thinks those predictive meetings that drive me crazy might offer me an unexpected opportunity to, well, to actually pray. His message is simple; redeem the time. Brother Harry droning on and on? Sister Chandra off on her tangent again? Three minutes of awkward, nobody-has-anything-else-to-say silence? Only down to item seven of 23 band-aid requests? Rather than squirm and stew
and instead of judging the prayers of others (not a good idea unless your prayers are limited to biblical quotes) -- pray!

Redeem the time of status quo praying by getting your eyes and ears off others and onto yourself. The Spirit's voice made it clear that the only person who agrees with my holier-than-thou, I-pray-better-than-you attitude is me. I'm not responsible for the boring-to-me praying of others; just responsible for myself. Thankfully the Lord has more patience than I do (I know how blessed I am by His perseverance of me in 99 other areas of life!).

So, next time I find myself grousing, I hope to remember one or two of the ideas on my "What to do during a boring prayer meeting" list.

  • "Be still and know that I am God." I need to get my attention off the bothersome habits of others onto the amazing beauties and stunning glories of our great God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe boring is an opportunity to give God the praise I've been too busy to offer throughout the day.
  • Pray for each person as they pray. Ask God to inspire their praying by giving them a deeper hunger and thirst for Spirit-led, worship-fed, corporate-bred praying. It is easy to judge; more difficult to bless.
  • Read scriptures. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to a passage related to the prayer focus or simply a passage that you can pray back to the Father as you silently read it. "Father, we seem stuck again on rehearsing our list but I want to pray from Your Word and declare Your intention for us to _____."
  • Write a prayer. So, if you've already prayed several times or the focus is stuck in a myopic groove, then write a better prayer. The written prayer of a no-longer-judging person is powerful and effective. Read it silently or alound.
  • Prayerwalk. Everyone will think you are going to the rest room so get up and get out. Take a prayerwalk to your child's Sunday school room or to the front door of the church facility and ask God to send the believers out and to bring the lost and lonely in. Or, if all else fails, or simply walk out of the room and take a break to get your mind off the boring prayer meeting for awhile.
  • Cover your pastor. Spend time thanking God for your pastor and other leaders. Intercede for their needs; body, soul (mind-heart-will) and spirit. Include their family. Bless them with an increasing vision for a hunger and thirsty for prayer ministry.
  • Meditate on a name of Jesus. "Holy Spirit, Your role is to reflect Christ to us; remind me of His greatness and glory." Then as He does, give thanks for this amazing-grace Savior and invite Him to be the center of your lifestyle and the first love of the entire congregation.
  • Add "so that" to the end of someone's prayer. Turn a reactive prayer ("Lord, our sister is sick, please heal her") into a proactive prayer (..."Yes Lord, heal our sister so that she can return to her fifth grade Sunday school class and disciple those boys into authentic followers of Christ.").
  • Inject a scripture rather than a prayer. As the Spirit leads you to a scripture verse or passage, read it aloud as your prayer, maybe changing pronouns to personalize the word of God into your petition or praise.
  • Start a song everyone knows. Sing a chorus or hymn with lyrics directed toward God or relevant to the focus of previous prayers.
  • Share a Holy Spirit thought. (Speaking to the group) "As I listen to our prayers and mediate on the scriptures, it seems to me the Lord might want us to go back to our earlier burden about the young people in our community. Let's pray for God to raise up leaders they will respect who can point them to Christ on their campus."
  • Cry out . . . Kneel . . . Lay prostrate on the floor . . . Raise holy hands. Use sound or posture to reveal the depth of your burden or joy.

I realize how easy it is to point a finger but it seems to me boring prayer meetings have potential to be more fun than we realize!

Phil Miglioratti
Church Prayer Leaders Network
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[audio] Voyage Radio interviews Phil Miglioratti
Voyage Radio host David McLaughlin, interviews Phil Miglioratti about the state of prayer in our nation

[other] Phil Miglioratti Speaks at Pastor's conference Nov 2009
Pastor Phil Miglioratti speaks on prayer from John 17 to a pastor's conference


Phil is interviewed on city transformation
Phil Miglioratti is interviewed by Autin TX radioa staition.

[audio] Phone Innerview w/Warren Duffy Aug 13 2009 - Phil Miglioratti
Warren Duffy talks about his time as Beach Boys promoter


Your Church Is Too Small
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[audio] Conference Call Nov 18, 2009
Phil Miglioratti facilitates an inspiring reporting session of Loving Our Communities to Christ cityreachers

[audio] Nov 18 2009 Conference Call
Phil Miglioratti facilitates an inspiring reporting session of Loving Our Communities to Christ cityreachers


Conference Call Nov 30 2009
Phil Miglioratti interviewed Matt Tyson (Malibus) about new CDs California Myth and Christmas Present

[audio] May 14 2010 Conference Call w/Jon McHatton
Beyond Catalytic to Sustainable Culture Change Phil Miglioratti interviewed Jon McHatton (Christian Emergency Network) on Christians, Congregations, and City Movements Impacting Neighbors and Neighborhoods

[audio] Conference Call June 25 2009
Amazing Adventures: Putting Feet to Your Families' Faith Phil Miglioratti talks with Tim and Alison Simpson, authors of Amazing Adventures, Creative Connections, and Daring Deeds, on how t become a praying, caring, sharing the gospel family.

[audio] Conference Call June 25 2010
Amazing Adventures: Putting Feet to Your Families' Faith Phil Miglioratti talks with Tim and Alison Simpson, authors of Amazing Adventures, Creative Connections, and Daring Deeds, on how t become a praying, caring, sharing the gospel family.

[audio] Climate-Changing Prayer
Phil explains how to focus praying toward community transformation.

[audio] Conference Call Nov 18 2009
November 18, 2009 Phil facilitates an inspiring reporting session of Loving Our Communities to Christ cityreachers

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Interview about TransforMissional Coaching: Empowering Leaders in a Changing Ministry World

[audio] Nov 7 2009 Conference Call
Pastor Phil innerviews Dennis Fuqua, author of Living Prayer: Making the Lord's Prayer YOUR Prayer.

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Macro Citywide Events: Three Cities Reveal Successes, Struggles, Sustainability
[audio] Conference Call April 1 2010
Spiritual Leadership in the Global City An interview with Mac Pier on a strategic variety of topics from prayer to research to culture to church multiplication

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Experiential Prayer: Moving from About-Christ to With-Christ: A Conversation with Kim Englemann author of Soul-Shaping Small Groups

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The Power of Story: An Internet Tool that Sparks Witnessing Lifestyles

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Creating an Evangelizing Church Culture Across Your City What can be done to transform status quo congregations into actively evangelizing churches? Cities and communities serious about seeing the culture change must first seek a culture change within the Church; congregation-by-congregation. Dallas Anderson and Bill Berry talk about a non-programmed approach that includes: •Culture Change •Assessment •Coaching •Collaboration

[audio] Conference Call July 5 2010
Barry McGuire: Eve of Destruction 2012 A wide-ranging interview exploring this 60's legend's journey through "'Hair' on Broadway, drugs and rock *& roll" - From apocalypse to transcendence (and the paperback book in Mamas and Papas' Denny Doherty's house that turned him on to a new spirituality) - LSD. Sammy Davis Jr and Fran Sinatra - Is Eve of Destruction more prayer than protest? and why the year 2012? - Is McGuire a Performer? Politically incorrect? Prophetic? A Preacher ... You decide!
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Appoint A New Prayer Leader

Body Building Column ~ Appoint A New Prayer Leader

By Phil Miglioratti

Whenever I teach or consult with church leaders who want to reinvigorate their corporate prayer life, I expect to be met with puzzled looks. That’s because I immediately suggest that they appoint a new prayer leader.

Am I proposing wholesale change in every prayer ministry? Do I expect even small congregations to find a more highly skilled leader? Do I dare make such a suggestion when I haven’t even met the current prayer leader?

Yes, yes, and yes. And I even know the name of the perfect person for the job: the Holy Spirit!

Most believers agree to the need for Spirit-led prayer. We believe the “Spirit himself intercedes for us” (Ro. 8:26) and desire to build ourselves up in our most holy faith as we pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20). The reason our corporate praying isn’t what it could be isn’t doctrinal but psychological and sociological.

It is psychological because our culture values assertive leaders. We eagerly follow people who take charge in the decision-making process because dependency and humble uncertainty are not viewed as positive leadership traits.

We also have a sociological blind spot because our culture readily delegates authority to people who give the impression that they know exactly what to do and precisely when to do it. Generally, if someone can make a group feel confident, that person becomes its leader.

Based on these mindsets, many churches typically select leaders for prayer ministries based on a person’s popularity, faithfulness, recognized ability to pray, and spiritual maturity. While these qualities may be good to have, they don’t necessarily indicate a person has the ability to hear the Holy Spirit, which is the main requirement to shepherd, facilitate, and lead a group in prayer.

So how do we begin the process of appointing our new prayer leader?


The first step is the most difficult. Whoever currently leads prayer meetings, pastors or lay leaders, should intentionally surrender to the Spirit their authority to make decisions and set goals. These people don’t have to step down altogether, but they do need to realize that they are merely assistants. From now on, the Holy Spirit is in charge. When planning ministry activities or facilitating corporate prayer, prayer leaders will start to lead according to Acts 15:28: “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.”

In reality, this demotion is actually a promotion, since the values of God’s kingdom are upside down, from a human perspective. We no longer just invite the Spirit into our prayer ministry or meeting to assist us; we now accept His invitation into the heavenly prayer meeting of Jesus interceding to the Father (Eph. 2:6; Heb. 7:25).


The pray-ers (and the entire congregation) need to know of their leaders’ change of status and their commitment to seek the Spirit before, during, and after times of prayer. You can communicate this new direction in a variety of ways.

For example, in a sermon the pastor can say something to the effect, “As we move forward in our mission, the leadership is committed to hearing the voice of God before we make any decisions or set goals.”

You could write on a prayer list, “Ask God’s Spirit to tell you how to pray for each name and need.” Or if you are teaching a class, take a moment to explain, “When you pray, begin by declaring your dependence upon the Holy Spirit for the wisdom and the words of how to proceed.”


Transitioning to Spirit-led praying is a process that may take some time. Here are a few simple steps you can take in leading groups into a more Spirit-led way of praying:

• Begin prayer times by inviting the Spirit of God to fill, inspire, and reveal God’s will from His Word.

• Explain why you are directing in a specific way or are making a change, such as moving from praise to petition. Express your sense of the Spirit’s leading, perhaps by saying, “Let’s go back to praying for our youth. We’ve moved too soon to other topics.”

• After a prayer session, ask for feedback on what people experienced as the group prayed together. A debrief segment allows the Holy Spirit to emphasize what He revealed or released during prayer and to affirm next steps and goals.

By becoming the Holy Spirit’s assistant, the human prayer leader’s focus shifts from the printed prayer list to the issues written on God’s heart. The group is able to pray with the mind of Christ because it is filled and led by the Spirit in an exciting adventure everyone can look forward to week after week.

Ask the Holy Spirit to be your new prayer leader, and start the journey!

PHIL MIGLIORATTI lives in outside Chicago with his wife, Carol. Most people would be surprised to learn Phil is a big fan of The Beach Boys.

[ This Body Building column appeared in the January/February, 2009 issue of Pray!. Copyright © 2009, The Navigators. All rights reserved. To subscribe, visit ]"">
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The Lighthouse Report


StephanieNewton06-29 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN *

It’s hard to describe depression, isn’t it. Maybe you can relate. RandySchoofToday on the Lighthouse Report, Stephanie Newton (left) conveys her experience.

06-30 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN *

Plan community-wide events. It’s a great way to build relationships! Pastor Randy Schoof (right) gives a unique example on today’s Lighthouse Report.


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Biker Blessing Prayer Produces Life

Here’s some of what the body of Christ is doing through Love Fox Valley (Illinois):

April 25, 2010 was the 10th annual Motorcycle Sunday, held at Phillips Park in Aurora IL. This is an event made possible by volunteers from dozens of local churches.

Even with a less than perfect forecast, over three hundred bikers were in attendance, about 500 guests total. The day is designed as a mainstream motorcycle rally, with a festival stage, rock and blues bands, motorcycle shops and merchandise and food vendors.

The centerpiece of the day is the bike blessing, where guests are invited to go to their bike, where they are joined by friends of Motorcycle Sunday. Pastor Randy Schoof leads a prayer from the stage, thanking God for His blessings, asking for His protection, and inviting His presence to be knowing in each person’s life. It’s amazing to see bikers be visibly moved, as they are led in an expression of faith in Jesus – many of them for the first time in their lives.

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Pray! Network News & Views #2

Pray! Network
News & Views #2

Hello Pray! Network!
We are 1800+ strong and growing each day ... but equally as important, you are adding new groups, developing ongoing discussions (forum and blogs), inserting new events to the calendar, uploading video clips others can use in their corporate prayer sessions, and more.

SO -- If you are:
  • an intercessor, will you pray for Pray! Network to grow with more new members and that we will serve one another in love?
  • new to Pray Network -- WELCOME! -- Click here to see News & Views #1
  • a prayer leader, will you start a new group for your prayer team (see special offer below)
  • a reader, will you review a book that has influenced you on prayer?
  • one of the faceless profiles, how about uploading a photo?
Anticipating great blessings as we build this community together,

Phil Miglioratti

P.S. Questions? Check "More Stuff" on the menu, then look at "Get Answers"

Your Pray! Network Team - Cynthia Bezek

Cynthia Bezek, is the editorial rudder for Pray! Network.

Check out her recent posts or search her archives since May 2009 ...and more!
What happened to Pray! Magazine? Prayer Cards - Groups - Retreat - Kids - Corporate

Your Pray! Network

Pray! Network looks like one of those "social Networks" and it is ... but it is also a ministry network. A social network is primarily a place for people to make new "friends," share their interests and talk about the events of their daily life. A ministry network incorporates those features but goes beyond by encouraging fellowship in the Spirit as we share biblical insights and exhortation. As we offer one another the benefit of our experiences, both our success and our struggles, we build up each other into Christ. When we ask questions or request help with a leadership decision or personal dilemma, we mentor one another in our capacity to serve others.

Therefore, whenever you are prompted to post a video clip, comment on a blog post or start a group or discussion, you are enabling the network to function as a community of prayer-driven Christ followers. All of us are here to deepen our own relationship with Christ but each day many return to the network searching for tools to equip them in their role with children or their responsibilities with a class or committee - could it be the thought you shared on a blog or a comment you added to a discussion that will provide that idea or insight?

With your contributions, Pray! Network will grow into an interactive community of friends, for sure, but colleagues as well. Like John Mark was to Paul, may we it be said of us "he is helpful to me in my ministry." (2 Timothy 4:11)

Featured Blogger: Elaine Helms, Denominational Prayer Leader

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  1. Click
  2. Read
  3. Comment - share your insight or ask a question
  4. Share - with other prayer-driven Christians and invite them to Pray! Network


It seems to me ... our fears for the National Day of Prayer may cause us to appeal to the wrong court!

Read the complete commentary by Phil Miglioratti as originally posted by the Church Prayer Leaders Network

Special Offer!

John Armstrong, author of Your Church is Too Small: Why Unity in Christ's Mission Is Vital to the Future of the Church --"Because I believe God is building city transformation movements all across America I believe it is important for leaders to develop a Web presence that will help to build the social and spiritual networks in every possible context. To this end I have encouraged my friend Phil to offer you a copy of my new book to help facilitate this design for Web growth."

Why this book?
Good question - Though it is not directly a book on prayer, it is about the issues we face when prayer leaders or movements seek to work together. John discusses, from a biblical perspective, the opportunities and the obstacles of bringing the Body of Christ together.

The offer?
Up to 25 Pray! Network members who launch a group for their prayer team, a citywide prayer network, or for their prayer ministry organization will receive a complimentary copy of John's new book.
1. Take a quick trip to Start a New Group
2. Complete the Group Information page
3. Invite your team, congregation, network or ministry data base to join you in the new group
4. Explain they must first establish a Pray! Network profile
6. Then, email the link of your new Pray! Network group and your street address to

Praying and talking together,
Phil and the Team

Visit Pray! Network at:

To control which emails you receive on Pray! Network, click here

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It seems to me ... our fears for the National Day of Prayer may cause us to appeal to the wrong court!

Along with most of you, I am a huge supporter of the National Day of Prayer. I am privileged to serve on America's National Prayer committee, the members of which are collectively stewards of this vital spiritual enterprise. As director of the National Pastors' Prayer Network, I have annually promoted the event and encouraged pastors' prayer groups across the country to meet on that day and pray fervently for the future of our nation. I have enjoyed the Chicago NDP prayer breakfast in my home city and attended several national rallies on the first Thursday of May in our nation's capitol.

The NDP has been catalytic toward greater expressions of the unity of the Body of Christ in cities and communities in every state of the union. Though not yet more popular than Valentine's Day, the National Day of Prayer has accomplished much in calling America to recognize oits Creator. Similar to the nation of Israel's feasts and solemn assemblies, an annual day of prayer reminds us how desperately we need repentance and must humbly petition our eternal Judge to heal our land and restore justice. Long live a national day of prayer.

Suddenly, more than in years past, opposition is rising. Voices have always spoken critically, especially since Congress officially recognized a day for prayer. But this year, for the first time in memory, our judicial system has joined the antagonists. Many, even some Christian leaders, fear the end of a national day of prayer. And I, for one, certainly hope that does not take place.

But what if it does?

Christians have responded quickly to this threat. Some appeal to constitutional rights or legal precedence. Others seem incredulous that our society wants to vote prayer out, so to speak. A few sound genuinely fearful, as if the Church of Jesus Christ will tumble without government permission and protection. Of course we have the right, even the responsibility, to champion for our rights like every other citizen . . . but I wonder if our bottom-line concern is motivated more by the potential loss of the comfort and ease we've experienced as Christians living in America. As the NDP faces new threats, is our defense based upon American tradition or political connections in high places? Will we appeal more in courts of law or in the court of heaven (Ephesians 2:6)? If what we know as the National Day of Prayer disappears, what, really, has changed? Yes, our comfort (no small issue) and maybe one day our safety but hopefully not our commission and calling and commitment.

What if the growing anti-NDP movement in our country is in reality an answer to decades of praying for revival? Maybe the Lord knows that our desire for an awakening is sincere but that our capacity to refocus our lives and reformat our congregations is in need of a serious challenge. Not a political or legal challenge but one that causes us to individually and corporately become radical Christians. And maybe the Lord knows that can only be accomplished by those things that cause us discomfort; a jolt that shatters our Christianized status quo.

Believe me, I am not inviting discomfort or cultural disapproval nor am I courageous enough to welcome a purifying persecution. The threat to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion are life and death issues (at least they were at one time in our nation's early history). Like you, I have read chilling reports of persecution in other nations and watched news clips of the hardships and even killings endured by fellow believers in other lands. No thank you. I am enormously grateful to live in the land of the free.

But this is also the home of the brave. And if Congress or the courts one day delete a National Day of Prayer from the calendar, our calling to pray has not been altered one iota. Our permission to gather is rooted, not in a legislative decree but, like millions of brother and sisters in Christ throughout history and across the globe, is in our Lord's commands. Maybe the real test is not legislative nor judicial (and certainly not political); the real test may be spiritual. How committed are we, and to what extreme will we risk our comfort or safety, to make certain Christ-followers in every town and village, community and city gather to pray for our nation? Is it possible that the court of heaven would actually hear from more desperate American Christians if NDP was rescinded? Could the God of heaven be asking us to move from one day of national prayer to 365?

It seems to me, our fears for the National Day of Prayer may cause us to fight the wrong fight and appeal to the wrong court; God forbid!

Pastor Phil Miglioratti
Originally posted by the Church Prayer Leaders Network
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Pastors Praying Together

Pastors are beginning to pray together more than in the past 150 years! Look (and pray) over the 850+ listed in the National Pastors' Prayer Network directory - This move of the Spirit has the potential of impacting our cities and communities for Christ in new and unprecedented ways!
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I recently interviewed Jon McHatton of the Christian Emergency Network, which is based on the prayer-care-share lifestyle.

As Jon explains how the CEN works, he highlights many prayer points for intercessors who have a burden to pray for victims of disasters such as the recent Nashville flooding, Oklahoma hurricanes, and devastating earthquakes.

Phil Miglioratti interviewed John McHatton (Christian Emergency Network) on Christians, Congregations, and City Movements Impacting Neighbors and Neighborhoods

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Pray! Network News & Views #1

Deepening Your Relationship with God Through Prayer

A message to all members of Pray! Network

 Pray! Network
News & Views #1

Welcome to our first all-network broadcast!
• Your Team - introducing the Pray! Network team
• Your Network - ideas of how to best contribute to and benefit from
• Featured Blogger - inspiration and instruction to deepen your understandingand skills of praying

Your Team

Cynthia Bezek, former editor of Pray! Magazine is the driving force (alongside of the Holy Spirit!) for the new Pray! Network. Her editorial guidance will help shape us into an all-things-prayer our community.
Julie Langmade connects us to the NavPress ministry of deep and wide resources.
Steve Dueck, a designer for Ning Networks (the creative interactive platform that Pray! is built upon), serves as our coach who will help us transform social networking into ministry networking.
Phil Miglioratti, former pastor who now serves as a full-time prayer leader, is our moderator, facilitating enriching discussions & blog posts, photos andvideo, groups & events.
• ... contact us if we can help or to share an idea!

Your Network

Pray! Network is a new, interactive community of Christians who have a passion to deepen their relationship with God through prayer. Pray! Network allows that deepening to be enhanced through the experience of the corporate community of men and women, young and older, red-yellow-black- brown or white, who share that same heart-objective. Taking the format of a magazine a quantum leap forward, it provides a peer-to-peer learning experience through thought-provoking conversations, ideas generated from photos and video clips, and opportunities to pick the brains of others with service roles or personal struggles similar to your own.

Each bulletin will focus on one aspect of how our community operates - a request or a reminder for your participation. Websites are typically static destination points for information or resourcing, not unlike a store you'd walk into to purchase an item of clothing or a bag of groceries.. Pray! Network, like an interactive community, is more like a Starbuck's, a place you can find an item but also hang around to enjoy it with friends or acquaintances.

So, to make our experience with one another as personal as possible, may we request that you review/revisit your profile?
• Go to our site @
• Click on the top menu bar @ My Page
• Scroll down the left sidebar and review your page:
o Please upload a photo of yourself - Contact and communication is so much richer when we can "see" each other
o Update the "What brings you here" dialog box (directly under your name and to the right of your photo) -- This can be your daily or weekly state-of-my-prayer-life observation ... Inspire us! Invite us to agree with you n prayer! Inform us of a blessing for which we too may be thankful ...
o Are you a Tweeter or Facebooker? Only takes a moment to connectthem to Pray! Network --- Just click the Share button.
o Now, please review your activity. It may be time to revisit a discussion, ask your group a question, check out a few blogs or share a video clip you used to spark corporate prayer. Every member has something vital for other members' personal growth or ministry role. Participate. Contribute!

Featured Blogger

Each bulletin will feature a posting from a noted author or national leader as a way of:
• keeping us on task: deepening our relationship with God through prayer
• challenging us with new ideas (or with the need to reexamine old ones)
• building our prayer foundation upon the Word of God, not merely our own experience or preferential style or ministry culture.

Your assignment? Prayerfully read the post, then make a Spirit-inspired comment that edifies those who read. Help us take our thoughts and discussions upward in praise and forward into growth. Maybe the Lord has something to say to someone through your amplification or application of a blog post (or forum discussion).

Our lead-off Featured Blogger, fresh from leading the National Prayer Committee through the National Day of Prayer, is Dave Butts - >Check out his blog< and join the conversation ... strengthen our ministry community!

Participate. Contribute!

Phil and the Team

Visit Pray! Network at:

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Observing National Day of Prayer

From Prayer Force One @

Five Suggested Levels of Involvement & Participation

1. Private Observance. While Jesus never discouraged public prayer, he did exalt the practice of sincere private prayer. Our public prayers and public prayer forums will be hollow shells if we as individuals do not practice solemn prayer in our personal lives. Therefore, whatever else one does to observe The National Day of Prayer, be sure that it begins with sincere and fervent prayer in your own prayer closet. We encourage you to make this day particularly special in your personal prayer life. Remember, repentance must begin in the hearts of individuals.

2. Family Observance. What could be more appropriate on this day than for parents to gather their children and grandchildren around for a solemn observance of The National Day of Prayer? Why not make plans right now for a special family observance of The National Day of Prayer? Call your married children. Invite your parents, cousins and other relatives. This could very well become a very special, once a year day for your family. Such an observance will certainly leave the imprint of fond memories of solemn faith in the hearts of your children, and could impact their lives for years untold.

3. Church Observance. More churches are beginning to implement church-wide observances of The National Day of Prayer all the time. Some invite members to come to the church altar at any time during the day. Still others have special services. Pastors and church leaders are encouraged to make special plans to assist their members in taking part in The National Day of Prayer. Bulletin inserts are particularly helpful in letting congregants know what the church is doing, and also of special community events in which the church is participating. We believe that pastors are still the key. If our American pastors are asleep and uninspiring in promoting national prayer, our nation has little hope of Heaven's help.

4. Community Observance. This is the area in which The National Day Of Prayer really shines. The idea of thousands of communities meeting for the express purpose of acknowledging God in prayer is so very encouraging. We encourage participation in events in your community. To find out about events in your area, keep an eye on your local newspaper. The National Day of Prayer Task Force also does a tremendous job of providing a forum for posting local events on their web site at: . If you would like to become more involved in your community event or to start one in your community, you will find helpful material available on this site.

5. State & National Observance. For those who would like to be more involved in The National Day of Prayer, there are events and activities at both the state and national levels, with information on the NDP Task Force web site.

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Podcasts on Prayer

I've completed several podcasts that may be of interest -- or you might find a sound bite or two to use as prayer prompts on various topics (some that we seldom get to in our typical prayer meetings).

Here is one on the state of prayer in our nation:

[audio] Phil talks about the state of prayer in our nation

Click here

Click the PLAY Button to use this player

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National Day of Prayer

Lots of consternation around National Day of Prayer. Franklin Graham disinvited. Judge rules NDP unconstitutional. Local permit request refused ...

Let's not forget, we are admonished to "pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests" (Ephesians 2:6) whether the government likes it, permits it, promotes it on their Congressional calendar or not.
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Love (and pray) for Enemies?

...everything changes when Christians get power. When Jesus said "Love your enemies," he was talking to people who didn't have a whole lot of choice in the matter. Sure, they could rebel (and they did), but it was always short-lived and futile in the wake of Roman retribution. American Christians today stand in a very different situation than did Jesus or Paul.

Power changes love, somehow seducing it by reminding us what we have to lose. And when love has something to lose, it wavers. The love of Jesus is unhindered, unwavering, exuberant. I don't know if brown is the new black or if Muslims are the new Nazis But I do know that there is no "new love" to offer our enemies in this world. The old one, demonstrated so well by Jesus, works just fine, and remains the only answer, albeit a disturbing one, to this perplexing question.

Are Muslims the New Nazis?
Dave Datema, General Director, Frontier Mission Fellowship
Mission Frontiers March-April 2010
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When Religion and Politics Mix Well

It seems to me this is a good example of faith serving government (and society) ...

At the prayer request from the MO Legislators, both Democrats and Republicans, the meeting last Monday at the MO State Capitol rotunda with Anne Graham Lotz was developed. It was a wonderful evidence of God’s workings and power!

Mrs. Lotz has made an excellent commitment to MO by offering daily devotions of prayer specifically for our MO crisis. Anyone who will go to her website: / click on the state of Missouri (with a cross on it) and sign up for the daily prayers for MO will receive these brief thoughts. These will automatically stop at the end of the 40 days, which coincides with the time the budget has to be passed (around May 7). When you visit her website after clicking on the MO map, you can listen to the great message she gave on Monday. You can also listen to a brief radio interview with her at

*Would you urge your prayer website/network/prayer list to go to Anne’s website and be a part of a great swell of prayer for MO at a time of great crisis, whether living in MO or elsewhere? MO has to have a balanced budget and to do that this year means cutting thousands of dollars which will hurt many in our state.

We are in step with our Founding Fathers who realized that prayer was the backbone that provided The Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution written for our country.

Four of the seven sayings etched in stone in the MO State Capitol Rotunda are from Scripture, an evidence of our own Missouri’s Christian Heritage!

Harold & Joan Hendrick

Hendrick Ministries

Phone: 314 355-1052

Cell: 314 974-7212

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