Hello Ministry and Prayer Leaders,


NDP Task Force Chairman, Mrs. Dobson is requesting the attached
letter be sent to your church and prayer leader relationships to
encourage participation for May 6, 2010 and on-going prayer
mobilization. You are invited to include an opening statement to your
audience and in addition to use our attached logo and picture of Mrs.
Dobson in your communications.

May the Lord give mighty increase in prayer and revelation for
2010 as we seek to advance His Kingdom in this nation.

To God be all the Glory,

Lisa Crump, Director of Prayer Mobilization
National Day of Prayer Task Force
719-268-4803 office


Nahum 1:7 "The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares
for those who trust in him..."

<Opening Paragraph from Church Leadership)

I believe it is imperative that God’s people come together to pray for our nation. The critical challenges facing America and the culture at large call for
faithful, persevering intercession – not only on the National Day
of Prayer, but throughout the year. Scripture provides abundant
evidence that the Lord is attentive to our cries and that He moves
in response to the fervent and contrite prayers of His children.
As Martin Luther once said, “Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance,
but laying hold of His willingness.”

What comfort and encouragement are available in the assurance that our sovereign God is attuned to our pleas, that He waits to intervene on our behalf, and that He is
“mighty to save” (Zephaniah 3:17). Bearing those wonderful
truths in mind, may we continue to seek the Lord’s blessing and
upon our beloved land during these crucial days that will impact the
direction of our country for generations to come.

The 2010 observance of the National Day of Prayer will take place on Thursday, May 6, and
the theme we’ve chosen is Prayer! For Such a Time As This.

This emphasis was inspired by Nahum 1:7, which states, “The Lord is
good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust
in Him.” At this perilous and uncertain juncture in our country’s
history, it is critical that we remain in prayer. The American
people continue to be plagued with challenges that defy simple answers,
and our hope lies in humbly seeking the Almighty’s guidance, protection,

and blessing.

In II Chronicles 7:14, the Lord tells His people that He will respond to their contrite
and heartfelt cries of intercession. Please join our Task Force
in endeavoring to spark a revival of prayer throughout our country.
There is no better time than this! It is the hope for America.

Every blessing,

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Mrs. James C. Dobson (Shirley)

Chairman, NDP Task Force

To find or host an event in
your area or learn more, visit

Posted by Phil Miglioratti
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