Pray! Network News & Views #1

Deepening Your Relationship with God Through Prayer

A message to all members of Pray! Network

 Pray! Network
News & Views #1

Welcome to our first all-network broadcast!
• Your Team - introducing the Pray! Network team
• Your Network - ideas of how to best contribute to and benefit from
• Featured Blogger - inspiration and instruction to deepen your understandingand skills of praying

Your Team

Cynthia Bezek, former editor of Pray! Magazine is the driving force (alongside of the Holy Spirit!) for the new Pray! Network. Her editorial guidance will help shape us into an all-things-prayer our community.
Julie Langmade connects us to the NavPress ministry of deep and wide resources.
Steve Dueck, a designer for Ning Networks (the creative interactive platform that Pray! is built upon), serves as our coach who will help us transform social networking into ministry networking.
Phil Miglioratti, former pastor who now serves as a full-time prayer leader, is our moderator, facilitating enriching discussions & blog posts, photos andvideo, groups & events.
• ... contact us if we can help or to share an idea!

Your Network

Pray! Network is a new, interactive community of Christians who have a passion to deepen their relationship with God through prayer. Pray! Network allows that deepening to be enhanced through the experience of the corporate community of men and women, young and older, red-yellow-black- brown or white, who share that same heart-objective. Taking the format of a magazine a quantum leap forward, it provides a peer-to-peer learning experience through thought-provoking conversations, ideas generated from photos and video clips, and opportunities to pick the brains of others with service roles or personal struggles similar to your own.

Each bulletin will focus on one aspect of how our community operates - a request or a reminder for your participation. Websites are typically static destination points for information or resourcing, not unlike a store you'd walk into to purchase an item of clothing or a bag of groceries.. Pray! Network, like an interactive community, is more like a Starbuck's, a place you can find an item but also hang around to enjoy it with friends or acquaintances.

So, to make our experience with one another as personal as possible, may we request that you review/revisit your profile?
• Go to our site @
• Click on the top menu bar @ My Page
• Scroll down the left sidebar and review your page:
o Please upload a photo of yourself - Contact and communication is so much richer when we can "see" each other
o Update the "What brings you here" dialog box (directly under your name and to the right of your photo) -- This can be your daily or weekly state-of-my-prayer-life observation ... Inspire us! Invite us to agree with you n prayer! Inform us of a blessing for which we too may be thankful ...
o Are you a Tweeter or Facebooker? Only takes a moment to connectthem to Pray! Network --- Just click the Share button.
o Now, please review your activity. It may be time to revisit a discussion, ask your group a question, check out a few blogs or share a video clip you used to spark corporate prayer. Every member has something vital for other members' personal growth or ministry role. Participate. Contribute!

Featured Blogger

Each bulletin will feature a posting from a noted author or national leader as a way of:
• keeping us on task: deepening our relationship with God through prayer
• challenging us with new ideas (or with the need to reexamine old ones)
• building our prayer foundation upon the Word of God, not merely our own experience or preferential style or ministry culture.

Your assignment? Prayerfully read the post, then make a Spirit-inspired comment that edifies those who read. Help us take our thoughts and discussions upward in praise and forward into growth. Maybe the Lord has something to say to someone through your amplification or application of a blog post (or forum discussion).

Our lead-off Featured Blogger, fresh from leading the National Prayer Committee through the National Day of Prayer, is Dave Butts - >Check out his blog< and join the conversation ... strengthen our ministry community!

Participate. Contribute!

Phil and the Team

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