October 25
October 25
Dear Praying Friends,
I am more convinced than ever that it is time to revive prayer in our homes and communities. To this end, I created a FREE mini-course on Building Houses of Prayer, which outlines Bible verses pertaining to God's heart for prayer and ways He ordained "sacred spaces" for…
Online Retreat - August 3,2024, 4 pm Kenya Time
Verse of the Day: 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
For though we walk in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but might in God for pulling down strongholds.”
Praying Hands Albrecht Durer
Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the Father, in truth and love. I rejoiced that I found thy children walking in truth, …
The Praying Together Class which was on has been updated/revised and is now posted on
It is an excellent training, encouraing people to pray together.
Now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ
so that when he returns, you will be full of courage
and not shrink back from him in shame.
1 John 2:28 NLT
Be captivated in your heart.
Lovingly obey Me, and I will get…
Children and Prayer Class update
The Children and Prayer class blog presented by Wheatland Ministries has been updated. This was necessary because some of the links no longer worked, and other technical “updates” to the blog were made in the past by Google.
The Blog should work well now. If you have visited it in the past, please…
Add diligence to divine promises, employ effort exercising faith
to develop virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy),
and in exercising virtue develop knowledge (intelligence),
and in exercising your knowledge develop self-control,
exercising self-control develop endurance (patience),
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Dear brothers and sisters in the Christ,
Greetings in Jesus precious name. I hope you are fine. Here we are doing good.
I thank God for connecting us together. God is surely good.
I am a Pastor from Kenya and my passion has always been and remains evangelism, discipleship and orphans care. Out of my evangelistic missions many have come to Christ and 12 churches planted in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo. God has also put 120 total orphans under my care. I always praise Him for giving me this task. Right now I am deep in the remote villages in Mount Elgon area on the border of Kenya and Uganda. This area has been ravaged by many years of wars and the inhabitants are hopeless. On the eve of this year when I was having my quiet time with the Lord he told me, ''Do not get tired but go and get spiritual prisoners wherever they are''. After a few days of thinking and praying I saw it necessary to begin with this place this year before going to Uganda. Now I have gone deep into the mine shaft to mine for precious souls for the Lord. This area has many witch doctors than one could imagine. But the Lord is giving us to possess for him. It is five days into the mission and already 485 souls have been won. I did not think I would plant a church here but it is apparent I will have to train some local leaders and leave them in charge of a new church after the mission is over. Now my friend and fellow soldier in ministry, from what I am seeing here the new converts really need Swahili bibles so much so that they read and stand against destructive heresies that are prevalent here. In every home people get saved they ask for some bibles to read and strengthen them. I therefore humbly ask you to help me get a few for them. They will even be reading them in groups. Also please pray for orphans back home. They had very little food left for them which will last for only a few days. Pray that God will miraculously provide for them. Lastly please pray for the souls to be won to Christ and for protection.
In case God convinces you to hep please send your donation to this Paypal account:
Then pictures and receipts will be sent to you.
Dear Sir Mike Linder, please visit us here in the Philippines to hold a Discipleship Training.