

November 1

Is it OK to Love Myself?

Is it OK to love myself?


I’m the rope in a tug of war on this issue. Here’s why:


My adulthood and new faith experience both developed at the same time as the find your inner self, please yourself, if it feels good do it, movements.  Christian culture reacted in many different ways- mostly with a mighty shove against self-aggrandizement.


1. To increase the scope of; extend.

2. To make greater in power, influence, stature, or…

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Giving more than money

Hanukkah is ending and Christmas is approaching. Jesus my Messiah was Jewish, so all things from His background are heart-teaching messages for me. David's questions personalized are what brings the Christmas spirit into every-day living. What, after all, can I give to others that has the most lasting value, and will bring the most meaning to their lives.

This Little Light of Mine

As a grandmother, you’d expect it…

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