The Green Bean Movement for a Better World
So often, many of us may "feel a frustration" that, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are "hindered" from doing BIG things for God. I propose that we CAN do BIG things for God in little ways. We, for example, are "just a family with many of the same struggles as many others." "Dad" works very hard to pay for the children's education, "Mom" struggles with chronic sickness, and "kids" work very hard in their classes. What can we do for God? Without getting "Dad" further into debt, "Mom" further into chronic sickness, and "kids" further into "work overload," we are doing what we can to do BIG things for God in little ways. One of those little ways is just simply praying while eating. We ALL need nutrition, regardless of our family and individual circumstances, so we encourage you to join us on our journey to do BIG things for God in little ways!
Through something as simple as praying while eating green beans, a vegetable that may be well-liked in your home, but unfortunately, is not-so-well-liked in our home, we are expecting God to make a better world, and ultimately, glorify Himself through drawing all people to Himself. Green beans are the "underdeveloped fruit" of the plant on which they grow, so, by making our faith tangible, we are choosing to eat green beans, the vegetable that is so not pleasing to our taste buds, and praying for God to "develop" them into the "good fruit" that He has given each of us a passion for.
In our home, as we dish out and eat our green beans, one of us, who has a passionate desire to end modern-day slavery, is praying that God would end modern-day slavery and supernaturally provide the funding for the wonderful, Godly organizations that seek to further the abolition of that horrific injustice. Another, whose desire is to end abortion, is showing faith by eating green beans and praying that God would end abortion and supernaturally provide the funding for the wonderful, Godly organizations that seek to further the abolition of that horrific slaughter. Another very obedient, "I'm only choosing to eat green beans for this prayer movement," green bean eater, who loves watching wholesome, Christian entertainment, is praying that God would "develop" much "good fruit" through Christian television and movies and supernaturally provide the necessary funding to the wonderful, Godly filmmakers in order to make that happen. Additionally, the largest consumer of green beans in our home (that would be the vegetable-conscious, prayer warrior in our home), is praying for God to bring "good fruit" and supernatural funding to ALL of those necessary prayer causes, and also adds a prayer for God to make a better world by sending an awakening and a revival!
" life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist." (Romans 4:17 NASB) Therefore, whatever is dead or not yet existent, God is able to bring to life. Is God able to do that without us eating green beans? Of course! However, through the simple act of eating green beans, "the underdeveloped fruit," we are showing God that we desperately need HIS help to make a better world, and, in simple faith, as we move our eating utensils to our mouths, we are simply asking HIM to move by "developing the good fruit" that we want Him to bring into existence for a better world, and ultimately, for His glory.
Some green bean plants cling to what they wrap themselves around as they grow. We, "The Green Bean World Changers," are clinging to the promise in Zechariah 8:12, where God tells us, “The seed will grow well, the vine will yield its fruit, the ground will produce its crops, and the heavens will drop their dew. I will give all these things as an inheritance to the remnant of this people." (NIV) Oh, how we are clinging to that verse!
We desperately need God to "develop all of this good fruit," but we also need you to join us in The Green Bean Movement for a Better World. As you choose to eat your green beans, ask God what "good fruit" He wants you to pray about for a better world. It may or may not be what we are praying. Whatever He lays on your heart, pray about that! God may have already given you a passion for a particular cause, so go ahead and pray for that! Be a "Green Bean World Changer," and ask God to make a better world through "developing the good fruit" that He has given you a passion for! In addition to you joining us, we also need you to pray for us, as we also pray 2 Thessalonians 1:11 for you - that our God may make us worthy of His calling, and that by His power He may bring to fruition our every desire for goodness and our every deed prompted by faith. (paraphrase from NIV)