Prayer Walking in Tuscon Arizona

A question has been raised by a friend of mine, who is also a member of Pray!Network.  Are there any who are active in prayer walking and praying for Tuscon, Az?

If you know of some involved in prayer for Tuscon, please let us know.  I will pass that information on to my friend.

Thanks, and blessings.

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  • Lewis:

    If you haven't seen it, we prepared a video to train people for prayerwalking in their cities that is on PrayNetwork at

    Prayerwalking: Taking Prayer to the Streets of Your City

    Also, FYI, you can sign up for free at and they give you a list of 100 names and addresses of your nearest neighbors so you can pray by name as you prayerwalk your neighborhood.

  • Lewis,

    Stephanie Tucker at may know of someone:


    • Lewis,

      Steve Wright, CEN's national Public Information Officer, also Family Life Radio City Liaison is active in organizing and promoting prayer gatherings in Tucson AZ. Also, Hal Sacks of BridgeBuilders is active in organizing prayer at the border in conjunction with CEN advisor Jon McHatton. For other prayer leaders in Tucson visit the website and search by Tucson AZ. 


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