Congregation Prayer Requests

How do you receive prayer requests from the congregation, written or electronic? We currently give the congregation the opportunity to write prayer requests on their tithe envelope however we will be changing that in the near future and would like to direct them to our website but we're not sure the best way to do that - would LOVE some feedback.

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  • Another point relative to this, which I often encourage churches to do, is look at the size of your list, that you are giving out. Many of the lists are quite long, so, if you give your list out once per week, then divide the list up into seven days. It will have an appearance of being MUCH LESS overwhelming, and I think that people will participate much longer, before they get overwhelmed and toss the list.

    Mark S Mirza

  • Betty: Several of out congergation send texts, it is not unusual to see a request on facebook posted by an individual and also our media man has set up a prayer page on the church website and also a fb page.

    • Thanks, Paul.  It's helpful to get ideas of what others are doing.  I can't quite see us using Facebook for prayer, a little too public I think.  But maybe not for those who are thoroughly into the "social networking."

  • Betty; They come to me and I edit and forward them via email to all in the corgregation who wish to be included in the process.

    Phil; it is probably ancient!  ';~/

    • Oct 29, 2010 - that's not so ancient!

      Our church has the tried and true prayer chain, but email is so much more efficient.  However, there are those older, faithful pray-ers who either don't have computers or just prefer the phone call.  I like the idea that someone suggested of giving an email address as well as the phone numbers for people who want prayer.  The request can be passed along much more quickly that way.

      Do you use other means of distributing the requests besides email?

  • We have a link on the church web page where people enter their email address and prayer request.  I maintain a database of email addresses.  If the email address is in the database then everyone gets the prayer request.  If the email address is not in the database then the prayer request comes to me.  Only those who want to get prayer requests are in the database so sometimes members of the church who are not on the prayer team send in a request that I will forward to the team.  Using this system, that my son a web designer created, means that even if I’m not home. 
  • Hi, Debi. I wanted to let you know about Prayer Chain Online. This is an online application that allows you to manage prayer requests, automatically email members, etc. You can easily integrate it with your own website so members can submit prayer requests on your site and you can manage them online through Prayer Chain Online. There are quite a few churches that use it and I would be happy to put you in touch with a few of the prayer leaders if you want a first-hand take on how it works. You can check it out yourself at I am happy to answer any questions you might have. I have found that it is easier to manage requests using something like Prayer Chain Online rather than using email or having people write them on pieces of paper.
  • We have a connection card that is perforated on our bulletin.  It has a place for prayer requests.  We put those requests in a spreadsheet and intergrate it with business card software.  We print the request off on business cards (from avery) and hand them out at our prayer gathering.


  • We have prayer request cards in the back of each pew. The congregation/friends/guests place their requests in the offering plate. We also take prayer requests on our website. These requests are sent directly to our pray leader and not to the church office. All prayer requests are put into a confidential prayer bulletin. Our prayer team prays over these requests weekly at our Praise & Prayer Gathering. We take the prayer bulletin home with us and pray throughout the week for each prayer request.
  • When it comes to gathering prayer request in our church we have had some controversy about it. We have the cards in the lobby and the e-mail address available, but we also take prayer requests orally during the service on a regular basis and this can be time consuming but the members feel that the immediacy of that is important to them. therefore, we ask people to be as succinct and clear as possible and each request is briefly summarized from the pulpit so that all can hear. This has worked out well for us.
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