A number of us have come out of pragmatic background. That is also a background where you did things yourself and many times not as a team. Thus it can be difficult recognize what blessings can do for others and how blessings can be the spark that can keeps others doing their best, whether on a job of for the Lord. Some of us did not see a lot of encouragement. Fortunately, God in His mercy has blessed us, and is seeking for ways to encourage us.
Perhaps some of you may be willing to share how a blessing has helped you, or what a word of encouragement has done for you. Others hearing that encouragement may help them to further bless others.
Also is there scripture that has brought much blessing to you?
Lewis, I love your Prayer Minute, The Power of Blessing!
You all are a blessing to this Network!
May God breathe on you all afresh today, and may He rain down fresh blessings upon you all! (SMILE!)
Thanks. Blessing others does more for those around us than we can ever imagine. I could make a partial list of what blessings can do, but it would be wonderful to hear from others what blessings have done for them.
May the Lord's Love and His Peace guide you daily. Amen!