Praying Out of Love
I Cor 13:2
Why do most people pray? A Primary reason that most of us can relate to is, there usually is an urgent need like danger or a crisis. These are legitimate reasons, but I have found myself now praying out of another motive. That motive moves me from praying just for myself to praying for others. This came about because in learning to love Jesus, we learn to love others. That love guides how I pray. Love does not pray to control. It seeks only the best in the other person. I Cor 13:2 says that with out love, we are nothing. We must pray in love for others, and anything we do must be done through love.
How about you? Have you ever let God’s love guide your prayers?
Father, as we grow in your love, may that love guide our prayers. In Jesus' Name, amen.
Why would love be important in our praying?
What does love –a true love that comes from loving God—do that helps us pray?
Can we be fooled into thinking that what we pray—that we when we pray in a manner that what we think is out of love—that it might actually out of a type of love that does not come from God?