Did you know that during WWII there was an adviser to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England , its people and peace?
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  • American Religious Heritage Under Attack

    I am a pastor and attorney here in NYC and I want to urge you to watch the videos below. OUR RELIGIOUS HERITAGE IS UNDER ATTACK.  The clips are not long.  We have an educational  program on Sat Sept 14th in NYC and I am encourage everyone to forward the first 2 videos and post them on social media to get the word out.
    Pleas pray for me and our task force as we seek to educate the Body of Christ on these issues!
    Michelle Morrison
    Introduction about the task force and Sept 14th
     A must watch!!   Pastor Bill Devlin speaks on recent development with SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE under attack
  • Morning memorization: "The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations." Psalm 33:10 & 11.
  • I will continue to pray for this families that God will comfort their souls and uplift them in every way. I am also grateful for this prayer ministry. i have a daughter in the military. They are doing a very selfless act for others and I am so grateful to God that they are bold enough to accept the call
  • Dear Father in heaven, please heal our land. Please forgive us for trusting in politicians and minimizing the power of prayer. Show us LORD how You want us to assist those in need. Forgive us Father for our lust for more and our belief that the trappings of this world make us whole. Have mercy on this nation, I beg You. Raise up Your people to proclaim Your solution for the problems in this country. Please open our hearts, minds and ears that all who are called by Your name will hear Your voice clearly and follow Your lead. Teach us how to glorify You when we disagree. May You call the lost to Yourself through those who represent and glorify You. In the strong name of Jesus Christ, my LORD and Savior, I pray.
  • 6pm every evening is something I can definately do...I will set the alarm in my cell phone to remind me just in case....I am so excited to be a part of this prayer ministry...thanks for getting it started and opeing it up t us. Blessings to all who are a part of it, you are all officially on my prayer list.
  • Great idea! I've been burdened about out country for some time. I'm honored to be a part of this group.
  • Prayer at 9..
  • Correction * coincidence *
  • I will be with you in prayer every evening at 9:00 to pray for our nation, etc.Thank you for inviting me Marilyn....It is such a coinsidence.. It is almost 9: )) :)
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drop and pray

Hey folks, Here is something that would be simple and easy to remember. At 7:14 every day in the AM and then again in the PM - gather a team of 5 of your friends to do this - not together, but , where ever they are at 7.14 - being reminded by a watch alarm, iphone,..........         Then after 30 days have a potluck supper and ask people to share how they saw God move in answer to their prayer.   In honor of 2 Chronicles 7.14 , you could use this as your verse to pray during this…

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