I have begun praying for a few actors and producers. This prayer list is titled, ACTORS, PRODUCERS AND SCREEN WRITERS. But at this point the only writers I have on my short list are also producers. I pray for whom who profess to know Christ like Mark and Roma Burnett. We should have been bombarding Mel Gibson with prayer after The Passion.

I also pray for a few who are obviously ungodly like Will Smith.

I pray for some of the most popular and successful actors.

I pray for some older actors who may still have influence.

I fear nothing has more influence in our society than the entertainment media. This is equivalent to praying for kings and all those in authority.

I would like to know how others of you are addressing this concern.

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  • See also Hollywood Prayer Network newsletters here >>>

  • It seems it would also be good to pray that the Christians in the industry would have greater influence than those who are not believers. Also, pray for the general public to begin to hunger and thirst for righteousness in the films they want to watch.
  • I do not know if you are aware, but Richard Blackaby, president at Blackaby Ministries International has had some contact with Christians in Hollywood, and has met with them.  Blackaby Ministries International was started by Henry Blackaby who wrote the book Experiencing God.  I learned of the Holywood contact of  Blackaby Ministries International through their group on Linkedin,

    Also, the National Day of Prayer Task force will be having a Summons this year --I believe in October--in Hollywood, where they will be praying for Hollywood. 

    God is working in Hollywood--and we do need to be praying as you mentioned above.

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