Hard to believe another Christmas season is upon us. I love this time of year!
I am busy preparing the last four messages I will preach in my role as Interim Teaching Pastor at my home church! I am excited that I end with an Advent series!
In this email I share a PDF of 5 Advent Prayers (scroll to next section) that you can download free that you can pray through and freely share with your friends and church.
I hope you enjoy it, and that God blesses you with a fresh vision of Jesus this month.
Here is a PDF of 5 Advent prayers, written by Tiece King, the author of our Pray the Word series.
Use them for your self personally or share them with friends and congregation.
Give Prayer Connect to Your Entire Church!
Use this award-winning publication to inspire, equip and disciple your people to pray as never before!
Now available at extremely low rates per person.
Start with the January Issue, which has the theme: Renewed Passion and Zeal: A Plea for Fervent and Prevailing Prayer.
Note: If you want to start giving Prayer Connect to your congregation with the January issue, you must order by December 19! Sign up Here.
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Would you consider giving a gift to support the ministry of Church Prayer Leaders Network? A gift of any size would help grow prayer in local churches!
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5 Ways To Keep Christ in Christmas
Does the countdown to Christmas give you anxiety rather than peace? The hurried pace of this season can too often leave out the real meaning behind the celebration.
Here’s your opportunity to put down the to-do list and pause with this five-day Christmas reflection on how to keep Christ in Christmas.
Click the link below to get your FREE copy of 5 Ways To Keep Christ in Christmas.
Download Your Free Resource