advent (7)
The O Antiphons and the Observance of Advent
The O Antiphons and the Observance of Advent
As I write this article, once again we Christians who follow the Western liturgical calendar are almost at the end of a liturgical year—and, therefore, almost at the beginning of a new one. Our calendar b
Christmas ADVENTure Prayers
Hard to believe another Christmas season is upon us. I love this time of year!
I am busy preparing the last four messages I will preach in my role as Interim Teaching Pastor at my home church! I am excited that I end with an Advent series!
In this
Read more…Some Ideas for the Observance of Advent
Some Ideas for the Observance of Advent
Time flies! As I write this article, we are almost at the end of the traditional Western church year. This means we are almost at the beginning of a new church year: or, in other words, from the first da
#ReimagineEVANGELISM...@ Christmastime
Read more…The Penitential Psalms, Advent, and Lent
Diaspora-Focused Prayer Guide for Advent
Advent is the season of focusing on the coming of Christ, our migrant Savior. We know that the Sovereign Lord has been guiding the movement of peoples since Eden in Genesis and that, as Revelation says, He will one day gather the nations before His t
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