What is Your Passion for your Grandparent?

 9651041870?profile=originalMy passion is to intentionally pray my grandchildren will love Jesus and follow Him wholeheartedly. What is your passion for your grandchildren? Does this picture reflect your passion for your grandchildren?

Christian Grandparenting Network has a passion for encouraging and equipping grandparents to pray for their grandchildren. Our mission is to challenge grandparents around the world to intentionally and regularly come together to pray, interceding for their grandchildren, children, and communities. In the Pray! Magazine, Arlyn Lawrence writes, “Intercession is one of the ways God designed for us to partner with Him in bringing His loving presence into our aching world.”1   

In Isaiah 58:6, we read that we can “loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke” in our world. One of the ways we can break these chains is by “standing in the gap” with a prayer for our dear grandchildren. 

Just as Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews when physically threatened. Grandparents can stand in the gap today with a prayer for their grandchildren as the enemy threatens their spiritual lives and tries to distract them from God’s Truth.

Christian Grandparents Network has introduced Grandparents intercessory prayer groups as a way to call grandparents together to pray for each other’s grandchildren and their families. Groups meet in retirement centers, schools, churches, and homes weekly, bi-weekly or monthly as often as the group desires. The grandparents meet together in small or large groups regularly to unite in prayer at a designated location for 1 hour or so of guided prayer and fellowship.

Participating grandparents comment that they appreciate having a safe place to share their concerns and know other grandparents are praying with them for their grandchildren. Our grandchildren are growing up in a troubled fragmented world needs a lot of prayers.

Christian Grandparents Network has guidelines and more information available to help you get started. Today is a good time to start asking some friends who are grandparents to meet with you to pray for the grandchildren on September 8, Grandparents Day of Prayer.

To learn more about the prayer groups go to https://christiangrandparenting.net/grandparents-at-prayer/

By Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network, lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net

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