Roberto ponders the scripture from Psalm 32 about God's generic promise, "I will enable you to understand," and from this understanding, comes the specific promise, "Then, I shall teach you the way that you shall walk." Roberto declares that prayer is the instrument through which this becomes possible ... the "download of God's 21st century strategies into us."
Phil maintains, "If we understand prayer from a different perspective, not only will we be less bored with it, but I think God will be less bored with it." Roberto asks Phil a vital question, "What word of advice would you have for busy pastors whose congregations have a "busy" mentality and measure pastoral productivity by how many hours the pastor spends counseling and administering the church, rather than taking a day a week to pray and make prayer a part of one's work as well?" Phil responds, "Do it, don't talk about it ... do it first, before you tell people they have to do it."
Roberto summarizes, "If I come out with any insight, it's how complex prayer is. We should not oversimplify or impoverish this very rich relationship between us as believers and this generous God that deigns to come down in the place of prayer and share His heart with us ,,,and then sends us lovingly into the world to carry out His desires."