SEG. 2 Dr. Roberto Miranda Interviews Phil Miglioratti 120301 - PRAYING BACKWARDS

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Roberto engages this segment by his assertion, "There is a Spirit call to prayer ... but then at the same time, there are a lot of things that we need to learn ... to bring that gift into full expression." He distinguishes between the charismatic/pentecostal approach to prayer and the more evangelical approach to prayer, which can sometimes leads to alienation.

Phil references the scripture that encourages us to "prefer one another," and states, "More and more that gap is being bridged ... how can the Church be unified if we can't even pray together?" Roberto asks Phil to define true, authentic, biblical anointed prayer. Phil unfolds the concept of making prayer your life breath. Prayer is the breathing out of our needs and the breathing in of God's response to us. Phil continues by sharing the concept of "Praying Backwards." Roberto observes, "I see that as prayer disperses itself more and more through our life, it really stops being that devotional moment only, ... but suffuses every moment of your life."


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  • THANK you ...

  • Very good plan to start with the Name of Jesus and not only ending in His Name, to get the focus right. 

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