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The Power of Intercession!

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  • Praying for Prayer Ministry Manager team at Liberty / new Prayer Center / and Prayer Chapel Ministry .....
  • Lord , give me strength to stand / pray/ be that Intercessor ....
  •   Yes and amen!!  May the Lord Jesus help us to apply it to our lives and DO it, for

      the Time is short, the enemy is fierce, and multitudes are unsaved.  May we be

     found faithful, Watching and Praying!!  Halleluyah!!  Psa. 116/60**

  • That was hot fire, epic, and a kick in my pants to remind me of who I am! I will be watching this again and agin and showing this to others.  I consider myself reminded of my assignment, thank you. God bless you, seriously, God bless you to do this more and more!

  • Love this!
  • Comment by Nellie King
    Thank you Debbie for sharing this inspiring message!
  • Thanks so much Deb, for sharing such a powerful & much needed to hear truth!

  • This is a very, very powerful message!  It is what the world needs today. When we can die to ourselves then God will use us. Thanks for sharing!!


  • Very challenging, thank you for bringing it to our attention.

  • Debbie - thanks for sharing the video.  I posted on facebook too ... Jesus standing in the gap as our intercessor...we letting Him heal all the breaches in the walls of our lives so that we can stand with others and for others in intercessory prayer and with our actions that He places on our hearts and within the gifts He gives....

    Thank you so much... God bless you 

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