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Confession--Good for Your Soul



Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide them.

I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.”

And you forgave me!  All my guilt is gone.

Psalm 32:5 NLT


     When you attempt to cover up your sins, I uncover them and you experience heaviness of guilt. Remorse makes you miserable—to say the least, you’re having a really bad day!


     When you uncover your sins in My Presence, I cover them and you experience happiness of grace. Forgiveness frees you when your sin is out of My sight and out of My mind. I bury your transgressions in the deepest ocean and forget them. Honest with Me, you know firsthand the joy of a close relationship. Deeply sorry for what you have done and openly confessing your sins to Me, you delight in My pardon and enjoy the pleasure of My company. 


     Admitting your failures to Me relieves the pressure of guilt and removes the mask of self-righteousness. Sin forgiven, guilt dissolved, your heart sings again.


     People often try to hide their iniquities in a secret closet. But wisdom gained in the crucible of experience teaches you that concealing your sins leads to unrest and fear, while confessing and renouncing them brings mercy and peace. 


     You can run, but you can’t hide—you cannot conceal sins from Me. If you try, you only increase your guilt feelings. The way I deal with sins is a different story. When I forgive you, you are free.  When I cleanse your heart, you joyfully celebrate. When I grant you the righteousness of My Son, you can stand tall. When I liberate you from evil habits, you can dance freedom’s jig.


     You have no goodness of your own—My holiness is your only hope.                My unfailing love and merciful kindness opens the door to heaven. All else you depend on paves a dead-end road. I do far more than cover your transgressions; I take them away—and not just a long way, infinitely.


     When guilt feelings return or temptation resurfaces, I am your Hiding Place.  When you’re searching for the right way, I am your Guide. Be transparent in My Presence and be transformed. Confession really is good for your soul.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond; Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,

that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

- John 3:16


Good Friday services are difficult for me. The songs and the sermons that pound away at the pounding Jesus took; his bruising and bleeding, the stripes and the scars. As if I should be motivated to believe and obey simply because his pain was so intense. 
Of course, I do not minimize our Lord's excruciating ordeal. And, yes, I am truly sorrowful it was my sin that required his sacrifice. But it is essential to realize his submission to that death sentence was a by-product of his love—from eternity past. My gospel witness, sharing the gift of God’s grace that proceeds from the cross to all who believe, should be motivated by joy—the deepest gratitude of knowing that God in Christ has done for me what I could never even attempt for myself. 
I do not need to wait for Resurrection Sunday. Jesus was victorious every stage of his life from birth, to maturity, in ministry, and yes, even when dying on the cross. Good Friday was not a setback before some bottom-of-the-ninth rally.
As a witness to this passion-provoked story, my life and my conversations must express and explain how God’s eternal passion opens the door to our salvation and our culture’s transformation. I must become part of the community of Christ-followers who “make love (their) aim” (1 Corinthians 14:1). 
I am proposing the appropriate sorrow for our sin is not to feel sorry for Jesus every Good Friday, but to be moved by the tests, trials, and culminating torture of his incarnation to show and tell the good story of what Jesus’ death achieved and what God offers to those who trust him. 
Make our Lord’s passion, your passion. Not his pain, but the love that sent him, the love that saved us, the love he wants to express and extend through us.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for what you did, but even more, why you did it. Your submission to the eternal plan of the Sovereign God, the Savior, our Spirit, defeated death, provided forgiveness, and opened the door of endless, limitless life with God. Make me into a love-motivated, gospel-sharing Christ-follower. Amen.
- Written by Phil Miglioratti

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Clock Wise


Teach us to count up the days that are ours, and we shall come to the heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12 TNJB


Trustworthiness is the heart of My authenticity.

If you want to learn who I am, I would love to enlighten you.

Genuine philosophers find Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Me.

I reveal My true nature to all who search for Me wholeheartedly.

I am the God with a heart—I am kind to the heartbroken.

I am the Perfect Hiding Place—I shelter you in life’s storms.

I am your Home.


Transience is the heart of your awareness.

If you want to learn who you are, I would love to instruct you.

Mortality and realism go hand in hand—tempus fugit.

A millennium and a minute are no different in My mind.

Are seven or eight decades enough for you to learn your limits?

You are human.


Timelessness is the heart of My agelessness.

If you want to learn the proper response to Me, I would love to tell you.

From once upon a time to living happily ever after, I am God.

You cannot fathom My plan, but I have planted eternity in your heart.

I am the Only One Who Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been.

Let My transcendence move you to humility.


Transformation is the heart of attitude adjustment.

If you want to learn to live purposefully, I would love to guide you.

Pray as you go—live wisely in the light of eternity.

Complete submission to Me is the only path to happiness.


Teaching is the heart of My arithmetic.

If you want to learn the best use of life, I would love to teach you.

Like a coin, you can spend life any way you like—but only once.

Take the responsibilities I have given you seriously—carpe diem.

Take heaven’s wisdom to heart.

Time management is eternally important—be clock wise.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond;  Day 224 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Savior's Banquet


People will come from east and west, and from north and south,

and sit down [feast at table] in the kingdom of God.



From here to eternity . . .

I give you time to prepare for My return, and to bear fruit for My cause.

The Gardener is giving you a chance to produce—do not disappoint Me.

If you want to be fruitful, stay close to My heart.

Today is the day of service—if you intend to be serious, now’s the time.

This is a limited-time offer—opportunities will not last forever.

In light of your accountability, make a conscious effort to please Me. 

Purify your heart and give Me your best, to avoid being embarrassed.

If you’re not ready when the banquet begins, you’ll be filled with regret.


Behind the scenes . . .

Tiny seeds planted in human hearts are growing into trees of righteousness.

Yeast of positive influence is expanding and transforming lives of believers.

Those RSVPing yes to My invitation are enjoying the pleasure of My company.


The Great Reversal . . .

Now and then will make all the difference in the world—

     beggars scrounging for scraps will be seated at the head table;

     VIPs will be turned away from the heavenly banquet.

The new world I create will turn everything right side up for a change.

The meek – trampled on now by business tycoons – will inherit the earth.

Those despised by big shots will weep tears of joy as they feast with Me.


There’s a great day coming . . .

There is a lot wrong with the world now, but I will make everything right.

Disease and disability are common in a fallen world—evil hurts people.

The original source of illness is the evil one, but his days are numbered.

I am more powerful than the Devil or disease—My return will prove it.

When I reign as Sovereign over the new earth—

     the blind will see the beauties of paradise restored; 

     the deaf will hear human voices and sounds of nature;

     the lame will leap like a deer gamboling through a springtime meadow;

     the mute will shout for joy and sing My praises;

     heartache will be canceled forever by the gladness of heaven.

Abraham will be there – moving over, finally home.

Isaac will be there – enveloped by light, enjoying the perfect day.

Jacob will be there – wrestling done, celebrating the dawn.

Daniel will be there – prayers finished, reveling in My answer.

Believers from all countries will be there – speaking the language of love.

The festivities will never end.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Author Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Savior's Banquet


People will come from east and west, and from north and south,

and sit down [feast at table] in the kingdom of God.



From here to eternity . . .

I give you time to prepare for My return, and to bear fruit for My cause.

The Gardener is giving you a chance to produce—do not disappoint Me.

If you want to be fruitful, stay close to My heart.

Today is the day of service—if you intend to be serious, now’s the time.

This is a limited-time offer—opportunities will not last forever.

In light of your accountability, make a conscious effort to please Me. 

Purify your heart and give Me your best, to avoid being embarrassed.

If you’re not ready when the banquet begins, you’ll be filled with regret.


Behind the scenes . . .

Tiny seeds planted in human hearts are growing into trees of righteousness.

Yeast of positive influence is expanding and transforming lives of believers.

Those RSVPing yes to My invitation are enjoying the pleasure of My company.


The Great Reversal . . .

Now and then will make all the difference in the world—

     beggars scrounging for scraps will be seated at the head table;

     VIPs will be turned away from the heavenly banquet.

The new world I create will turn everything right side up for a change.

The meek – trampled on now by business tycoons – will inherit the earth.

Those despised by big shots will weep tears of joy as they feast with Me.


There’s a great day coming . . .

There is a lot wrong with the world now, but I will make everything right.

Disease and disability are common in a fallen world—evil hurts people.

The original source of illness is the evil one, but his days are numbered.

I am more powerful than the Devil or disease—My return will prove it.

When I reign as Sovereign over the new earth—

     the blind will see the beauties of paradise restored; 

     the deaf will hear human voices and sounds of nature;

     the lame will leap like a deer gamboling through a springtime meadow;

     the mute will shout for joy and sing My praises;

     heartache will be canceled forever by the gladness of heaven.

Abraham will be there – moving over, finally home.

Isaac will be there – enveloped by light, enjoying the perfect day.

Jacob will be there – wrestling done, celebrating the dawn.

Daniel will be there – prayers finished, reveling in My answer.

Believers from all countries will be there – speaking the language of love.

The festivities will never end.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Author Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Savior's Ministry


The Savior’s Ministry

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,

that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors,

and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.

Luke 4:18-19 NLT

My plan will bring a new earth for the meek.

You’re ignored by big shots now, but one day you’ll be on the front row. 

The Great Reversal will turn everything around and right side up.

Big wheels rule the world now, but My favorites will reign in paradise. 

When I live with the humble-hearted, crying and pain will disappear. 

When I make My home on earth, death and evil will be forever history.

The world mistreats My children now, but I will save you from oppression.

My peace will bring elation for the believing.

The Day of all days will make My blessings evident to the universe.

Glory will cascade ecstasy through the heart of every trusting soul.

The beauty of My heaven will replace ashes of earth’s disappointments.

The joy of My company will transcend heartache of earth’s discouragement. 

The praise of My love will cancel loneliness of earth’s despair.

The world breaks hearts of My disciples now, but I will save you from sadness. 

My Presence encourages the desperate.

Can’t get it all together?  Ready to give up the noble quest?  About to quit?

Seek My face and listen to My voice--then  you’ll find strength to go on.

Listen to My future melody and you can dance by faith here and now.

When perplexities crowd your heart, My consolations cheer your soul.

Just when you need Me most, I will be there for you.

With Me at your side, you’re richer than you thin--I save you from poverty.

My power extricates the shackled.

My Holy Spirit is the key to freedom--I alone can emancipate you from sin.

A lifestyle of rebellion causes addiction, but a lifestyle of obedience frees.

Fettered in a dark cell?  Let My sunshine set you free and you’ll leap with joy.

Resolve and dogged determination only go so far, but I save you from slavery. 

My promise opens the eyes of the blind.

Without seeing Me, you follow Me by faith--one day we’ll meet face to face.

Eyes of the heart see things as they will be, not as they are now. 

Faith is an eye-opening experience, giving confidence of ultimate victory.

Believing you’ll at last see Me motivates you to purify your heart to get ready.

The world will go up in smoke, then the new Jerusalem will materialize.

Painting a mural of heaven on a condemned building? I save you from despair. 

(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Savior's Ministry


The Savior’s Ministry

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,

that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors,

and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.

Luke 4:18-19 NLT

My plan will bring a new earth for the meek.

You’re ignored by big shots now, but one day you’ll be on the front row. 

The Great Reversal will turn everything around and right side up.

Big wheels rule the world now, but My favorites will reign in paradise. 

When I live with the humble-hearted, crying and pain will disappear. 

When I make My home on earth, death and evil will be forever history.

The world mistreats My children now, but I will save you from oppression.

My peace will bring elation for the believing.

The Day of all days will make My blessings evident to the universe.

Glory will cascade ecstasy through the heart of every trusting soul.

The beauty of My heaven will replace ashes of earth’s disappointments.

The joy of My company will transcend heartache of earth’s discouragement. 

The praise of My love will cancel loneliness of earth’s despair.

The world breaks hearts of My disciples now, but I will save you from sadness. 

My Presence encourages the desperate.

Can’t get it all together?  Ready to give up the noble quest?  About to quit?

Seek My face and listen to My voice--then  you’ll find strength to go on.

Listen to My future melody and you can dance by faith here and now.

When perplexities crowd your heart, My consolations cheer your soul.

Just when you need Me most, I will be there for you.

With Me at your side, you’re richer than you thin--I save you from poverty.

My power extricates the shackled.

My Holy Spirit is the key to freedom--I alone can emancipate you from sin.

A lifestyle of rebellion causes addiction, but a lifestyle of obedience frees.

Fettered in a dark cell?  Let My sunshine set you free and you’ll leap with joy.

Resolve and dogged determination only go so far, but I save you from slavery. 

My promise opens the eyes of the blind.

Without seeing Me, you follow Me by faith--one day we’ll meet face to face.

Eyes of the heart see things as they will be, not as they are now. 

Faith is an eye-opening experience, giving confidence of ultimate victory.

Believing you’ll at last see Me motivates you to purify your heart to get ready.

The world will go up in smoke, then the new Jerusalem will materialize.

Painting a mural of heaven on a condemned building? I save you from despair. 

(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Understanding Why

The older I get the less I understand about some things. I don’t understand why good people elect bad politicians. I don’t understand why faithful church members have violent disagreements. I don’t understand why people who love each other make decisions that cause their children to suffer. I don’t understand why rich people spend their money foolishly, even illegally. I don’t understand why God shows public favor on some of His called-out ones and allow others to serve in relative obscurity. I don’t understand why God chose me to travel, serve, speak, write, encourage, befriend, while there were others with seemingly far more talent, skill, intelligence, personality, etc. Following a very profound spiritual experience, song-writer Kris Kristofferson wrote the following words. “Why me Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the blessings I've known? Why me Lord? What did I ever do that was worth love from You and the kindness You've shown?” The song doesn’t really answer the “Why” question, but the Bible does. When God’s people in Old Testament days wondered why God blessed them more than others, the answer was: “It was not because you were more numerous than any other people, that the Lord set his heart on you and chose you—for you were the fewest of all peoples. It was because the Lord loved you” (Deuteronomy 7:7-8). I still don’t understand why God chose to love me so much, but this much I do know, God made me unique, and in the words of Augustine, “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”

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Heaven, Earth, and Holding Patterns

As a recent flight was caught in a “holding pattern” the analogy was too obvious for me. Perhaps I’ve been too far to many “celebrations of life” lately. French Philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Allow me to paraphrase: we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings temporarily caught in a human holding pattern, awaiting arrival in heaven. In Philippians 3:20, Paul affirms that “our citizenship is in heaven.” We have sung, “This world is not my home I’m just a passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue” and “I am a stranger here, within a foreign land; my home is far away, upon a golden strand” and again “Beulah Land, I’m longing for you, and some day on thee I’ll stand; there my home shall be eternal, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land.” In the last few months, I have memorialized family, friends, mentors, colleagues, fellow church members, and others. I’m thankful to still be in my “holding pattern,” and while heaven grows more special with every funeral, I am in no particular hurry to arrive there. So, take your time on my mansion, Lord. With Robert Frost, I have “promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” But, then again, I’m ready when You are, Lord.

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The King's Magnificence



Jesus' appearance changed so that his face shone like the sun, and his clothing became dazzling white. 

When they looked, they saw only Jesus with them.

Matthew 17:2, 8 NLT


In a world of limitation, I am your infinite power. 

Much is beyond your ability, but nothing is impossible for God. 

My power shines within your clay body—the Almighty works in you!

Rely on My grace and weakness will be transfigured into strength.


In a world of despair, I am your immortal hope.

Shape up while there's time—toss out the garbage and clean house.

Do not sink in mud—raise your eyes toward the Bright Morning Star.

Look up and melancholy will be transfigured into music and dancing. 


In a world of self-centeredness, I am your infallible God.

Sin destroys and pride builds a house of cards—I alone endure.

I created everything—I own everything—I control everything. 

Worship Me and apathy will be transfigured into heartfelt praise.


In a world of mediocrity, I am your incomparable excellence.

Care more than the world thinks wise, risk more than thought safe,

     dream more than thought practical—and succeed in My eyes.

Aim for the best and half-heartedness will be transfigured into quality.


In a world of rebellion, I am your invincible King.

All enemies of righteousness will eventually be humbled at My feet.

So the best thing you can do is humble yourself in My Presence now.

Surrender your heart and chaos will be transfigured into radiant calm.


In a world of darkness, I am your inspiring Light.

Gaze on the face of Jesus—see the brightness of divine glory.

Trust My Word—envision the beautiful future I have promised.  

Focus on Me and materialism will be transfigured into eternal wealth. 


In a world of disappointment, I am your indescribable reward.

My smile will amply repay your efforts for the Kingdom’s cause.

Well done will be the best paycheck you have ever received.

Honor Me and heartache will be transfigured into heaven.



© Johnny R. Almond

Pastor; Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Observations on Three Mega-Firings

Observations on Three Mega-Firings


For me, this past year has been the best of times and the worst of times.


The best? I’m a Great Commission-meets-Great Commandment guy who is radically blessed by a collaboration of nearly one thousand congregations and ministry groups banding together in my home city to invite friends, colleagues, and neighbors to explore God. Seven big questions of faith. Seven sermon presentations. Seven small group conversations. A score of ministry partners from Alpha to Awana to Chicago Bible Society to Billy Graham Center to Fellowship of Christian Athletes to Kindness Outreach to Navigators to Pray.Network … Unprecedented cooperation across urban neighborhoods and suburban communities. A John 17 collaboration many of us have prayed for and worked toward fervently for the past 25+ years.


No one could be more excited than me. Except the Evil One. God’s Public Enemy #1 who was well aware of an authentic and diverse expression of the Church across Chicagoland resulting in widespread promotion of the Explore God campaign and the telling of real life stories of Christ-followers: young and old, rich and poor, city and suburb, minority and majority cultures, The Enemy knew he needed a strategy to deflect or discredit the Gospel witness of the everywhere, everyday people of God. His goal: the worst of times.


And, sadly, we, gave a grand assist to his endeavors.


Three high profile firings. Three men of God. Three well known and respected Christian organizations. Three front page stories.


Three men of God? I personally know these individuals and believe each one is a true believer, daily working so that many others become fully devoted followers of Christ; discipled upon the pillars of orthodox Christian faith; practicing justice - loving mercy - walking humbly with our God.


Three well known and respected Christian organizations? These two congregations and this ministry organization have had significant impact in their local communities as well as across the nation and beyond. Thousands of lives transformed by the Gospel message. Leaders trained and equipped. Many under-resourced and voiceless cared for and empowered. Trend setters yet anchored to biblical truth.


Three front page stories? Truly stunning news. Private (and disgusting) conversations played on a major Chicago radio show. News of one firing breaks at their national conference. A torrent of blog postings began a debate that ended in a firing and eventually widespread resignations. A Shakespearean-worthy tragedy played out on the air waves, in print and online, and in large auditoriums. Just how the Enemy hoped it would be. The worst of times.


“God forbid!” is everyone’s initial response (as it should be). We scurry to search for credible information, hoping the worst accusations are untrue or at least mischaracterized. Eventually, we are all devastated by the revelation of a painful truth.


But, is knowing what happened, events and details, our only responsibility? Certainly not. As Christ-centered believers, we are called to a deeper and wider responsibility. Each story is, yes, about one individual. But what about those who have been harmed? And, while we are grateful for their service, what must we learn about why each leadership team was slow to call their leader to accountability? What is a ministry’s responsibility to the Church in their community? And, what must we learn about the mind-set that permeates members in mega-sized, charismatic-leader-led, ministries?


While the media focuses on exposing the sordid weakness of a Christian leader, the Church (both members and leaders) must focus on the sin these stories exposed. But not merely the sin of the leader. The sin of the Body of Christ as we enable, ignore, permit, then when unable to do otherwise, we simply expel, the mega-gifted spiritual celebrity.


Is it possible mega-churchianity has become a religious version of corporate culture values, so that, when disaster strikes, leadership resorts to damage control and too quickly moves to re-inspiring the membership toward a bright future?


Oh for a Nehemiah! “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Then I said…” (1:4-5). Oh for men and women of God who’s first reaction is to stop business as usual (days, weeks, even months!). Shed tears. Become filled with sorrow. Refuse to eat. Then, when finally approaching the Living God in prayer, declares: “We have sinned in our actions against You. We have not kept (your) Laws” (1:7). A leader who had not sinned, praying as if he was complicit in the sins of others. No excuses. Just bold, naked truth. A prayer of desperation. Prayed from a heart of humility.


Pondering these mega-firings (and how they have been handled), I have been hounded by questions appropriate regardless of a ministry’s city, size, scope, or the stature of the fallen leader.


  • When we each first heard the sad news, was prayer our first response?
  • Was our first prayer to protect status quo, personal convenience, or to ask God for a full revelation of truth and his will?
  • Have we begun to pray for the fallen leaders’ spouses? Their children?
  • Do we know how to biblically pray for fallen leaders? Conviction? Contrition? Confession? (Luke 15:17: the prodigal son returned when he saw himself as he really was)
  • Do we know how pray for leadership that failed to discern the problem or respond to concerns presented to them along the way?
  • How will we insure we discern and choose new leaders by the leading of the Holy Spirit? Leaders who hold authority humbly rather wield it as power to control… Who submit their talent and skills to be used as serving gifts of the Spirit.
  • What needs to change if our congregation/ministry has embodied corporate values or responds to problems with damage control?
  • Did anyone call for a lament-and-repent response? A full-stop to lament (Nehemiah’s “we have sinned”) and then repent (what must we do to turn in a new direction?


Too much is at stake for us to merely move on from these mega-firings. I am praying for the Lord to raise up men and women who will lead us to pray first, pray always . . .

Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. 

 We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. Lord, listen!

 Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.”   Daniel 9:18-19


Phil Miglioratti

Pray.Network  •  Discipleship.Network

@PhilNPPN  •  #Reimagine

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The Pleasure of God's Company

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Psalm 37:4 NLT


Delight in the wonder of our relationship, and be sure of focus. Enchantment with anything else can be disillusioning, but I never fail.  Avoid false gods of the heart--never let anything usurp First Place. Worship the Invisible and Eternal One, be content with your lot in life, and walk humbly with the King of your heart--live a purpose-driven life. Enjoy the pleasure of My company and vindicate your faith to the world. 


Dedicate yourself to living My way, and be sure of fulfillment. Devoting yourself to lesser causes leads to despair, but relying on Me and committing your energy to My service increases hope and peace. Place your entire being on the altar of sacrifice-- trust and obey Me . . . there is no other way to be happy in Jesus. Want a noble purpose? Searching for a reason to be here after? Walk in My steps.


Depend on Me in life’s waiting room, and be sure of a bright future. Be calm in My Presence, wait patiently for Me--steady as you go. Relying on anything else will be disheartening. Other staffs you lean on will break and pierce your hand and heart--I am the only absolutely trustable spot in the universe.


Decline wrath, and be sure of friendship. Giving in to rage and anger always disrupts relationships. I alone bring perfect peace--let Me.  


Discipline your walk, and be sure of forward spiritual progress. You stumble on your own, but you will never fall if you hold My hand. I will see that you make progress in Christlikeness. Some will tell you the devil is in the details--the fact is I delight in every detail of your life. An undisciplined day paints a sunset of defeat--watch your step!


Displace all wickedness, and be sure of fidelity to your Master. If you want to really live, reverse evil! Transgression distracts from life’s highest purpose and is deadly to peace. I place you in a crucible to purify you and draw you nearer to My side--stay close.


Decide for wisdom, and be sure of fairness in your relationships. Know the difference between right and wrong, then choose wisely. Do not join fools practicing deception and deceit.

Keep company with Me, and you will enjoy life’s best!                    

                  9570809698?profile=original                         (c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hulll's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity   

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Learning the Hard Way


Then Job replied to the Lord:
“I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.”

JOB 42:1-2 NIV


The experience classroom is where you learn profound wisdom. The school of hard knocks presents a tough curriculum, but what you learn experientially alters you more than what you learn academically.

The first lesson you need to learn is that My power is unlimited. If you treat Me as Lord of your life, nothing I ask will be too hard for you to do. Humanly speaking, some challenges are outside the realm of possibility—but within My realm of grace everything is possible.

Another reality you need to grasp is I have a plan for your life. I orchestrate a master plan for your good. Death’s terror, life’s problems, demon’s distractions, and the future's worries cannot kill My love. Pain sculpts you into Christ’s image, if you submit to the Sculptor. Through difficult circumstances, I teach you the principle of trust. In the valley, you learn lessons you would never learn on the mountain.

The truth you most need to know is the reality of My Presence. Hearing about Me secondhand is interesting; seeing Me for yourself is transforming. I am your Travel Companion on the journey of life. My Spirit shines brightly in your darkest night. Follow My lead, and you cannot go wrong. Trust Me, and you will forever be glad you did.

You also need to learn the value of intercessory prayer. Even after Job’s friends misjudged and harshly criticized him, he prayed for them. It was not easy for him to do that. And when people hurl accusations at you or question your motives, you may not feel like praying for them; but your faith demands that you do. Jesus intercedes for you. Follow His example—be thoughtful of others’ needs.

Learn day-by-day the riches of My provision. I blessed Job in the autumn of his life more than in the spring. I will do the same for you. Everything you need—in every season of life—I will lavishly provide. Whatever happens, count on Me—everything will be fine.

Finally, you will learn the reward of My peace. Like the wine at Cana’s feast, I saved the best for last for Job. Double blessings after his ordeal confirmed My love. He persevered, so I caused a joyful outcome. Endure hard times, and I will bless you with joy not too good to last.

Learn My lessons well—then you will graduate from Adversity University with highest honors.

9570812291?profile=original(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Teaching that Transforms


Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I will not do so again.
JOB 34:32 NIV

Self-righteousness blinds you to ego and dulls your learning. Scripture brightens your path and opens you to higher education.

The God-breathed Word teaches you supernatural wisdom, rebukes you for selfish wrong, corrects your sinful way, and trains you for sacrificial work in the highest Name. To live by the Book from Heaven is the best lifestyle for earth.

Often, if you are honest with Me, you must confess that you have eyes to see, yet you fail to see. When you realize your spiritual blindness, cry out to Me to show you My ways and teach you My paths.

When I make it plain where you have rebelled, will you repent? When I make it obvious how you have sinned, will you stop at once?

My teaching opens your eyes to timeless truth that transforms so completely, that your attitudes and actions will never be the same again. Once you have seen the Light and learned lessons no one else can teach you, your life will be radically changed for good.

Changed from the inside out, demonstrate behavior modification the unbelieving world knows nothing about. Refuse to copy ungodly ways—honor My Word above all else, and be transformed into a new person by My Holy Spirit at work in your life. Pray for grace to keep the change.

You will be Christlike, not carnal; serving, not selfish; faith-full, not frantic; caring, not critical; celebrative, not complaining; soaring, not sinking; humble, not haughty; devoted, not deceitful; positive, not pessimistic.

Permit Me to x-ray you and understand you. Let Me encourage you and stand under you. Submit to My examination and supervision.

Make this your earnest prayer: Holy God, X-ray my heart and cross-examine my mind. Make me aware of anything in my life that saddens You, and help me travel the Highway of holiness leading to heaven.

Be teachable—and be transformed.

9570810865?profile=original  (c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Value of Prayer


What good will it do us if we pray?
JOB 21:15 NLT

In times of doubt and pain, you may question the value of prayer. You may wonder about the use of spending time in this enterprise and ask what is gained by it all. Petitioning My throne may seem pointless.

Such questions soon evaporate in the light of My Holy Presence. The highest value of prayer is a deeper awareness of your Creator. To feel Me near—holding your hand as you travel life’s rugged road—is the highest reward of prayer and your supreme joy.

I will show you the best way to live, grant you equanimity the world is unable to give, and bless you with the eternal pleasure of My company.

No matter how the world shoves you, remember I care about you and love you with all My heart. Let Me have everything that worries you—I can handle it better than you can. Burdens of life can crush you—My shoulders are strong and wide enough to carry the heavy load.

Begin each morning with an appointment with your Father. I will listen to you and pay attention to your requests. You can depend on Me to answer. Almighty help is only a prayer away—trade weakness for My strength. Heavenly wisdom is yours for the asking—be sure to ask!

Learn these lessons well:

     1) prayer does not change things—I do;

     2) prayers do not change Me—they change you.

Find a quiet place and get still before Me—take an exit ramp from the interstate of life’s rapid pace, find a country road sheltered by trees and listen to birds singing songs I taught them; spend unhurried time communing with Me—then return to the daily grind with renewed love for other people.

When you are weary and buckling under with responsibilities, fall to the holy ground beneath your knees. In My Presence you will find something you will never find anywhere else—rest. I am your Calm and Contentment—thank Me for My blessings, talk over with Me whatever is troubling you, and you can relax.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson was correct in “The Passing of Arthur,” Idylls of the King: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” And when Arthur Christopher Benson said, “Life is fragile, handle it with prayer,” he had learned the value of prayer.


(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Hope on the Horizon


Where then is my hope? Who can see any hope for me?
JOB 17:15 NIV

Earth causes discouragement. When you look around, you are hopeless. Most news is bad. Circumstances of crime, war, famine, disease, abuse, sin, and death sadden you. The world feels like the insane asylum of the solar system.

Egocentricity causes defeat. When you look within, you are hopeless. An honest inward look reveals iniquity. I know you inside out—everything about you is clear. Focus on yourself and you are on a path to frustration and failure.

Evil causes despair. When you look back, you are hopeless. Regret over rebellion brings anguish. Mental replay of transgression intensifies your guilt. The only way you can celebrate a right relationship with Me is to confess and renounce your sins, and then depend on Me to forget them. When the Devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future! And whenever self-condemnation threatens to crush your spirit, claim this truth—My heart never condemns those who belong to My Son. Good-hearted hope is found only by faith in Me.

Eternity will bring the dawn. When you look ahead, you are hopeful. Looking forward to heaven on earth transforms your sighing into singing. At the tunnel’s end is Light that will never dim. Glory is worth the wait. In hope, listen for the beautiful symphony of paradise—by faith, dance here and now.

You sometimes feel run down, but My love makes you radiant.

You sometimes are scared, but I give you faith—replacing supposing with reposing. Instead of your “perhaps” or “maybe” or even “hope so,” I teach you trust vocabulary that says will.

Let invulnerable joy, steady confidence, and eternal optimism permeate your spirit and thrill your heart. Anticipate a bright future—deathless existence, a victory parade down the High Street of heaven, the kingdom of the King of kings bringing universal peace.

When problems overwhelm you, rely on My power.

When pain and heartache intensify, pray.

When current events discourage you, reread My promises for the future.

When the outlook is bad, try the up look.

Look prayerfully toward the horizon—see a ray of hope.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond

Day 189, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Don’t underestimate kindness

There are many ways in which God leads a person to repent and turn from sin that breaks his law and his heart, building and storing up God’s wrath.  Sin is toxic to our spiritual health, so much so that God hates it. But ironically, according to Romans 2:4, he often uses combinations of revealing his goodness, patient tolerance (by withholding wrath), overflowing generosity, and merciful kindness, to melt our hard heart and lead us along the path of sorrow and repentance so we can turn from our sin to receive Jesus and his forgiveness.

When we see God change a heart in this way, it can be catching. The biblical record was all 120,000 people in Nineveh. We are taught that their hearts were beyond hard, as in cruel, torturous and insensitive. But humility, godly sorrow, confession and rejection of sin has a way of getting God’s attention and activating his forgiveness. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (with Jesus’ blood). [1 John 1:9]  I believe first John one focuses on the fellowship believers enjoy with God and each other, and how to restore fellowship when we drift off course into sin!

So, how can we partner with the Holy Spirit to prompt others to repent?  Certainly we can share the good news of Jesus blood payment for all our sins, and invite them to be reconciled by believing and receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And we can share our testimony of what Jesus has done for us. But Romans 2:4 reveals something in addition to prayer to help soften hearts. That includes letting God transform me to receive and demonstrate his kindness to them, even in ways they don’t deserve. Kindness leads to repentance. It’s hard to resist God’s kindness, love, and forgiveness when we know we don’t deserve it. Jesus tells us that whoever is forgiven much, loves much, and that love covers a multitude of sins.

To tie a bow on this, one of my favorite verses is Ephesians 2:7 which promises that for us believers, God plans to demonstrate his mercy to us throughout eternity, expressed by his kindness to us. So why not get started today, believing, receiving, and absorbing his kindness, so we can generously anoint others with it, so he can use it to soften their hearts? Kindness is also recommended in Titus 2:4 for wives’ optimal impact on their husband and others- a beautiful way to adorn God’s word with our transformed lives.

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Marked by the High Calling

My local newspaper recently gained national attention with an investigative report on sexual abuse by ministers in “Independent Fundamentalist Baptist” churches.


The study revealed 412 documented allegations of sexual misconduct in 187 churches, based in 40 states and Canada. Let me quickly add that while I am “independent,” and some would say, a bit “fundamental,” and a life-long Baptist, I am not an “Independent Fundamentalist Baptist.” Second, on behalf of ministers everywhere, I’d like to apologize to victims of ministerial abuse. It is never acceptable, nor should it be ignored, or covered up. It is true that many ministers sit dangerously on pedestals, without seat-belts, and when they fall, they deserve correction.


While this study focused on one group of churches, it followed a national scandal involving sexual abuse among Roman Catholic priests. So, let me broaden the focus of my comments to include all of those called by God to church-related ministry. As a twenty-two-year Seminary professor, I observed first-hand, the moral and ethical failures of both want-to-be ministers, alumni, and colleagues.


This is not a new problem, nor a narrow one. It began shortly after the creation and fall of mankind. Early in my ministry, I memorized a verse of scripture (from the King James Bible, which is all we had back then) as something for which I wanted to strive. It was Paul’s standard, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). I focused on three words: “mark” which was later translated “goal;” “prize” which was an award, often given in the public games of the day; and “calling” which was an invitation, and in the New Testament, always used for a divine call from God. I am not a judge (even though that is the meaning of the Hebrew name, Daniel), and now that I am much closer to pressing toward the finish line than kneeling in the starting blocks, I realize the danger in judging others. However, I pass this verse along to my younger ministerial family, and beyond. Keep your focus on the prize of the “high calling of God in Christ” not the low calling of “the sins of the flesh” (Colossians 2:11). No doubt some have been, and will be again, falsely accused. To those, I repeat what I often told my students, “So live, that when the rumors and the negative reports begin no one will believe them.”


 In other words, be “marked” by the “high calling.”

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When Life Becomes a Bitter Pill

I am disgusted with my life. Let me complain freely. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.
JOB 10:1 NLT

Sometimes you are like Elijah—experiencing burnout syndrome. At such times, you are almost to the point of praying desperately like him, “I have had enough, take my life.” You have never been totally burned out, but you have gotten mighty warm.

You have not had to weather a perfect storm like Job. You have always liked your life, never loathed it. Sometimes the emotional terrain you traveled has been steep and rough, but you have generally enjoyed the walk.

This is not to say you have not done your share of complaining. Instead of celebrating My goodness, you tend to complain and gripe. Rather than being humbly grateful, you often turn grumbly hateful. Even on a bright, blue-sky day, you can find something to frown about. Focusing on your bitterness instead of My blessing, it is hard to smile—all you can seem to manage is a sigh.

Get over your self-pity. Let Me teach you to sing My praises. You complain that your feet hurt—some have only one leg, or none. You complain about the day being dark and cloudy—some people have never seen the sunlight. You complain about life’s noise, how hard it is to find any peace and quiet—some people have never heard music. You complain about having to pay so many bills—some people do not have the money to pay them. You complain about so much to do—some people are unemployed.

If complain, complain, complain has become your prevalent attitude, here is a little shock therapy—if you had never been born, then you would not have anything at all to complain about!

Trust Me—behind life’s misery and mystery, there is Meaning. Pain has a high and noble purpose. Trials can lead to triumph. Hurt can shape you into holiness. Bitterness can become a blessing. It all depends on your attitude.

When your life becomes a bitter pill, you can pay a visit to heaven’s complaint department and demand to see the Manager—or you can submit to the Master, swallow bitterness, and be blessed.

I do not ask you to give thanks for all circumstances, but to give thanks in all circumstances. No matter how tough your situation, there is always a reason to be grateful—if you look prayerfully enough.

(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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“Follow God’s example . . . and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us. . . . Now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:1–2a, 8b–10 NIV).

  With our Bibles open to 1 Corinthians 13, we began our 12-step meditation about God’s top priority for every disciple with this statement: “The most fulfilling journey in life is the path of a person who has an intimate relationship with God, and who faithfully follows Him. Is it the easiest path to walk? No. Is it the inside track to popularity? No. But is it the inside track to joy? Yes, for eternal reasons.”

  As we now conclude our contemplation, let’s recap several highlight9570813895?profile=originals and then relate them to eternity:

  1. Our life on earth is mostly about relationships. And our life in eternity is all about one key relationship: our relationship with God.
  2. Any disciple who focuses only on growing in knowledge and skill will fail sooner or later. Why? Because “Knowledge + Skill – Character => Collapse.”
  3. A true follower of God is known for reflecting His love. The evidence of His love in that disciple will be Christlike character:                                           “Knowledge + Skill + Character => Worship!”
  4. Our walk with God is our greatest witness to the work of God—and our worship of God.


  Looking forward, we learn that our lifestyle values and choices on earth today impact rewards that God wants to give us in heaven tomorrow. For example, He virtually underlines His priority on Christlike character as He identifies various “crowns” that He will graciously grant to us:

  • 1 Corinthians 9:25 speaks of an everlasting crown for running our race with self-discipline.
  • James 1:12 describes a crown for enduring in our walk of love even under great duress.
  • 2 Timothy 4:8 tells of the crown of righteousness for finishing our race with trustworthy integrity, not compromising our faith.
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:19 reveals the crown of joy for diligent ministry through which souls are won and faithful walks matured.
  • In 1 Peter 5:2–4 we learn of the crown of glory God has for disciples who set examples of kindness as they selflessly care about and help others.


  “So . . . what is the bottom line?” you ask. Here’s what matters most to God: His will for you and me is that we make worship a lifestyle; that is, we honor God acceptably with our heart, mind, and strength. That is how we will “walk in love.” His Spirit in us will enable us. Alleluia!


Shall we?

© 2018 John C Garmo

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