Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide them.
I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.”
And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.
Psalm 32:5 NLT
When you attempt to cover up your sins, I uncover them and you experience heaviness of guilt. Remorse makes you miserable—to say the least, you’re having a really bad day!
When you uncover your sins in My Presence, I cover them and you experience happiness of grace. Forgiveness frees you when your sin is out of My sight and out of My mind. I bury your transgressions in the deepest ocean and forget them. Honest with Me, you know firsthand the joy of a close relationship. Deeply sorry for what you have done and openly confessing your sins to Me, you delight in My pardon and enjoy the pleasure of My company.
Admitting your failures to Me relieves the pressure of guilt and removes the mask of self-righteousness. Sin forgiven, guilt dissolved, your heart sings again.
People often try to hide their iniquities in a secret closet. But wisdom gained in the crucible of experience teaches you that concealing your sins leads to unrest and fear, while confessing and renouncing them brings mercy and peace.
You can run, but you can’t hide—you cannot conceal sins from Me. If you try, you only increase your guilt feelings. The way I deal with sins is a different story. When I forgive you, you are free. When I cleanse your heart, you joyfully celebrate. When I grant you the righteousness of My Son, you can stand tall. When I liberate you from evil habits, you can dance freedom’s jig.
You have no goodness of your own—My holiness is your only hope. My unfailing love and merciful kindness opens the door to heaven. All else you depend on paves a dead-end road. I do far more than cover your transgressions; I take them away—and not just a long way, infinitely.
When guilt feelings return or temptation resurfaces, I am your Hiding Place. When you’re searching for the right way, I am your Guide. Be transparent in My Presence and be transformed. Confession really is good for your soul.
© Pastor Johnny R. Almond; Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity