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What I Learned from John Rankin

Lately I’ve found myself thinking about John Rankin, a guy who was in the Christian fellowship group with me at Denison University over 40 years ago. John wasn’t one of my best friends—far from it. In fact, he was one of those people who constantly got under my skin and pushed my buttons.

Have you had people like that in your life?

John was a freshman, and I was a senior. I was the main leader of the group, and he was a newbie. Under those circumstances, you would think he would show me some respect, wouldn’t you?

My problem with John Rankin was his obnoxious arrogance. At 18 years of age, he was one of the most egotistical men I’ve ever met. And although he was a newcomer to the group, he thought he knew better than everyone else. If you look up “Know It All” in the dictionary, I bet you’ll see a picture of John Rankin.

Don’t you hate it when someone thinks they know it all?

I’ll never forget the day things came to a head in our relationship. John wanted to put his favorite song in our fellowship songbook: “Do Lord.”

Isn’t that the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard? You undoubtedly know the song: “Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me, oh Lordy…”

You see, everyone knows that silly song, which is one of the reasons it was totally unnecessary to add it to our songbook.

I also strongly objected to the song’s warped theology. I tried to explain to John that because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we are eternally “remembered” and accepted by the Father. There’s certainly no need to beg Him to remember us!

Yes, John always wanted to change things…always thought he knew better…always wanted to get his way. The young man clearly had a spirit of control, and the songbook incident was just one of the most memorable examples.

Perhaps you’re wondering why John Rankin has been on my mind lately—over four decades since I last had contact with him. I wondered that too at first. But then I realized there’s someone in my life today who reminds me of John Rankin! Yikes… I thought I was done with him forever, and it’s as if he’s back.

Once again, my buttons are being pushed. Once again, I find myself offended by a know-it-all guy who thinks he knows better than I do. Once again, I’m going bonkers because I discern that someone has a controlling spirit.

However, I’ve concluded that God must have wanted me to learn some lessons during my encounters with John Rankin at Denison—and my encounters today with the person who reminds me of him. So I’ve asked Him to show me what’s going on here, and the lessons have turned out to be both hilarious and painful:

  1. If you don’t learn what you’re supposed to learn from the first “John Rankin,” God will keep sending you other ones. Failing to learn this vital principle, people go from marriage to marriage, job to job, and church to church, trying to escape the thorny people in their life. But everywhere they go, they find someone else who pushes the same buttons! In case you haven’t realized it yet, there are John Rankins EVERYWHERE!
  2. If people keep pushing your buttons, it’s time to ask God to heal those buttons so the cycle stops happening. I’ve always loved the old maxim that says, “If someone gets your goat, it just goes to show you’ve got one!” You see, God purposely sends us people He knows will offend us. Why? Because He wants to reveal and heal the hypersensitive, easily offended areas of our life. 
  1. In many cases, we’re offended by people who have the same personality trait we have. One preacher calls this principle “If you can spot it, you’ve got it!” It shouldn’t have been any great mystery why I was so offended by John’s controlling spirit. I didn’t want him to be in control, because I wanted to be in control! Why was I so upset by his know-it-all attitude? Because I thought I knew better than he did! And the reason I was offended by his song selection was because I was certain my songs were better.

So now that I realize what’s going on with this phenomenon, I’m asking God to expose and heal my buttons pushed by people like John Rankin. And since my own pride has been the root cause of my offenses in these cases, the healing process is requiring me to humble myself before the Lord and admit my own tendency to be a controlling, know-it-all person who wants to get my own way.

I’ve lost touch with John Rankin over the years, but I would love to track him down somehow. John, if you’re out there somewhere, please contact me.

It would be great to find out if John Rankin is still the same arrogant, controlling person he was at Denison. And I’m sure he would wonder the same about me.

I encourage you to take a moment and sincerely thank God for the John Rankins in your life. If you allow the Lord to do His work in your heart, He will use people like that to make you more like Jesus.

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Applying Wisdom to Grief

Since grief is such a big subject, there isn’t a single definition that covers it. A commonly used definition is “Grief is the normal and natural emotional reaction to loss or change of any kind.” Let me illustrate. Last week I attended a conference that involved several hundred cross-cultural missionaries, some of whom were former Seminary students of mine. I received two invitations to teach a short-term class on prayer (my favorite subject to teach) in two different countries, far removed from my Texas home. I want to accept the invitations so bad I can hardly stand the possibility of having to decline. But my doctors don’t think too highly of the possibility. Following the X-ray, MRI, Myelogram and CT Scan of my neck, I was told by my surgeon, that I have a serious bulging disk in my neck and the day I feel numbness in my arms or tingling in my fingers, or feel dizzy, or fall, he will meet me at the hospital for emergency surgery. Neither of these places where I have been invited, offer a very good alternative to the emergency surgical facilities in my home town. Across the years, I have made many trips to far-away places, when my physical condition was somewhat questionable. But I’ve never been this old before. One of my doctors challenged me to “Think about age, before making plans!” So, I’m having an “emotional reaction to loss or change.” You don’t have to be my age to suffer grief – from a variety of causes, most of which are far worse than mine. So, if you are grieving today due to “emotional reaction to loss or change” do what I did. Remembering Psalm 119:28 (NASB) where the Psalmist cried out, “My soul weeps because of grief; Strengthen me according to Your word.” I went to the Word where I found two verses in Ecclesiastes: “In much wisdom there is much grief and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain” (Ecclesiastes 1:18 NASB) and “Remove grief and anger from your heart and put away pain from your body, because childhood and the prime of life are fleeting” (Ecclesiastes 11:10, NASB). Employ much positive wisdom today and move on with life.

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The Spirit Speaks

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .


It’s the Holy Spirit that often knocks on our hearts and heads, helping us to understand God’s will for our lives, inside and outside of work.


What an underutilized resource is the Holy Spirit!  We Christians are often more influenced by the call of our culture than the call of our God.


First Corinthians 2:12 reminds us that . . . “We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.”


Once we embrace that gift, we can forge forward with it.  At work, we can press on with an anointed calling straight from our ultimate Boss. 


Things may look far different from our plans or expectations; but if it’s from God, it will be one of the contributions for which we were created.




  1. Have you spent time considering the significance, and the role, of the Holy Spirit in your life?


  1. How are you spending time with yourself, to better connect with the Spirit alive and at work in you?




Dear Lord, in the Holy Spirit, You have granted us a gift that we often overlook.  Help us to appreciate Your work in us, through Your Spirit, and in pursuit of Your kingdom.

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at



At work on Your purposes - Amen


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At a Standstill?


The work on the Temple of God in Jerusalem had stopped, and it remained at a standstill

until the second year of the reign of King Darius of Persia.

EZRA 4:24

Sometimes it would be appropriate for you to ask yourself thought-provoking questions—You were running a good race, so what interfered with your progress and detoured you from My best? What kinds of influence sidetrack you from persevering in the life mission I have assigned you?

Discouraging people can get the best of you, if you neglect to rely on Christ’s dynamic power at work within you.

Fear can frustrate your service for Me, if it shuts down your faith.

Ridicule and ostracism can paralyze your noble pursuit, if you permit it.

You can be certain that resolve to live a pure life will not make you the hit of the world’s party. And it will not get any easier when you redouble your efforts to live a godly life.

Human authority can intimidate you, if you do not pay attention to orders from Higher Headquarters.

Remember this—at all times, in all situations, it is mandatory that you obey Me!

It is okay to rest—it is not okay to resign. It is delightful to pause—it is disgraceful to stop. A Sabbath is wise—a standstill is wicked. Retirement on active duty is a contradiction in terms.

Faithfulness is much more critical than talent or skill. A running T-Model goes farther than a parked Cadillac.

Keep on keeping on, standing strong in the service of the Victor. Run until the finish line, keeping your eyes on your Savior on the cross. Courageously struggle on, standing tall and true to your convictions. My grace enables you to survive
battles with the evil one, stand firm against his strategies, stand your ground against his tricks that would overthrow you, and keep you safe and sound until you join heaven’s victory celebration.

Arrayed in heavenly armor, evil will not knock you off your feet. When the smoke of battle clears, you will not be at a standstill—you will be still standing.

9570812096?profile=original(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Honorable Mention


Here is the list of the Jewish exiles of the provinces who returned from their captivity to Jerusalem and other towns of Judah.
They had been deported to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar.

The temptation to settle down in captivity was tremendous for those Jews in Babylon. Many of them had accumulated riches in the land between the rivers. Civilization was very comfortable. Enjoying an easy life far from Zion, why pull up stakes and abandon their routine? Why give up their predictable jobs for this arduous journey?

Can you see yourself and your personal experiences in the mirror of Jewish history? Their temptations are yours. Their dilemma reflects your own hesitancy to lose your life and give it up for Jesus’ sake. Addiction to a comfort zone makes it hard for you to get out of the rut—a grave with both ends kicked out—and take the exit to freedom.

For the Jews to travel those hundreds of dangerous miles was a crucial choice inspired by a search for significance. Wondering why the Hebrews set out on the trek to Jerusalem, some critics labeled the emigrants’ decision lunacy. But they were not insane—they were inspired to embark on a mission outshining the metropolis of Babylon.

Worldly attractions lose their glitter in light of My challenge—if you refuse to shoulder your cross and humbly walk in My shadow to the City of Light, you are not worthy to wear My Name.

Triumph followed courage. Sustained by their Sovereign, returnees to Jerusalem—city of peace, and Judah—country of praise, again walked the familiar streets of their hometowns. After months of danger and difficulty, it was good to finally be home.

At the day’s end, losing by earth’s standards is winning by Mine. Those who lose their lives for My sake truly discover life.
Changed by adventure, returning exiles were cataloged as stars. Honorable mention in the hall of faith is their eternal reward.

When you give up your attachment to things to follow Me, I guarantee a payback that will far more than off set the expenditure. To be named by the Shepherd is no small joy. To be registered in the Lamb’s Book of Life is no shallow reward.
Whatever your society decides, choose to aim for Christlikeness. Be a diamond on black velvet—and receive heaven’s honorable mention.


(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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What Matters Most to God in a Disciple (Part 9)

“Love . . . keeps no record of when it has been wronged” (1 Corinthians 13:5c NLT).

Love . . . forgives. Graciously.

As we continue meditating on what matters most to God in a disciple, let’s ponder the scope and path of forgiveness that we began previously.

God’s Word is clear about His countercultural desire for9570814090?profile=original us to forgive:

“Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked. You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.”

(Luke 6:35-36 NLT).

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31 ESV).

Other questions emerge, in addition to those raised in our previous segment.

First: Other than other persons, who else might you and I need to forgive?

Many of us need to forgive ourselves. Satan, our accuser (Revelation 12:10), revels in discouraging us with unrelenting accusations, in God’s ear and in our hearts, about one past failure or another.

Other times we blame God, consciously or subconsciously, for emotional or physical pain that we experienced. “God, You gave me an abusive mother and an alcoholic father. It’s no wonder that I’m a wreck. Who I am today is Your fault, not mine.”

Whether or not you or I understand a wrenching trauma that we experience, we truly worship when we stand firm on this reality: Since God is sovereign, my response to this situation is more important in His eyes than my situation itself. Forgive Him—as He forgave you.

Second: For God’s glory, Satan’s defeat, and our stewardship of life, how can we “forgive” well?

1 John 1:9 summarizes the way God forgives us:

“He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

That is, we can trust God: (a) to honor His own laws justly, (b) disregard our offenses—because of Christ’s atonement—and (c) purge our record of wrongdoing.

So . . . can those who hurt or offend you or me trust us to stand firm and: (a) honor God’s commands, (b) let go of our anger and vengeance—because of Christ’s atonement—and (c) “keep no record of when we’ve been wronged”? When Satan accuses you or me about some past failure, can we stand firm and resist Satan in the manner of 1 John 1:9?

Privately or with some friends, how would you answer these questions?

  • About Christlike convictions: What does our forgiveness reveal about our trust that God is our Protector and Avenger?
  • About Christlike kindness: On whom are we focusing—and not focusing—when we rehearse wrongs done to us by others?
  • About true worship: How is forgiveness an act of worship?

Do you want to honor Him, and do what matters most to Him? I do. Let’s forgive others, forgive ourselves, and forgive God as He forgives us.

How do you expect that your commitment to forgiveness will be tested this week?

© 2018 John C Garmo

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Rediscovering the Greatest Boook



As Hilkiah the high priest was recording the money collected at the Lord’s Temple

he found the Book of the Law of the Lord as it had been given through Moses.

When the king heard what was written in the law, he tore his clothes in despair.

“Go to the Temple; speak to the Lord for me and the remnant of Israel and Judah.

Ask him about the words written in this scroll that has been found.

The Lord’s anger has been poured out against us because

our ancestors have not obeyed the word of the Lord.

We have not been doing what this scroll says we must do.”

2 Chronicles 34:14, 19, 21 NLT


My Textbook for Living had been lost during reigns of evil kings. Found and read to Josiah, he realized that drastic changes were required to bring the nation he governed back into line with My commands.


The Book from Heaven is My gift to earth, telling you of My care. My never-ending love story is recorded in the pages of Scripture.


The Book of Holiness is My instruction manual on how to live—teaching eternal truths, making you sense what is wrong in your life, getting you back on track, and helping you avoid derailment.


The Book of Books tells of My greatness and exalts My lordship. It records My creation of the universe out of nothing, holding it all together with invisible hands, supervising galaxies—and you.


The Book of Life reminds you of My grace—illuminating your lonely darkness with My Heartwarming Presence. Nothing can extinguish Holy Radiant Light. Every time you reopen Scripture, you rediscover the Book that makes all the difference in your life. No other book transforms attitudes and actions like the Holy Bible. No other book so convicts you of sin and makes you want to respond with true remorse and repentance.


The world’s greatest literature cannot compare to the treasures of My law.     No poetry matches the Psalms. No novel is more charming than the saga of My love. No story is more captivating than Scripture. The most thoughtful philosophies cannot touch the human heart like Christ’s parables. All the best books ever written, placed side by side, could not rival the divine library.


Do not leave My Word on a bookshelf to collect dust—that is no better than hiding a scroll in the Temple. An unread Bible is as useless as a lost one. The best Bible study? Read it over, think it through, pray it in, live it out.              The best translation your world will ever read? An obedient life.


 © Pastor Johnny R. Almond—Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Questions God Asks



“The evil spirit often makes him fall into the fire or into water, trying to kill him. 

Have mercy on us and help us. Do something if you can.”

“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”

Mark 9:22-23 NLT


Do you want to serve Me, yet feel unable to accomplish what I ask of you?

I know you are made of dust, and that you do not have nerves of steel.

Do you know that I am omnipotent, and that I never get tired?

Take My hand and be supernaturally reenergized to do My will.

I can help you walk farther than faintheartedness,

     run faster than temptation, and soar higher than mediocrity.

You will not burn out if you let My Spirit refuel your passion for My cause.

You can, in fact, do all things I ask of you through Christ in your heart.

Depend on My unparalleled strength.


Are the Devil and his demons distracting you, trying to discourage you?

Do not give in to the evil one, or hellacious handcuffs will chafe your soul.

Yield to My mastery and enjoy freedom the world cannot give.

Reaching the point of desperation?  Good – that is when I bless you!

Count on My absolute authority.


Overwhelmed with shame because of your iniquity? 

Mercy is available to cancel your guilt if you confess and forsake sin.

My heart brings you home from your wandering if you hear My voice. 

The blood of My Son gives you a clean heart if you cry out for it.

Trust My unfailing love. 


Are life’s challenges leaving you feeling helpless? 

I direct traffic patterns of galaxies – I guide you to the best life.

I hold the earth up on nothing – I watch over you day and night.

I am your Invisible Means of Support.

Stay connected to My infinite power.


Are you enduring an intense trial of your faith? 

When you swim upstream in rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.

When you walk through purifying fire, you will not be incinerated.

“I only design your dross to consume, and your gold to refine.”

I permit or cause every circumstance—never worry; I know what I am doing.  

Submit to My sovereign rule.


Facing a problem you are unable to solve? Welcome to the human race!

Many things are too difficult for you, but nothing is too hard for Me.

It is not a question of “If I can” – it is a question of if you believe.

Trust My unlimited ability.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond—Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Effort Has Purpose

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

I’ve had times at work when it seemed like I was using my talents for nothing.  I’d put out my best effort, but few results seemed to come back.  It was discouraging, and I’d wonder if something was out of sorts with me.


How comforting it was to read this scripture from the famous prophet Isaiah, Isaiah 49:4, when he struggled with it, saying . . . “I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing.  Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand, and my reward is with my God.” 


Isaiah was able to look past the fruitless reality of the present, and anticipate a noble purpose in the future.  He knew that in eternity, God would reveal the reasons, and release the reward. 


If your current work seems devoid of purpose or reward, rest in this future assurance.

1. Have you had work experiences where your effort seemed to have no purpose?  How did God use them?
2. Where do you see God moving through the efforts of others, and what purpose does that work fulfill?

Dear Lord, we are grateful that our work matters to You, even when it seems to have little purpose for us.  Help us appreciate the spiritual significance of work, even when it can seem to be elusive.
At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at


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God's Immeasurable Love


May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.
May you have the power to understand as all God’s people should,
how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.
EPHESIANS 3:17b-18

My love is wider than your mind—it is universal.
Reality transcending e = mc2 is greater than your ability to comprehend.
I am energy’s Source, faith’s Center of Gravity, and light’s Creator.
My love reaches out to people of all nations—not just people like you.
My love is no abstraction, it is actuality—more than an idea, it is truth.
My mercy and compassion for the undeserving extends even to you.
You cannot fathom why I care for you, but you can experience My love.

My love is longer than your lifetime—it is unending.
No force can separate you from My love—
     death’s terror, life’s trouble, demons’ distraction, today’s fear,
     tomorrow’s worry, hell’s power, height’s dizziness, sea’s chaos—
     nothing can come between us.
Believer, we are inseparable.
When you are finally free from death, you will sing of My love forever.

My love is higher than your soul—it is unlimited.
My love cancels despair with hope, and cares more than you imagine.
Infinitely beyond earnest prayers, intense hopes, and grand dreams—
     My work inside your being gives you joy too wonderful for words.
The place My heart is preparing for those who respond to My love
     is more beautiful than paintings, symphonies, or poems express.

My love is deeper than your heart—it is unfailing.
Betsie ten Boom was right—no pit is so deep, that I am not deeper still.
When you experience depression, do not lose your hope in Me.
My heart empathizes with you in your pain and problems.
My promises guide you through the maze of perplexity.
My Spirit holds you together through your darkest night.
I am your Face-healer—smile through your tears until I wipe them away.


(c) 2013 Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Second Mile Friends

What does a real friend do? I now have a new answer to that question. It was a sickening feeling to arrive at my hotel and begin unpacking my luggage only to miss seeing the small zip-lock bag containing my prescription medication. A call home revealed that the bag was indeed ready for the trip but was sitting on the counter in my home bathroom. It never made it to the luggage, thus was not available when I unpacked in another city, in another country. 

Several text messages between my doctor and I revealed the sad fact that he could not call a Pharmacy near my hotel and give the prescription since he was not a registered physician in the country where I was needing the medication. However, he did go the “second mile” and call a pharmacy across the border and they were able to fill 2 of my 3 prescriptions.

Friend #1 – my doctor. However, my schedule was full and it seemed impossible for me to cross the border to pick up my medication. Enter “second-mile” friend #2 who drove across the border, picked up my medication, and at the risk of being arrested for crossing the border with someone else’s prescription medication, delivered the pills to me. 
These two men have been my friends for many years, but last week, by going the “second mile” they demonstrated again what genuine friendship means. In His sermon on the mount, Jesus said if someone needed you to go with them for one mile, you should, “Go with him two” (Matthew 5:41). How could you be a “second mile” friend this week?
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What Matters Most to God in a Disciple (Part 8)

“Love . . . keeps no record of when it has been wronged” (1 Corinthians 13:5c NLT).

Love . . . forgives.

“What,” you may ask, “does ‘forgive’ mean?”9570814278?profile=original

“Forgiveness,” wrote an anonymous but skillful wordsmith, “is me giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me.”

Is there anything harder for a disciple who imitates the character of Jesus Christ than forgiving?

I’ve taught these true values on five continents of the world. It happens every time: Regardless of race, status, wealth, or renown, when we begin publicly pondering the issue of forgiveness, the participants get very, very serious.

Why is forgiving so important? Because virtually every living person has been wronged—hurt—by someone else. And nobody likes it. When wronged, we tend to respond with anger and other emotions that drive our thoughts through dark alleys. And angry people do foolish things. Unchecked, we are vulnerable to taking revenge—trying to “get even”—in ways that eventually destroy the lives of both offender and offended.

How do we “keep record” of who wronged us and what they did? One way is by rehearsing those wrongs in our minds, imprisoning them there for easy retrieval. Another is by recording them in a journal or an electronic notebook, as we might a grocery list. A third way is to recite those wrongs to listening ears, telling others about how someone has hurt us.

Whatever our method, harboring unforgiveness triggers a vicious chain-reaction. The angry and bitter unforgiveness that we imprison in our heart captures us and puts us into bondage. It messes with our mind and distracts our heart. The soldier who hides a leaking chemical agent vial in his jacket—which he intends to use against his enemy—will himself be destroyed by the toxin.

Adding to this tragedy is another reality: Two significant others are also involved. In ongoing spiritual warfare, both God and Satan care about our response as disciples when we are wronged (Colossians 3:13 et al.).

“Okay,” you say. “I know the Bible tells us that God cares about our response to life’s wrongs. But Satan? Really?

Really. In 2 Corinthians 2:5­–11, Paul specifically challenges that church to forgive a particular offender—as a counteroffensive move against Satan’s destructive schemes. Paul knew that unforgiveness acts against us just as the chemical agent would against that soldier.

Other questions emerge:

  • Other than other persons, who else might you and I need to forgive?
  • For God’s glory, Satan’s defeat, and our stewardship of life, how can we “forgive” well?

We’ll ponder those matters as we continue this series on what matters most to God in a disciple.

© 2018 John C Garmo

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#ReimagineEVANGELISM: 1) a New Equation 2) Four Letter Words 3) Good-Bad-Ugly

A New Equation for Collaboration in Mission

The Great Commission plus the Great Commandment added to a Great Commitment, multiplied by Great Collaborations results in Great Communities multiplied by Great Collaborations results in Great Communities. The 21st-century church is struggling because...

Evangelism is a Four Letter Word

Evangelism isn’t what it used to be and is uncertain of what it should be.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: What Does Evangelism Look Like in Your Day-to-Day Life?

As you go, wherever you go, make disciples of all people.


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An Encouraging Word



Then Hezekiah encouraged them with this address:
“Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid of the king of Assyria or his mighty army.
There is a power far greater on our side! He has a great army, but they are just men.
We have the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!”
These words greatly encouraged the people.


Encircled by invisible armies, the Greatest Power in the universe is on your side. Stand proudly in the ranks of those changed from spineless wimps into steel-backboned warriors.


Feeling powerless, recall not by force nor by strength, but by My Spirit. Feeling weak-kneed, trustingly don My armor.


Sometimes you feel “where never is heard a discouraging word” is a Utopia existing only in dreams. Despair and pessimism are rampant. Bad news is all you ever hear. Futurists have little optimistic to predict.Tired of the world’s negativism? Bow before the plus sign of the cross.


When it seems that discouraging words are all you ever hear, turn to My Word.Take a walk through the New Testament and revel in transforming truths.


I am your Travel Companion.

Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart.

My story captivates you and cheers you on.

My Spirit brings peace in pandemonium.

Christ’s return gives reason for living until paradise is restored.

In the darkness, dawn approaches.

You are a victor, not a victim.

You enjoy freedom, not shackles.

Your Heavenly Father cares for you, His child.

Prayer opens the window to infinite resources.

Christ unlocks the secret to surviving every situation.

Unimaginable glory is waiting just around the corner.

I am the Eternal Optimist—you can be too.

My Son came to planet Earth to solve your biggest problem—guilt.

I grant power for living, love for your relationships, and self-discipline for spiritual development.

I am your Blessed Hope.

Active sharing of faith’s perspective helps you to grow up in Christ.

At the throne of prayer, find mercy for your sins and grace for your struggles.

A humble attitude ensures help from the Almighty.

Trust causes joy beyond words.

Internalizing My Word purifies you from moral filth.

In Jesus, there is certainty in all circumstances.

Count on Unchanging Truth.

Enjoy pleasure of My company 24/7.

I am your Source of eternal security.

The United Kingdom is on the way.


Take this walk often—My Encouraging Word will always lift your spirit.


(c) Johnny R. Almond

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An Encouraging Word



Then Hezekiah encouraged them with this address:
“Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid of the king of Assyria or his mighty army.
There is a power far greater on our side! He has a great army, but they are just men.
We have the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!”
These words greatly encouraged the people.


Encircled by invisible armies, the Greatest Power in the universe is on your side. Stand proudly in the ranks of those changed from spineless wimps into steel-backboned warriors.


Feeling powerless, recall not by force nor by strength, but by My Spirit. Feeling weak-kneed, trustingly don My armor.


Sometimes you feel “where never is heard a discouraging word” is a Utopia existing only in dreams. Despair and pessimism are rampant. Bad news is all you ever hear. Futurists have little optimistic to predict.Tired of the world’s negativism? Bow before the plus sign of the cross.


When it seems that discouraging words are all you ever hear, turn to My Word.Take a walk through the New Testament and revel in transforming truths.


I am your Travel Companion.

Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart.

My story captivates you and cheers you on.

My Spirit brings peace in pandemonium.

Christ’s return gives reason for living until paradise is restored.

In the darkness, dawn approaches.

You are a victor, not a victim.

You enjoy freedom, not shackles.

Your Heavenly Father cares for you, His child.

Prayer opens the window to infinite resources.

Christ unlocks the secret to surviving every situation.

Unimaginable glory is waiting just around the corner.

I am the Eternal Optimist—you can be too.

My Son came to planet Earth to solve your biggest problem—guilt.

I grant power for living, love for your relationships, and self-discipline for spiritual development.

I am your Blessed Hope.

Active sharing of faith’s perspective helps you to grow up in Christ.

At the throne of prayer, find mercy for your sins and grace for your struggles.

A humble attitude ensures help from the Almighty.

Trust causes joy beyond words.

Internalizing My Word purifies you from moral filth.

In Jesus, there is certainty in all circumstances.

Count on Unchanging Truth.

Enjoy pleasure of My company 24/7.

I am your Source of eternal security.

The United Kingdom is on the way.


Take this walk often—My Encouraging Word will always lift your spirit.


(c) 2013 Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Nine Practices That Heal Our Broken Humanity

This book shows what it means to be the church, the new humanity in Jesus Christ, as Paul writes about in Ephesians 2:15. This is the biblical basis for our understanding of what it means to become new in Christ. The church shows the world God’s perfect design for humanity, which is a reconciled, unified, whole, multiethnic, peaceful, loving life together. As a beacon to the world, the church shows the world what God calls it to be. The church shows the world its destiny and future. In an era where Christian identities seem so enmeshed with race, politics, nationalism, and material goods, we need to imagine a different reality.


This book unpacks what it means to be the new humanity in Christ, as we embrace nine transforming practices that we hope you can adopt into your life. The practices aren’t necessarily sequential. You don’t need to practice the fourth before you can go to the fifth, for example. These practices may be taking place concurrently, and different people might have different entry points.


  1. Reimagine church as the new humanity in Jesus Christ.
  2. Renew lament through corporate expressions of deep regret and sorrow.
  3. Repent together of white cultural captivity, and racial and gender injustice, and of our complicity.
  4. Relinquish power by giving up our own righteousness, status, privilege, selfish ambition, self-interests, vain conceit, and personal gain.
  5. Restore justice to those who have been denied justice.
  6. Reactivate hospitality by rejecting division and exclusion, and welcoming all kinds of people the household of God.
  7. Reinforce agency by supporting people’s ability to make free, independent, and unfettered actions and choices.
  8. Reconcile relationships through repentance, forgiveness, justice, and partnership.
  9. Recover life together as a transformed community that lives out the vision of the Sermon on the Mount.

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God's Armor


Put on all of God’s armor so you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil.

Ephesians 6:11 NLT


You are engaged in a battle with evil forces far more powerful than you.

This war is not a fantasy – Satan and his demons are very real.

The dark side opposes the Light and combats everyone on My side. 

Led by the Devil, battalions of demons are on the attack –

     this blitzkrieg from hell throws everything Satan has against you.

Unprotected by body armor of faith and love, you are a prime target –

     far more vulnerable than you think!


You are up against far more than you can handle on your own.

The evil one can overpower you easier than you might imagine.

Strength is in My might alone. 

You are weak and I am strong – never forget your critical need of Me!

The key to survival and the secret of strength is heaven’s help.


To stand firm against Satan, take a stance of firm reliance on Me.

To stand tall through the battle, avoid the Devil’s ten thousand lures. 

To stand your ground, live as a child of the Light – honestly, purely.


For combat boots, slip into running shoes of enthusiastic evangelism.

Use Faith Shield to extinguish the flaming arrows of temptation.

Don the helmet of My salvation and be transformed from the inside out.

     Change how you think, and your life will be changed for the better. 

Brandish Spirit Sword to slay the dragon intent on ruining your life.

     Scripture is an indispensable weapon to answer hell’s propaganda.

     Heaven’s Field Manual gives principles to win your battles on earth.


This ongoing warfare of good versus evil is a 24/7 experience.

     So never forget to stay in touch with Higher Headquarters.

Prayerlessness lets down your guard and leaves you open to defeat.

Failure to communicate with your Commander is presumptuous –

     declaring in effect that you can achieve victory on your own!

     Without Me, you cannot win;  with Me, you cannot lose. 

The evil one is your opponent, but the Holy One is your confidence.

The prince of darkness is your foe, but Light beyond light is your Friend.


My armor is awkward equipment for an easy chair – this is no war game.

     I never said the battle would be easy, but I did promise you would win.

There is no armor for your back, so fight to the finish and die facing the enemy.

     One day, we will celebrate life’s victory together -- until then, soldier on.


9570811054?profile=original(c) 2013 Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Wherever He Leads, We’ll Go

We celebrated our wedding anniversary last week and were reminded that our wedding prayer of commitment was sung, not spoken, and one word was changed: “My heart, my life, my all I bring to Christ who loves me so; He is my Master, Lord, and King, wherever He leads I'll  we’ll go.” We began as a team and have remained that way all these years. Need proof? We’ve lived in eight cities in two states, including thirteen addresses. We’ve traveled together to thirty-two states and thirty-nine foreign countries. Since I’ve done some travel alone, my individual numbers are a bit higher (all 50 states and 59 foreign countries), but not without the prayer support of the home-front. We served two churches as pastor and wife, three campuses as collegiate minister and wife, one denominational entity, and one seminary. We have shared in five sabbatical leaves in places such as Boston; Calgary; Hong Kong; Vancouver; Bonn, Germany; Milan, Italy, and one assignment that had us traveling throughout the Central & Eastern European Region of the International Mission Board. With various degrees of wifely involvement, we have served twenty-four interim pastorates. We began singing “wherever He leads” and fifty-four years later “from the ends of the earth we have heard songs” (Isaiah 24:16). Had we known on August 8, 1964 that “wherever” would include all of this, we might have had a different song sung at the wedding. Then again, we might have decided to do it all over again, the same way.

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