Why so Many Intercessors?

Why does one seek ever increasing numbers of persons to pray on their behalf? Do we think that by getting our prayer request listed on as many prayer lists as possible and sharing it via social networks with folks we hardly know, the sheer numbers will impress God and thus win favor and produce a positive response? God is no more impressed with our numbers than He was with the efforts of many people to build a tower in His honor at Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). While God did respond to the prayers of the multitudes in the Bible, He more often responded to the prayers of a faithful few or even to the intercession of a single saint. It is not then necessary to secure ever increasing numbers of prayer partners for the purpose of impressing God. Understanding that there are some prayer concerns that are so personal they should be shared with only a select few, why then should we add up intercessors for other concerns? Because prayer is ministry. The more people we can involve in a ministry of intercession, the more people will grow spiritually and be blessed by the results. In addition, I don’t know who God desires to use as part of His response to my prayer concern. If only a few are informed, only a few are blessed and we limit God on who He can use as a channel of blessing and response. So share prayer concerns with sensitivity, not to impress God, but to provide an opportunity for ministry and blessing to othersYou can subscribe and receive Dr. Dan’s Monday Morning Memo via E-mail every Monday morning and it’s free- www.discipleallnations.org.
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  • Prayer is ministry. The more people we can involve in a ministry of intercession, the more people will grow spiritually and be blessed by the results. 


    Amen---This is a wonderful observation. 



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