VBS Lessons on Teaching Prayer

I am looking for VBS lessons that teach prayer to children.  I have found some helpful material, but am looking for actual VBS lessons that teach prayer to our children.  My research has come up empty handed so far--with the exception of some supportive material that can help build a lessonThe VBS director at my church has requested me to help, and wants 4 short lessons on prayer (5 minutes) then the prayer activity is for each child to place a prayer on a prayer wall for people of the church to see and pray over.  In response, I have put together 4 possible lessons, but would like to examine others.  Does any one have some lessons that are shareable or a source that one can look up? 

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  • Thanks, Jonathan for the links--

    The cost on Kid's Love to Pray, is a bit high '$ wise' for me to examine right now, -- but I may be able to get the second one look it over, then later -- as the Lord provides--the first one mentioned--Kid's Love to Pray.  They may be of some help. 


  • I forgot another one: KidsGap: Teaching Children to Be Kingdom Intercessors. Check it out at http://www.prayershop.org/KidsGap-p/ced-alj-bk-001.htm

  • Another resource you may want to check out is a Sunday school or Children's church curriculum called Kids Love to Pray, Too. It is based on the bestselling Love to Pray material. Here is a link to a product page describing this material: http://www.prayershop.org/product-p/ced-trk-kt-001.htm

  • Andrew,

    I have reviewed some of them, and some other resources from NavPress.  Those resources are indeed very helpful. 

    One thing I recognize that is needed in developing VBS lessons--they need to be short, and take simple concepts and each succeeding lesson needs to build on the previous lesson or at least compliment it.  This will help a Child remember a concept of prayer easier, and it will also help the Teacher, and the Parent who reviews those VBS lessons with their child.

    In this process, I am also looking for help in keeping a simple lesson very simple that 3-4 year olds can understand it, as well as 4-6 graders.

  • Lewis, although they're not VBS-specific, the old Pray! Magazines used to have a section in each called "PrayKids" - sections specifically oriented to teaching kids how to pray and providing some prayer activities or exercises.  I'm not sure how closely they would mirror what you're trying to do, but I recall them being good resources.

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