Today I want to share a guest blog written by my friend Alexandria who desperately needed a praying grandparent. Please read it all the way through. You will
see the urgency for grandparents to cover their grandchildren with prayer. It is an understatement to say that for some people life can be so horrendously painful. Feeling as though they spend all or most of your energies fighting to survive the battles that sap your strength.
My life has felt like that in many ways, and even as I talk about it here, it still pains me as I look back and survey the many potholes and washed out roads that represent where I have been, and what I have come through. As I reminisce, I find there could have been a better way, and perhaps I could have lived a different life...if I had a grandparent praying faithfully over my soul as I walked through childhood toward the ever pulling future, wishing that Hope would somehow find me and set me free.
From the time I was young I had a sincere desire to be good, to obey and to please, and so I put forth my efforts in that direction, as imperfectly as that was. Now I am not saying that I was a perfect child, but my heart wanted...longed for peace and order so badly that I was practically willing to do whatever it took to be in that space. The problem was, the house I grew up in was anything but that, and the anger that resided overflowed the walls that held us in and broke our hearts as if they were glass. It was a pattern for us kids, and it left us scrambling between episodes, wondering what the next trigger would be the blow-up. Would it be between my parents or laid out upon us kids, molding us against our wills, to people who were afraid and confused and well, broken...wounded and desperate for a place of love and safety.
But those places of safety never came, and we were left to try and navigate the anger and the violence as best as we could. But without a Godly intervention, we fell apart while trying to hold ourselves together, and thus began the continuation of this pain as we grew up into adults, defacing our perspectives, and keeping us from that peace that only Christ can bring into any one of our lives.
I know that my story, unfortunately, is not an isolated or rare occurrence in this world. I know there are all kinds of horrific things that happen to many people in all walks of life. I know and understand that it can be so overwhelming as we look on, wringing our hands, desperate for God to fix what we cannot even begin to fathom happening. It's easy for the desperation of others to become our desperation in that sincere desire to spare others the pains of injustice, or any difficulties that chafe against those we hold closely in our hearts.
But there is a weapon, and there is hope, and a way to make a difference, a big one, it's called prayer. I ended up spending my whole life falling into one abusive situation after another, but my broken compass and my search for that oasis from the pains of life never appeared. My quest to survive was hindered by the fact that I did not think that God could love a person like me. I could not believe that He wanted me as His own. Such deep scars surrounded my life and pains that made me feel so ashamed and so unworthy of love no matter who it was from, even God Almighty.
Today, I am thankful to say that I have come to know the power of prayer. I have come to see how prayer has totally been the vehicle through which the power of Jesus is being called into my life. He is making old things new and leading me to that long awaited place of love and mercy that is so amazing and experienced through knowing Jesus as my Savior. He has lifted me out of the darkness, and He continues to heal me and strengthen me to glorify Him...and I know beyond a doubt that God began knocking on my door when He placed people in my life that began to pray for me. For me, I so desperately needed a miracle.
I have come to know Lillian Penner along this journey, and I am greatly touched by her dedication of encouraging grandparents to pray for their grandchildren. I am still just a mom, but I see with such great perspective how life is impacted when we pray faithfully for each other, especially the children. There probably is not a more fervent prayer that those that are planted from a deep love in the heart for those that God has blessed you with your grandchildren.
I want to encourage you to pray for your grandchildren, pray as though their lives depend on it. (Because like me, someday it just might.) We need to hold them up before our Heavenly Father and stand in the gap for these children so that Satan may not have a foothold in their lives that leads them into paths of destruction. If it was possible for me, a girl who longed to do what was right but ended up falling into sin over and over again, not only from others against me but my sins that were clouded by pain and destruction, then it can happen to anyone. It is life changing when we go to the Lord in prayer, not only for those we pray for but for us who seek His power and will to come against the darkness in this life we must live through.
Jesus never promised any of us an easy life, but He did promise us His love and power through the cross. It's time to draw on the greatest act of Love in the history of humanity, by pouring out ourselves for these precious children in prayer, calling upon the power of the cross to do its phenomenal work!
Guest blog by Alexandra Perse
I have developed “Thirty-one Scriptures to Pray for Grandchildren” that many grandparents have found helpful to pray for my grandchildren. Just by joining the mailing list on the right side of this page for grandparenting blogs and prayer suggestions and I will send you a free downloadable copy of “Thirty-one Scriptures to Pray for your Grandchildren.”
Malva, thanks for sharing those verses. Isn't it wonderful God has given us these promises to hang on to.
May God bless you richly., Lillian
Some promises that I hold onto and pray for my adult children and their children -
Isa 65:23
NIV They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the LORD, they and their descendants with them.
Psalm 100:5 For Yahweh is good. His loving kindness endures forever, His faithfulness to all generations. WEB
ESV They shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity, for they shall be the offspring of the blessed of the LORD, and their descendants with them.
HCSB They will not labor without success or bear children destined for disaster, for they will be a people blessed by the LORD along with their descendants.
Isa 44:3 I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring And My blessing on your descendants. NASB
Acts 2:38, 39 .... you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise belongs to you and to your children and to all who are far off, to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself. Berean Study Bible