We bless God for his grace and favor given us for the past youth conference. We had a three days youth conference that brought more than four hundred youths from forty churches. The theme of the conference was " from
the making of a youth with a vision " Text Daniel 1:3-9.
We had three speakers that challenge the young people.
One hundred and fifty of the youths surrounded their lives to Christ, while half of the four hundred took a decision to serve the Lord. The testimonies of the youth was so encouraging.
We praise God for the help, and the strength, and also for people like you that stood for us in prayer for the success of the program. God bless you and all the team.
Our needs
We need your prayers than ever.
Need for mobilities.
Need for camera and video.
Need to have people who will be in partnership with us.
Spiritual fathers and mothers.
I want to get marry October.
We thank you so much and God bless you.
You can contact us on samuelgbadju@yahoo.fr or call 002316442990
May God keep this relationship
Goah Samuel Gbadyu