Have you ever noticed that, if you're looking to buy a Volkswagen suddenly every second car on the road is a Volkswagen? That's what I'm noticing, unfortunately, with people in marriage crisis.
I've never been one to find a great focus on others with marriage problems. Oh, don't get me wrong; it's not that I'm dispassionate. It's just that I and those around me, by GOD's grace, have good marriages. So I'm not, well, focused on marriage problems. Until recently.
A Christian brother, married 20-plus years, has suddenly found himself living alone; his wife has taken an apartment to 'take time to sort things out' while she carries on an adulterous affair. A Christian sister blurts out an 'on the end of my leash' confession of a Christian husband who has been verbally abusing her to the point where she's going to be speaking with a divorce lawyer. Another Christian sister has checked herself into hospital suffering from severe depression, an eating disorder, and a loveless marriage with an unsaved spouse. And these are just the ones the LORD has opened my eyes to.
Is marriage under attack? You bet! Not that we haven't been inundated by culture and the world the last several years. What with the homosexual 'revolution' in full swing from next door to Parliament Hill, we've been beaten into believing that our tolerance and acceptance levels are way too low; our children need to be educated in all facets of the definition of "family" and like it, and some churches condone it. So, with that part of the lie taken care of and seamingly well intrenched in a generation, we're now being attacked from within; within our church walls. Brothers and sisters, quite very likely, it seems, sitting right next to us on Sunday mornings, are being attacked at the very core of their faith. What GOD has joined, the devil is now, more noticeably, tearing apart. I look at today's prayer sheet, shake my head and say, "What the what?!" In a word: unbelievable.
But. I. won't. lose. heart. You know why? 'Cause that's too easy, and it's just what the devil wants. Now I'm no great deep spiritual know-it-all; just a single child of GOD with an ache in my heart for those I know who are fighting a battle they thought they'd never have to face: separation from someone they love and, who they thought, loved them. The devil cries out, "Where's your trust now?! Where's your GOD now!!'
My GOD knows exactly where He is: right in the middle of every marriage crisis that involves one of His Own. And how do I pray? Honestly, I don't ever know. I only know when this ache in my heart gets so heavy I could die, I know that's when He's pushing me to talk to Him: now. And don't be fooled; He really does relay the right words through the Holy Spirit into my heart, and no, I can't explain how. I only know He does, and when He does, I am to receive them and pray them back to Him. And I know when I'm done, because the words stop coming, and I find myself speaking on my own. His presence is overwhelming; His appointment is sure. The rest is rubbish. And when He's done, I thank Jesus, get up, and carry on.
Life is real. Prayer works. GOD loves. Don't give up.
The good news is, that God restored our marriage. When we both rededicated our lives to Him and put Him at the center of our marriage, God was able to bring healing and forgiveness.
Today our marriage is solid, my husband is now a pastor and we both know that it was God who made it happen.
Pray for those who are struggling in their marriages and ask God to show them His plans for their family. He is still in the miracle business and wants families to unite with Him to stop the enemy in his tracks.
As we enter the Trisagion lets keep our focus on the gift of a new life in Christ that on Easter morning we are witness again to the life changing power that the Risen Lord brings to our lives