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Ramadan Prayer
As Muslims pray and fast during Ramadan, we pray for them.
June 18, 2016
"I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs."
- Isaiah 41:18 (NIV)
There are only a handful of Omani believers in the country and the spiritual climate is described as hard, dry ground.
Pray that God will "soften" this hard ground and pour out His Spirit on the nation like rain on the dry desert.
There is a great deal of worry and fear amongst the people of this nation due to the fact that no one knows who will take over once the current Sultan dies. He has been very ill for a long time and the inevitable change and the unknown has really shaken the feeling of security that most Omanis have had for many years. There is also fear that the crisis in neighbouring nations could "spill over" into a place that has been known for peace. The people of Oman have placed their hope and trust in their country's security and stability, as much as in religion, and the thought of losing that security causes great fear in many of the people.
Superstition and fear of spirits and curses are very much present in day-to-day life. There is also the constant emptiness of trying to be good enough but not having the reassurance of salvation. Islam is a part of life from childhood, but many of the younger generation don't feel a connection with religion.
There is no known Omani church and the few national believers are isolated and live in danger and fear. Pray for the believers to have the freedom to connect with one another to grow and be encouraged.
Christian workers in Oman explain: There is great anticipation that God is on the move and many are feeling the need to pray with urgency. There is also an urgency to sow the seeds of the Gospel now abundantly while there is still the ability to do so. Please pray that God would pour out mercy and love on these people that have been known as peacemakers. Pray for the workers who, despite the risks, are still able and willing to share the Gospel in the hope of a thriving Omani church.
Source: Christians in Oman
Bless Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said of Oman and his government with continued leadership in negotiating peace between nations.
Bless the people with education and a desire to work and serve to make Oman a better country.
Bless the expatriate Churches with love for You and love for their neighbors.
Father, You say; "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Father, bless them with many coming into Your Kingdom. (Prayer based on Matthew 5:9, the Holy Bible)
Source: WIN International Network
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