joys (1)


You are God of all (1).

I confess that I often approach both You, and Your gift of prayer, with too small of a mindset.  Sometimes, I imagine the things I have the ability to accomplish or dream up, and then ask You to do only that much.  Yet, You're able to do immeasurably more, as Paul wrote in Ephesians 3 (2).  Other times, I only pray thinking of the things of which I want or desire.  While it's not wrong or bad to do so, I confess that I often forget or neglect to worship, praise, and thank You for who You are, what You've done, and are doing (3).  I often fail to pray for others' concerns, joys, and for the lost (4).  I confess that I mostly consider Your actions and provisions ahead of You, Yourself.  Forgive me and continue to grow my trust, joy, and understanding in/of You (5).

Thank You for Your grace, forgiveness, compassion, and care (6).  Thank You for giving Your Holy Spirit to dwell within me (7).  Change my thinking, understanding, compassion for others, and more (8).  Continue to fill me with Your Spirit, that I may see others, and their situations, through Your eyes (9); that I may hear what they say, and don't say, accurately, as with Your ears (10); and that I may read, take to heart, and apply what Your Word says (11).

Help me to pray from Your Word and heart (12); think Your thoughts; see myself, people around me, and our matters of agreement and disagreement accurately and lovingly as You do.  I am not capable of any of these things on my own.  I yield to You.  You're the Rock that I stand upon (13).  You are my Joy and Strength (14), (15).  You are the Light of my life in this dark world (16), (17).  You are the Lifter of my head when I become discouraged, distraught, and even self-centered (18).  You are the Corrector of my vision; helping me to see You, myself, people, and matters with far greater accuracy than I could ever imagine or attempt to understand on my own (19). 

You are Lord of All.  Some try to convince me and others that You are not Lord at all (20).  Help me to love and pray for them with Your perfect love, compassion, and care.  Also, quicken the hearts and minds of other Christians to meet these people where they're at, to pray for them, and with them as Your Spirit leads and prompts.  Increase my sensitivity to Your Holy Spirit's promptings.  I desire to be obedient to bring You, and Your Name, glory; fulfilling things You've prepared for me to do since before You created time (21). 

I worry not about what's to come because You are there (22), (23).  I worry not about the things of the past: for You are my perfect Redeemer (24) (25).  I worry not about the present (26), because You are near, and Your Spirit and Word are guiding, sharpening, correcting, and renewing me; providing light to my feet and a lamp for the path before me (27).

I worship You, Jesus; Lord of All.  Nothing is too great or small; for You created and care for it all.  Continue to shepherd me through this day and night ahead (28) for Your glory alone.  In Jesus' name, and in increasing and endless praise, (29) Amen.

(Numbered Scripture references).  Their links, within the prayer, will take you to the verse(s), online.

1. Isaiah 37:16
2. Ephesians 3:20-21
3. Revelation 1:8
4. James 5:15-20
5. Nehemiah 8:10
6. 2 Corinthians 12:9
7. Acts 5:32
8. Luke 11:13
9. Psalm 33:13-14
10. Psalm 34:17
11. Psalm 119:105
12. Luke 11:1-10
13. 1 Samuel 2:2
14. 1 Chronicles 16:27
15. Psalm 28:7
16. 2 Samuel 22:29
17. John 1:5
18. Psalm 3:3
19. Exodus 4:11-12
20. 1 Thessalonians 4:8
21. Ephesians 2:10
22. Mark 13:11
23. Matthew 6:34
24. Job 19:25
25. Psalm 19:14
26. Matthew 6:27
27. Psalm 119:105
28. Psalm 23
29. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
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