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God is in Control

“God is in control. This is no time for fear—it is a time for faith and determination.

There is a bottom line drawn across the ages. Culture can make its plan, but the line never changes.

No matter how deception may fly, there is one thing that has always been true and will be true forever.

He is still the Lord of all we see, He is still the loving Father watching over everything and you and me.”

(Twila Paris)


If we’re honest, we admit sometimes we find it hard to believe God is in control—

when we are flustered, scared, or confused, not knowing which way to turn;

when we consider the moral corruption rampant in American society;

when we hear predictions of a possible 30-year war against ISIS;

when we’re concerned about the Ebola virus spreading;

when we read about bloody international conflicts;

when we wonder if peace will ever prevail.


Pondering the sadness of the human situation, we wonder—

How did people believe in God during WWI, when 16 million died?

How did people trust God during the Black Death, when 200 million died?

How did people believe in God during the Holocaust, when 6 million Jews died?


“Hominum confusione et Dei providentia Helvetica reqitur”—

a Latin saying that originated in the political unrest of the 16th century,  

“Switzerland is governed by the confusion of men and the providence of God”,

was revived by theologian Karl Barth in the midst of the second World War.

Changing Switzerland to “world”, he stated poignantly the Christian credo of history.


The human race has turned God’s world upside down, but God is still in control.

We dare to believe that someday it will finally be clear to the entire universe.


“Be still, my soul, your God does undertake to guide the future as he has the past.

Your hope, your confidence, let nothing shake; All now mysterious shall be bright at last.”

(Katherine von Schlegel)


“This is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—

everything in heaven and on earth.” (Ephesians 1:10 NLT)


Johnny R. Almond

Christian preacher and writer

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Gentle Whispers From Eternity-Scripture Personalized available from

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