Walking (2)

Praying with Your Feet

This past weekend, I had the privilege of prayer walking the grounds of some local schools with area residents, ministry leaders, students, and even an alumnus of the schools!  While many simply consider the concept of prayer walking (walking while praying) or praying on site, just another way that one can pray, I can tell you that people participating left excited, enthused, and invigorated!  Yes, invigorated.  That's a word I seldom, if ever, see paired with the word, prayer.

Here are just a few things that people shared following walking the grounds in prayer.

* "Prayer Really Works!"  That's a fairly easy idea to intellectually agree with, but when those in attendance heard reports of specific ways God answered specific things he had people praying during last year's prayer walk, everyone was encouraged and energized to continue praying- during and even long after the formal prayer walk concluded!

* "I now have new ideas and ways to pray for students, teachers, administrators, and supporting staff on these campuses.  God has revealed to me people and matters affecting students here that I can pray about every time I drive past this place."

* "I've never thought about praying on site at the schools before.  God brought so many different ideas to my mind to pray about while I was here today.  It wasn't until I followed Him here that He brought these to light.  I can't wait to do something like this here again!"

Blessed Are Your Feet

Romans 10:15b- As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (NIV)

Paul's words are associated with missions outreach and the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  But let's also remember that prayer is an active, ongoing, aspect of missions and the gospel going forth into the world!  Without prayer, the gospel often falls upon deaf ears or hardened hearts.  With prayer, eyes are opened, ears unstopped, and hearts softened to salvation through Jesus Christ.

Prayer walking, and praying on site, as mentioned above, is often used by God to reveal new people to pray for and circumstances to engage in prayer. 

We walk and travel many places each day.  A key difference between walking and prayer walking is whether one's heart and mind are engaged with God or not.  Much of our time and our daily movements can be infused with prayerful conversation with God.  If that's a new concept, or if it seems difficult to implement, ask God to help you turn your thoughts to Him- or to help you see others, or circumstances you encounter, with His eyes, heart, or mind.  He'll be happy to help you see and experience things His way, and then help tune your heart to pray accordingly.

By doing these kind of things (seeking to see and experience people and matters through God's eyes, heart, and mind), we become missionaries actively engaged right where we are!  God blesses our feet as we walk, drive, and move about- and He does so as a result of aligning our hearts, minds, and other senses with His!

Praying for Missionaries

For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. - Ephesians 1:15-17

We may not actively consider ourselves missionaries- especially if we're not formally serving with a church denomination, ministry, etc.  But by praying on site, and by prayer walking, we can personally take an active role in missions each and every day; right where we are!

As Paul wrote to the Ephesians (noted above), we can pray for one another to receive the Spirit of wisdom and revelation- so that we may know Him better (and while doing so, also help others know Him better as well).  This mindset of prayer can help us pray for missionaries near and far- including ourselves and every other Christ follower around us.  This kind of missions mindset (beginning with prayer in knowing God better) is a powerful way to glorify God and seek His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10)!

Carrying Prayer Everywhere

As we've seen, prayer can easily be carried everywhere.  Whether one uses their feet, a motorized vehicle, or some other method of transportation, the key is our focus upon God, His heart, mind, and will- moment-by-moment.

This moment, I encourage you to pause and ask God to reveal to you something around you He sees that you might be missing.  Ask Him if there's a way He'd have you pray about what He's revealed to you.  Then, if He does, pray accordingly.  It's a model you can apply to and throughout your day- wherever you are, wherever you go, or around whomever you meet.

Let's pray with our feet today!
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Prayer is not simply mouthing a few words spoken in the morning or at the dinner table. That us of course an important part  prayer. But prayer is the opportunity to live our whole lives in God’s grace. Early this morning I read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John chapter 11. This passage gives us a vivid picture of living in God’s grace. While Jesus and His disciples were in Galilee they received word from Martha and Mary that their brother Lazarus was seriously ill. The message simply read, “He whom you love is ill.” Let me point out two simple yet difficult perspectives of living in God’s grace.

  1. Waiting in His love

John 11:5-6 reads,

“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was.”[1]

You can be sure that God loves you no matter what you are going through. To us these verses seem to be a terrible paradox. Jesus loved them, so He waited. We who have read the story know that something far greater came from the Lord’s delay. But we have also felt like it was too late for God to answer our prayers. It is difficult for us to get the principle into our hearts that the world’s deadlines are not necessarily God’s timing. Keep praying even when it seems to be too late. You may well see the glory of God through it.

         2. Walking in His light

In this passage the disciples of Jesus faced an entirely different dilemma. They were terrified when Jesus announced that He was going back to Judea where the people had tried to stone Him. Jesus answered their concerns with a sort of parable.

Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.”[2]

If you want to understand what God is up to, walk in the light He has already given. Stepping out in faith is a powerful principle of answered prayer. What God calls us to do is often impossible. I remember Moses before the Red Sea. The Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward.[3]

I love the response of Thomas in this situation.

“Let us also go, that we may die with him.”



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