Coming (1)

Christ is coming soon

I am coming soon

Behold I am coning soon,

Behold meaning LOOK look I am coming. He was calling our attention to ...

See the things going on in this world before he comes. This behold was going to believers in Christ who will see to the harvest field and make sure that all is well before his coming.

The world is a field/farm that belongs to our father (God) and we Christians are all laborers. God will not do the harvest but wants you and I to do so for our benefit. He planted/ make the farm so that we will harvest it.

Remember God wants us to harvest what we did mot plant.God wants to bless each and every one on us if we get involve in theis harvest. He is looking for min who will get involve in his farming business, come and join us on the Lord's farm.

As we celebrate the Lord's birth day I want us to remember the coming of the Lord is near.

People are dying without Christ around the world, ith issue of gag marriage is increasing.

Lack of mission support has cause other missionaries to work for NGO,while others are dying slowly on the mission field.

Our enemy has cause people to support physical things to spiritual things.

In my country for example Muslim gave scholarship to yount boys and girls to join their region.

Merry Christmas

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