In this and many elections I have been a one issue voter because I feel so strongly about abortion. My stomach rolls when I think of an innocent baby being torn apart in the womb. I see our nation standing before the Lord and hearing Him say, “Whatever you did or did not do for the least of these.”

However, there is more to the problem of abortion than its legality. My first concern is our society's attitudes toward sex. I don't know how legislation could have much effect that problem. But I would like to see a president use the bully pulpit and other prominent figures in our society use their influence to appeal to Hollywood, fiction writers, and other media to help turn our thinking around. I also think we need to show compassion and give help to teenagers and women in general under the  pressure of an unwanted pregnancy.

And I would also like to see adoption publicly affirmed and promoted. I like the promotion of adoption on soft drink cups at Wendy’s. I think it is interesting that there are so few children available for adoption that couples are paying tens of thousands of dollars to adopt.

I believe abortion is a major issue in America and the world. But we will not have significant impact on it if we are only concerned about its legality. Are you praying?


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"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."
Heb. 12:1 e.s.v.

Jesus taught us to pray that we not be led into, or that we might be led away from temptation. But most, if not all of us, are confronted by the fact that that some sin "clings so closely" that we internalize the temptation. To pray against these sins we need to pray about our attitudes. The cynical word, the rude remark or the angry explosion is preceded by an attitude of resentment or self-pity. I suspect something similar is true about pornography or indulging in lusts or severing relationships or whatever sin you fall into again and again.

I can trust these wicked attitudes as if they were from God. I can also pray for God to transform my thinking, and so my faith. It is not unbelief for me to pray, as I often do, "Father, if you don't change my attitude, I will surely fall into sin." But if I believe the sin will solve the problem or meet a need, I am putting my faith in the sin. Especially if your clinging sin relates to angry words, you are tempted to put your faith in them to bring about righteousness. But the wrath of man never brings about the righteousness of God. (James 1:20) I am aware that Jesus got quite angry on occasion. And I suspect we should be angry about some things. But most anger is selfish and foolish. And if resentment is just beneath my skin, I will trust it before I think about calling on God.

I also need to pray for my bad attitudes to be replaced with good attitudes. I need an attitude of endurance when things are difficult. If a runner in a long distance race dwells on how steep the hill he is on, or on how much better he would feel if he quit, he will be less likely to finish. If a runner thinks of anything but putting one foot in front of the other, he needs to be thinking of the finish line that he will reach if he endures the difficulty which is part of the race.
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