Where is your anchor fixed? In my first post in this blog I referred to the storm in acts 27. Let me call your attention to something a little unusual in that account. Still in the night after they had discovered the danger of a coast they could crash into, some sailors sought to escape the ship. They lowered a boat on the pretense of laying out anchors from the bow. They had already cast four anchors from the stern. They needed four anchors to slow their progress from the wind and waves. These anchors could have been dumped overboard. But an anchor from the bow would have needed a boat to take it to a place where the ship could be pulled forward. I suppose that was what they were pretending to do.

Another scripture pictures an anchor that is used like this. Hebrews 6:19,20 reads thus.

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure that enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.”

The curtain refers to the veil of the temple. That was where The Mercy Seat was. That was where the High Priest would meet with the Lord every year to make sacrifice for the sins of the people. Because the Scripture reads, “where Jesus has gone before us”, we understand that this passage is talking about the veil in the presence of God in heaven.

While I could not find another ancient reference for this use of an anchor (with the possible exception of Acts 27), this passage seems to say our anchor has been carried all the way into the harbor and where we will be drawn past the reefs and rocks into the safety of the presence of God.

The only safe place to anchor our lives is in heaven. If our lives are anchored in the stock market, if our lives are anchored in the culture or our politics, if our lives are anchored in our own desires or ambitions, we will certainly be lost in the storm.


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