On July 4, you celebrate Independence Day in the USA. Many men and women have fought for the freedoms we enjoy as we celebrate the birthday of our nation. Take time to thank God, for the freedom
we still have in this country to worship God.
We often get discouraged with some of the things we see happening in our county, Take the time to share with your grandchildren how blest we are to live in America or the country you live in.
As we celebrate July 4 in America, let's remember those who fought and died for our freedom, We also need to take time to pray for those currently serving in the military and their spouses, sons, daughters, parents, grandparents and extended family members.
Don't forget to pray for your national leaders. Regardless of whether we agree with their policies, we have a biblical mandate to pray for them.
Pray for Truth to Prevail and Lies to be Exposed in our media and our governments at the local, state, national and world level.
If you live in America have a wonderful day celebrating America's birthday.