An Answer for a Blue and Gloomy Christms

An Answer for a Blue and Gloomy Christmas        9651025694?profile=original

Does the song, “I’ll be home for Christmas”¹ Frank Sinatra made popular in the 50’s make you blue and gloomy because you are not going to see all of your family during this Christmas season make you sad? Grandparents love to be with their loved ones to celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. My husband and I will miss several of our family members this year at our family gathering, so we share that disappointment with you.

However, during my winter morning routine of sitting by the fire, having a cup of tea I was reading from my favorite devotional book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I was reminded of the wonderful gift of God’s presence in my life and the peace that is available to fill my deepest longings when my focus is on Him. 

God never meant for us to be self-sufficient, He designed us to need Him so we will stay close to Him and be complete in Him. He is sitting at the right hand of God waiting for us to bring our lonely heavy hearts to Him to experience His peace, which only He can give.

Very often, I want to figure out how to solve my own issues. Sometimes I try to bury or deny my neediness by pacifying my longings with people or possessions. God carefully designed our longings and feelings of incompleteness, to point us to Him to weather the storms of life.

Sarah Young also writes from Jesus Calling, “When your focus is broad enough to include Me in your thoughts, you feel safe and complete. When your perception narrows so that problems or details fill your consciousness, you feel empty and incomplete.”² 

During the Christmas season, we often hear Isaiah 9:6, “For to us a Child is born and He will be called Wonderful Counselor”. A counselor is an adviser, an advocate or one who gives guidance and instruction. With the promise of Jesus as our counselor, ask yourself, “What need am I holding in my heart, that I can trust God for guidance today?”

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the privilege to wrap our neediness, our concerns, our loneliness, and our worries into a package and give it to Jesus this Christmas. He is waiting to receive your package so He can give us a gift, which will be beyond our comprehension.    


Dear Father, I come to you with all my neediness.

Forgive me for trying to bury and deny my thoughts and feelings,

 pacifying my deepest wishes with people or possessions.

Help me to focus my thoughts on You so I will be aware of your presence.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.  



² Sarah Young, Jesus Calling, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2004). p 358.






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