It is only 58 days until Sunday, September 8, 2013. I would like to share with you why Grandparents' Day of Prayer is a significant day for me, if you have missed hearing about it.
I greatly appreciate the legacy passed on in my family as ancestors modeled their walk with the Lord and invested their prayers in my life. In response, God gave me a passion of praying for my grandchildren and for sharing this passion with other grandparents, so they, too, can share the joy and rewards of intercessory pray for their grandchildren.
When I found National Grandparents Day was the second Sunday in September, the thought came to me that it would be a good day to proclaim as Grandparents Day of Prayer. It would be a good time to encourage grandparents to unite in prayer for their grandchildren.
Since our nation and our world are in moral and spiritual decline, we are in a battle for the minds and hearts of our dear grandchildren. The enemy is trying to steal their lives and the plans God has for them, especially the family unit.
However, God values all of us including our grandchildren enough to send his son to die for them. As grandparents, we can stand in the GAP with prayer for them to allow their hearts to be tender and teachable to God's Word and recognize the deception of the world and guard their hearts. It is urgent that we stand in the gap to pray for their spiritual, emotional, and physical protection and their parents so they do not become victims of our culture.
For that reason, I am encouraging you to participate and invite your friends to join in prayer with for grandparents throughout the worldwide on Grandparents Day of Prayer on September 8 in your home or in your church.
Things you can do now:
- If you are on Facebook go to to "like" the page, you will receive additional information in the Facebook frequent posts.
- You can also sign up for a "Free download" of a chapter from the book "Grandparenting with a Purpose."
- To learn more about this special event go to
- Tell your friends about Grandparents' Day of Prayer on September 8.
May God grant you favor in your grandparenting,
Lillian Penner, Prayer Coordinator,