Easter weekend is a big weekend for the church. It is not so much that we don’t have the opportunity to celebrate the fact that Jesus is alive all year long. When I was in high school I was at a church summer camp where God was at work. I walked around and randomly said, “Jesus is alive.” I wanted to remind people that no matter the miracle they were experiencing it doesn’t compare to the miracle that Jesus is alive. But one of the great things about Easter weekend is that, not only are we extra focused on that fact, but the world at large is more focused. In the church in the USA, Easter is often referred to by pastors as, “the Super Bowl” of the church calendar. Given the opportunities that are there here are some great things to pray for this weekend
An openness to the Gospel- Some people will be open to hearing the message of Jesus now more than any other time of the year. Pray that their mind would be open to the truth.
Harvesters to bring people in- I have heard that 8 out of 10 people would come to church if they were invited by a friend. Pray for opportunities and boldness during this time.
Pastors as they prepare to present the message- Most churches will have a presentation of the story of Jesus on Easter. With a ministry committed to engaging 100,000 people to pray for pastors you know I need to bring that up.
Friendliness in churches- Again this is often times when people who normally wouldn’t go to church decide to show up. Pray that when they get there they would be drawn into the love of Christians.
Awakening among fellow Christians- The same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead dwells in us. Pray that this realization sinks deeper into who we are. May that truth create a thirst in all of our hearts to live in the Spirit’s power more the rest of the year.
As you enter the Easter weekend I pray that you experience the hope His death and resurrection brings and your heart would be drawn to pray for all of those who still have yet to experience that hope.