small groups (1)

#ReimaginePRAYER... Outward and Forward

#ReimaginePRAYER... Outward and Forward

Outward and Forward do bot replace Upward and Inward, but they are just as strategic.

  • Use these 6 "spheres" as a template for equipping believers to pray outward and forward
  • The spheres are based on who you pray with:
    • You, with Jesus (1:1 lime John the beloved)
    • You and a few friends/small group, with Jesus (1:3 like Mary, Martha and lazarus; 1:72 like the mission teams)
    • You and your congregation, with Jesus (1:120 in the Uppde Room)
    • You and a diversity of believers from across your community/city, and Jesus (citywide coordinatioin)
    • You and any of the above, with Jesus, focused on cultural issues and institutions (Mars Hill)
    • You and any of the above, focused on the nations (evangelism, disciple-making, church planting, missions)

Sphere #1 ... in my CLOSET

You and the Lord; one-on-one. Prayer-Closet Intercession.

Reply by Malva Birch

Sphere #2 ...with my COHORTS

Exploring the unique dynamics of small group prayer; Bible studies, Sunday School classes, fellowship groups, prayer teams...

TURN - The Upper Room Network

Sphere #3 ...throughout my CONGREGATION

Relating to the issues and ideas unique to the dynamic of praying with others; small or large all--the-congregation gatherings

Praying Together from 25 Different Locations

Sphere #4 ...across my CITY

Prayer, often collaborative, for the well-being of a city. Every family. Every affinity. Every community.


Sphere #5 ...penetrating my CULTURE

Focused on an outpouring of God's Spirit, bringing a renewed Christ-centeredness to the Church and a spiritual awakening in our nation's culture.

Crying Out To God:
Beyond Passive-Prayer into Passionate-Prayer


Sphere #6 ...for other COUNTRIES

•Global Focus (Nations / Missions) Prayer that reaches beyond our national borders ~ That the earth may be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea!

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