john hoelzel's Posts (17)

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Don’t underestimate kindness

There are many ways in which God leads a person to repent and turn from sin that breaks his law and his heart, building and storing up God’s wrath.  Sin is toxic to our spiritual health, so much so that God hates it. But ironically, according to Romans 2:4, he often uses combinations of revealing his goodness, patient tolerance (by withholding wrath), overflowing generosity, and merciful kindness, to melt our hard heart and lead us along the path of sorrow and repentance so we can turn from our sin to receive Jesus and his forgiveness.

When we see God change a heart in this way, it can be catching. The biblical record was all 120,000 people in Nineveh. We are taught that their hearts were beyond hard, as in cruel, torturous and insensitive. But humility, godly sorrow, confession and rejection of sin has a way of getting God’s attention and activating his forgiveness. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (with Jesus’ blood). [1 John 1:9]  I believe first John one focuses on the fellowship believers enjoy with God and each other, and how to restore fellowship when we drift off course into sin!

So, how can we partner with the Holy Spirit to prompt others to repent?  Certainly we can share the good news of Jesus blood payment for all our sins, and invite them to be reconciled by believing and receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And we can share our testimony of what Jesus has done for us. But Romans 2:4 reveals something in addition to prayer to help soften hearts. That includes letting God transform me to receive and demonstrate his kindness to them, even in ways they don’t deserve. Kindness leads to repentance. It’s hard to resist God’s kindness, love, and forgiveness when we know we don’t deserve it. Jesus tells us that whoever is forgiven much, loves much, and that love covers a multitude of sins.

To tie a bow on this, one of my favorite verses is Ephesians 2:7 which promises that for us believers, God plans to demonstrate his mercy to us throughout eternity, expressed by his kindness to us. So why not get started today, believing, receiving, and absorbing his kindness, so we can generously anoint others with it, so he can use it to soften their hearts? Kindness is also recommended in Titus 2:4 for wives’ optimal impact on their husband and others- a beautiful way to adorn God’s word with our transformed lives.

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Sometimes the student in a class who asks a lot of questions is labeled as a “wise guy.”  Instead of that negative label, I believe that questions generally lead to better understanding. For example I believe good teachers encourage asking questions, and they generally respond positively to good questions from their students. I take the opportunity to ask a few questions in my Thinkables and will do so today. If I am doing a good job of encouraging you to think some new thoughts, then you will likely come up with some good questions.

This year I have asked quite a few people to think about examples if they believe they live in a broken world. I can’t think of anyone who was unable to think of some examples. A good question for someone who lives in a broken world is, “why wouldn’t a powerful and caring God fix a broken world?” Have you ever asked that question? What is your answer? This survey alone should be enough to cause many to want to see what God says in defense of himself in the written record he has provided us.

I have presented his answer to quite a few people, and although some have delayed applying it to their lives, no one has yet argued against God’s answer. Certainly no one has come up with a good alternative answer.

So here’s another question for you. I find that most people are too busy, or have other excuses for not searching God’s word in order to know where they stand with him and what kind of a future he has prepared for them. I find it very strange that we spent a lot of time, money, and effort, to investigate things that are high up on our interest list, but many shy away from any serious investigation of where they are going to spend eternity, and what it will be like.

So here is an offer for you. Please spend 15 minutes this week pondering any practical question you might have about eternity and how to gain confidence regarding possibilities and plans pertaining to your own destination. If you will email me a question or two, I will do my best to provide answers, and the basis for my answers.

When Joseph was imprisoned for 13 years he impressed inmates and officials with his demeanor, positive attitude, and godly answers to their questions. This reputation eventually led to Joseph being appointed number two man in all of Egypt, where he saved thousands from starvation in a widespread famine. I have a friend in the Bonham jail at this moment who has a similar well-deserved reputation. The evidence of this is that 12 of 13 inmates in his POD attend his daily Bible study, ask him to pray for them and their family, and seek his spiritual guidance.

God honors our questions as you can readily see by reading the book of Job. He loves to answer our serious questions, even though his answers often differ from what we might expect. I’m not aware of a downside if you choose to take me up on my offer. God loves us enough to give us free choice, including our freedom to reject His provision to develop a personal relationship with us (should we choose to initiate one}.

I am waiting to hear your questions.

Note: you can access feedback interactions from Q&A at!forum/thinkables  see replies and perspectives on Q&A Thinkable feedback

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Intro to book: Aligning with God


My friend who read my prior book, Houston, we have a problem, concluded, “You recognize that   PROBLEMS are just OPPORTUNITIES in DISGUISE.” The apostle Paul was vulnerable enough to share his own problems with us in Romans 7:15-20 (MSG)  What I don’t understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise. So if I can’t be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it, it becomes obvious that God’s command is necessary. I obviously need help! I realize that I don’t have what it takes. I can will it, but I can’t do it. I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time.

Can you admit to similar “wretched man” and defeat feelings when comparing how you think, talk, and walk, to how Jesus did it? How are God’s resources working for you? If you’d like more victory in the alignment of your thinking, talking, and walking, with God’s resources, this book is for you! Welcome.

The basics of this book involve the benefits and “how to’s” regarding alignment of our spirit, will, mind and emotions with God and his ways. It’s not rocket science but it’s also not easy since it goes against the grain of our independent nature.

For an infinite, all-powerful, creative God to speak the universe into existence out of nothing is mind boggling, but that was easy, in my opinion, compared with the challenge of communicating with willful man in such a way as to motivate him to replace his own independent ways with God’s ways.

God is not limited in the ways he communicates with us. Examples include circumstances, events, both difficult and delightful situations, writings, dreams, and people. But his best communication is through the written and the living Word, because of the direct, clear message. God’s written word is alive and powerful, piercing even to the dividing of man’s soul and spirit and discerns even the thoughts and intentions of our heart. Amazingly 66 books from a variety of authors and geographies, consistently point to the central theme, Jesus Christ, the living Word. One of his majestic names is Emmanuel, i.e. God with us. John 1:18 AMP  No one has seen God [His essence, His divine nature] at any time; the [One and] only begotten God [that is, the unique Son] who is in the intimate presence of the Father, He has explained Him [and interpreted and revealed the awesome wonder of the Father]. 

John 16:14  VOICE  The Spirit of truth will come and guide you in all truth. He will not speak His own words to you; He will speak what He hears, revealing to you the things to come and bringing glory to Me. The Spirit has unlimited access to Me, to all that I possess and know, just as everything the Father has is Mine. That is the reason I am confident He will care for My own and reveal the path to you.

So this book intends to specifically apply communications from the living and written Word to encourage us in our alignment with God, giving growth and maturity, and enjoyment from thinking and living according to His ways.  So an alternate title for this book is. Learning to think God’s thoughts, talk His talk, and walk His walk, is a delightful experience.  Enjoy!

A great way to look at problems which crop up around us almost daily, is that they bring opportunities to grow and mature spiritually.  James carries it further, stating that these opportunities should cause us great joy, as we anticipate the fruit about to ripen in our expanding lives.  So let’s get started.  [email; I'll email u the book.]

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ALL (or nothing)

ALL (or nothing)

When a person catches a glimpse of the awesome holiness, compassion, and magnificent servant hood of Jesus, their response is often an all out commitment, holding nothing back, inviting him to become their Lord and Savior. When we see and begin to grasp the all-out love, commitment, provision, and sacrificial payment Jesus made for us it is relatively easy to respond in kind.

But in simple direct instruction, the Bible warns us of oppositional factors that will undermine and tend to degrade and disable our initial all out commitment. These are namely the world system of self-centered politically correct philosophy, our own human flesh which cries out what about me with the rationale that if I don’t look out for me who will, and the super salesman Satan, who is a master deceiver and liar whose specialty is beautiful gift wrapping which hides the consequential destruction that lies within the tempting package. Each of these tempting distractive influences has great potential to disarm, distract, and propel us into a destructive downhill spiral, away from our initial all out commitment to Christ.

Here’s one passage that starkly emphasizes the necessity for each disciple of Christ to uniquely and distinctly put him first.  Luke 14:25-27 (NLT), called The Cost of Being a Disciple.

25 A large crowd was following Jesus. He turned around and said to them, 26 “If you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. 27 And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.

For God to entrust his reputation and the success of his kingdom propagation to his disciples is both very vulnerable, risk taking, and honoring and challenging to us. Being his ambassadors with the ministry and message of reconciliation to God (2 Cor.5:18f) is a very high bar of God’s confidence in us and also our challenge to represent him well. Indeed it requires our all, every day, and in every way. There may be times of failure, forgetfulness, distraction, or defeat. But God provides a way back to restored fellowship with him through repentance, godly sorrow, and humble confession of sin through which he restores fellowship and makes it more difficult to slip away again.

Being all out for Christ, in the pattern of his being all out for us, is a wonderful motivating, empowering, and life-giving principle. Just as lukewarm, tepid, tasteless coffee is very unappealing, so a less than all out life for Christ fails to be reflective of who he is and of who he has called us to be. My, what a worthy pioneer, Savior, and Lord is Jesus Christ, full of grace, truth, motivating challenge and empowerment.

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
Save in the death of Christ my God!
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood.

See from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.


All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live

All to Jesus I surrender
Humbly at His feet I bow
Worldly pleasures all forsaken
Take me, Jesus, take me now,

All to Jesus I surrender
Make me Savior wholly thine
May Thy Holy Spirit fill me
May I know Thy power divine

I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all!

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This is to whet your appetite.  The book is available now by request to my email,  I accidentally deleted my post, so here it is again.

Here are two excerpts:

Additional Exercise and Application

For those willing to be challenged and inspired in increased opportunities to share the good news of Christ (gospel) and your personal testimony. I highly recommend reading Born to Reproduce (The Parallel between Physical and Spiritual Reproduction and Multiplication) by the founder of The Navigators, Dawson Trotman,  which you can find on the web at

When you take time to read this, you will likely find it to be the most compelling true account you have read to show the necessity and urgency of discipleship follow-up with new believers.  Billy Graham realized his need for help with follow-up of his new believers, so he called on  Dawson Trotman to help.  Paul’s prayers and letters are mostly his recorded testimony of how extremely important follow-up was to him, coming alongside long enough to develop spiritual maturity. 

Two final questions: 1- who is your current “Timothy?” (God will show you at least one, if you ask Him) and 2- how many of those you showed how to trust Christ as savior this past year are living a victorious spiritual life in His power today?  “Only one life, it will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last!”

Two central examples of making disciples and follow-up, from the Scriptures

First and foremost, Jesus shows us how to pray, let the Father identify his disciples, and promptly call them to an open, learning, sharing relationship, with investments of lots of time, truth, love, patience, and prayer, so they would later mature and reproduce other disciples who would also make disciples. When you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through these recorded scenes of Jesus interacting with his disciples, he will show you unique examples of how to plant the seeds for maturing disciples to grow in their unique way, and according to God’s unique timetable, not available anywhere else. Be sure and do some journaling when you submit to the Holy Spirit’s insights.

Paul recorded lots of his discipleship investments which included prayers of appreciation, expressions of thanks, requests for them, letters of encouragement, equipping, correction, and endearment, and Christ-like attitude of truly putting his disciples ahead of his own interests and needs as a real servant leader. You will find lots of patient, enduring investment and follow-up of Paul with his disciples, including a hungry heart attitude to go back and revisit them for more.

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Your passionate, powerful, privilege

Your passionate, powerful, privilege

You are not letting your passionate, powerful, privilege go to waste are you? Please stay tuned for a minute and I will explain this question. In this brief space we will review Jesus’ passion and power in prayer. It should whet your appetite for private and public prayer participation which will in turn have a similar effect on your friends.

Jesus’ private prayer practices and his answers caused his disciples to ask their great teacher for a lesson in prayer. His pattern covered the basics so thoroughly that many millions have memorized his prayer pattern. Fewer have studied and benefited from his personal prayer in John 17, asking the Father to unite us by his Spirit as an insider, and for us to publicly wear his badge of love which identifies us as his disciples. His prayer prepared obedient disciples for Pentecost and subsequent revival and evangelism.

Jesus’ unmistakable passion for his Father’s house of prayer for all nations fuels my own passion for prayer. He did not hesitate to cleanse the house of prayer from abuses, so that it could be redeemed for kingdom uses.  How many churches do you know in McKinney that open their doors daily to host regular corporate prayer, demonstrating prayer is their foundational, first priority? I am aware of one. There is a lot of room in McKinney for regular, creative, praise and thanksgiving-based prayer venues.

Personal, public, and persistent prayers of God’s people are desperately needed in our community and world today. Your prayers will be much more enjoyable and effective when they are praise- based, Bible- fed, and Spirit- led.  Since the Word of God IS the Sword of the Spirit, lets’ read, meditate, and pray some of God’s prayers, patterns, and principles recorded in His Word!  These, including giving Him thanks, are sure fire ways of praying in His will. 

All types of prayer are beneficial as illustrated in the famous ACTS acronym: Adoration; Confession; Thanksgiving; Supplication.  We have the privilege to join the 2 greatest intercessors of the Godhead; Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  “Who will say they are not right? Jesus Christ died. Yes, he was raised from death. He is at the right side of God. And he talks (intercedes) to God for us.”  Romans 8:34 “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Heb. 7:25  “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”  Rom. 8:26

As we close our thoughts together, let’s review some attitudes of prayer that attract the Holy Spirit.  These include: humility, servanthood, brokenness, honesty, holiness, desperation, hunger and thirst for God, and vulnerability.  As you allow God to work such qualities in and through your life, perhaps you will rise to seek or start a prayer venue as a leader or follower to serve, inspire, and equip other body members in experiencing the vulnerability James instructs:   “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.”   James 5:16

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The energetic binding force of prayer

Super Glue

When you think of super glue holding things together, what do you picture?  Possibly you first want to know what we are binding together.  Animal, mineral, vegetable…?  A physicist might tend to think of forces like electromagnetic or even atomic.  Scientific observation and study yielded new progressing thoughts in areas like conservation of energy (including measuring all forms of energy before and after a reaction), electromagnetic interaction studies, the vacuum-inertial speed of light (c) is a constant, kinetic energy is proportional to velocity SQUARED, and finally E=mc2, leading to powerful release of atomic energy.  But today we are diving into spiritual power that is “out of this world.”

Are humans actually capable of taking actions that can result in the release of tremendous spiritual power?  The answer is YES when we become aligned with God’s desires and purposes; this brings glory and recognition to Him, and it humbles and satisfies us.  “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Man’s ability to release God’s power is NOT at all like rubbing a lamp and commanding a genie.  Nor is it like chanting “magical words” or expecting consistently dependable and repeatable results from the application of a formula. 

There is no substitute for humbly submitting our will to the will of God in prayer in dependence and trust in His written promises.  Typically the process of conforming our will to God’s will takes time, commitment to Him, and devotion to prayer.  Psalm 37:4 promises, “delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  In the middle of that promise is a spiritual reaction (transformation), a yielding of our spirit to His Spirit, including prayers of praise and thanksgiving where we learn to appreciate Him and His ways more.  Philippians 2:13 states for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”  When prayer aligns our spirit with His Spirit He can safely grant us the desire of our heart, since our heart has become conformed to His heart.

But this kind of prayer priority places it above the attention of men, with no fanfare or recognition, but with tremendous godly benefits, like the secret prayers of George Mueller which tapped into God’s grace of daily provisioning of the needs of 10,000 orphans in Bristol during his lifetime.

Here are a couple of passages on being devoted to the priority of prayer FIRST and foremost.  Romans 12:10-12 (AMP) 10 Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family], give preference to one another in honor;11 never lagging behind in diligence; aglow in the Spirit, enthusiastically serving the Lord;12 constantly rejoicing in hope [because of our confidence in Christ], steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer [continually seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength],  Colossians 4:2  Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving.

The early church in Acts practiced such corporate devotion to unifying prayer.  120 were united (powerfully held together) in prayer as they awaited Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit- “with one mind, continually devoting themselves to prayer.”  Acts 1:14  After seeing the fruit of over 3,000 believers added to their numbers in one day, they also continued devoting themselves to prayer.  Acts 2:42  This is the key to doing things God’s way, producing patience to see Him gloriously work as the Head of His body to coordinate our attitudes and actions in accordance with His will at His timing. 

What would our churches and our city be like if we repented and put prayer as the top priority in our personal and corporate lives, transforming each church into “a house of prayer for all nations?” – using the super glue of attitudes and actions of love, and first priority of prayer, depending on, and trusting in, God and His promises and provisions. Jesus prayed in John 17 for us to be known in this world by His badge of love, and united (One in Him- powerfully and corporately) as His effective body. “In Him, all things consist” (hold together). Col 1:17 And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.] We know that He reveals and manifests Himself through His Word and through praying together.  Better times are ahead!

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Revival Catalyst


So just what is a catalyst? Chemistry students will likely think of a substance that brings about a chemical reaction. But another definition is, a person or thing that precipitates an event. Have you ever experienced a person enter into a room full of hostile and hateful people and seen them thaw out, smile, and enjoy a new atmosphere for a while? This reminds me of a report from the earlier Welsh revival. The revival so vividly transformed the vocabulary of the coal miners, that they had to retrain the mules to understand their new commands.

When a movement sweeps in and overnight changes what comes out of the mouth of a salty coal miner, this is an unmistakable work of God. If you doubt that, just how successful have you been in controlling your own mouth?

But this introduction merely sets the stage for a difficult question. What precedents might have led up to such a sweeping revival that is impossible for men to orchestrate? So in our considerations today of possible factors that have preceded revival, we now ask, “what might be considered a catalyst for revival?” From our beginning definition I’d like to propose that we are looking for a person or thing that precipitates an event. I am going to suggest that a revival catalyst is a person whom God uses through persistent prayer and godly attitudes and attributes to precipitate revival that only God can bring about. What might that list of qualities include?

Listed below are several attributes that seem to capture God’s attention as he looks us all over to find a heart that he can trust.

  • Humility
  • Brokenness over personal, regional, and national sin
  • Hunger and thirst for God
  • Obedience, as a way of responding to God’s love
  • Keeping our word, especially when it hurts
  • Patience and endurance, especially in prayers of humility, repentance, adoration, & intercession
  • Integrity
  • Holiness
  • Passion (Hot; NOT lukewarm)
  • Respect, Honor, “Fear,” Worship of God
  • Desperation

Please respond in two ways: 1-let me know what qualities are missing; 2- join me in praying for revival beginning with us and moving outward throughout God’s sphere of influence.


For inspiration I have two suggestions: 1-go next week to see the movie War Room; 2- read up on the Moravians who gave up their bickering, gripes, and hostilities for unquenchable round-the-clock prayer that promoted John 17 unity and whetted the appetite for thousands to love and serve God!

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Whose hand is in the cookie jar?

The following story is one of our favorites. As the mama returns after a few moments away, she is greeted enthusiastically at the door by little Tommy, who announces, “Mommy, mommy, Jimmy hit me back.” Let’s face it even when we are caught with our hand in the cookie jar and with crumbs on our face and hands, it is often very difficult to admit our own guilt. Today let’s do some thinking together about our common dilemma, and what can be done about it.

Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made the first  brief 108-minute orbital flight around the earth April 12, 1961 in Vostok 1, and reportedly announced (by atheistic Russian officials) in a presumptuous, cocky, arrogant manner, “I did not see God out there, so He must not exist.”  Gherman Titov said similar stuff. We might scoff at such shallow observations and conclusions, but maybe some of us are similarly guilty.

For example, do you think it is fair of God to hold us to a standard of perfection? He may be perfect, but we’re only human, right? Why wouldn’t He lower the standard, or at least grade on the curve? Even some stiff college professors grade on the curve.

But let’s consider some more questions. Could you really honor, serve, and worship a God who adjusted His standards to a societal norm, when that very society was rebelling against Him, His truth, and His character? Quite often there are two sides to the coin that should prompt questions beyond those that we begin with. I maintain that virtually none of us would respect a God who lowered His standards because His creation was opposing Him.

But if God holds mankind to a standard of perfection and holiness, but man generally falls way short of that standard, how can God solve that dilemma? To make matters worse, God tells us in the book of Romans that when we break one of His laws it is the same as breaking all of His laws since we become a lawbreaker. This sounds hopeless to me, and it is. But God specializes in hopeless and impossible situations.

Our failures to meet His standards and our willingness to disobey, rebel, and rationalize our stubborn sinfulness, are not a surprise to God. He knew about this and made a plan to solve it before He created anything at all according to the book of Ephesians. He planned for us to be holy and without blame, but how could that possibly be? The answer is His son Jesus Christ whom He made to become sin for us, sacrificing his perfect life to pay 100% for all our sins. Then He made Jesus to become four main things for all who would humbly receive him as their Lord and Savior: wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. So now, all who have personally accepted Jesus and His payment for our sins are seen as righteous and perfect when God looks at us through the blood of His son.

God did not lower His standard, but instead He cleansed us and dressed us in the perfect righteousness of Christ so that we could stand holy and without blame or shame in His presence forever. Surely our magnificent God continues to solve impossible problems for our good and His glory, even when we judge and criticize him, totally devoid of understanding, appreciation, and reverential awe.

Are you still among the crowd of naysayers, judges, and critics of God like Gagarin or Titov, or have you bowed your knee to Jesus and confessed Him publicly as your majestic Lord and Savior?

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Thinkable: Preparation


As an Eagle Scout, I know and believe in their motto, “be prepared.” This slogan opens the door to a good example of the contrast between what we say we believe, and the difficulties we experience in putting it into practice. No one would argue against being prepared, but we all run into many pressures, schedule constraints, and excuses for shortchanging the time and effort required for good preparation. Today we will look at wonderful examples of results of good preparation, and even go beyond into putting our life on the line to back up what we say we believe.

Daniel and his three Hebrew friends were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar to become reeducated, re-mediated, and made ready for politically correct service to the King. In passing we can note that the foundational freedoms fought for by founding father patriots, are being eroded and replaced today with legally required political correctness which redefines freedom of speech and freedom of religion as hate speech. Thus the pot calls the kettle black by intolerantly requiring politically correct speech in the name of tolerance. It has only gotten worse since Jeremiah.  “Everyone will deceive his neighbor, And will not speak the truth; They have taught their tongue to speak lies; They weary themselves to commit iniquity.”(Jeremiah 9:5)  Today in the US, the government is ordering citizens who are used to free speech to attend politically correct speech class which violates the Constitution, the Bible, and the consciences of God fearing people.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had already experienced retraining in Babylonian culture school. But when they refused to bow down and worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s 90 foot statue, he threw them in to a burning furnace in a fit of furious rage. Their preparation prior to age 15 equipped them to withstand both of these extreme tests without compromise, self-defense, disrespect, lectures, or accusations. Much like Jesus, they committed themselves into the care of their God, trusting in his provision. God stood with them in the furnace, which prompts one of my favorite sayings, “if you stand up, you’ll stand out, but you won’t stand alone.”

Because jealous peers of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego became tattletales, these three came into the public spotlight of the world’s most powerful King. Fortunately their preparations included the integrity and authenticity of honoring God both privately and publicly.  My own issues include the challenge being faithful to God, rather than being fearful of men or attempting to please them (including wanting public affirmation). Three things that help my focus and perspective include: To keep eyes of faith on God and be faithful to him over any fear of man or desire to please men, and recall that to be with him and like him forever certainly is worth dying for. This kind of focus also prepares me daily to reply with love and silence to derision, ridicule, and “smart-mouth” answers to my words and actions.

In summary, the outstanding stability of these Hebrew teenagers, due to their preparation, allowed them to serve God and be his witnesses both in private and in public, in such dramatic ways that it totally transformed the heart and theology of King Nebuchadnezzar. I think it is a no-brainer to deduce that the parents of these teens instilled God’s word and principles into the lives and decision-making of their children in highly motivational and practical ways.

Because of God’s powerful word, promises, and merciful blessings, I am prepared for eternity by accepting Jesus’ payment for my sin and allowing him to dress me in his righteousness. How about you?  If you enjoyed this, you will surely enjoy the source of its inspiration, Big God in a Chaotic World, book just published by our senior pastor; available at

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What is your passion?

What is your passion?

Our friends the Stanley’s, a family of five, left today (1-18-2015) at 5 PM from Dallas on a one way trip to Uganda. To support themselves and their work, they took about 46 luggage bags with them. They have prepared a good while for this adventure, including prayer for praying and financial partners to get behind them, and for in country preparations. They plan to be bringing educational opportunities through school as well as brand-new spiritual life to others when they place their trust in Jesus and his promises.

Last night a large gathering worshiped Jesus, as led by the Stanley’s. We prayed for them, hugged them, wrote encouraging notes for their rainy day reading, and said our goodbyes. The whole family is very excited about this new venture of going around the world as ambassadors for Christ. One of the motivators for the husband was the enthusiastic feedback of a man who walked miles and miles in Uganda on a previous trip to express his appreciation that Floyd shared the good news of salvation and heaven through Christ’s work on the cross.

We each have 24 hours to invest every day. Independent of geography, God can take what we do have, and which we are willing to turn over for His management, and multiply it in the mental, spiritual, physical, and eternal domains.  Martyr Jim Elliott said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.”  Jesus agreed with that statement by telling us that a man must lose his life in order to find it in Him. We tend to hold onto things tightly in order to try to feel more secure, but the secret is just the opposite; we gain freedom, effectiveness, joy, and eternal success by entrusting all that we have to the Lord. As an example, Isaiah 55 says that God’s ways and thoughts are not ours, just as heaven is much higher than the earth.

So this is a good time for each of us to consider, what is our passion? And also, what is the source of our passion? David was a man after God’s own heart and he was clearly very passionate as we see from his writings in the Psalms. God loves a passionate person to such an extent that he prefers that we be hot or cold, compared to lukewarm. We see Jesus’ rare public display of passion, when his anger and action overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple. He explained that the zeal of His Father’s house had eaten him up, or consumed him. He also explained that the correct use of the temple, intended by His Father, was a house of prayer. He had a passionate feeling and expression of this zeal.

We may not have the passion of a Stanley family, a Jim Elliott, or Jesus Himself, but we can rest assured that as we seek God, he will lead us to discover the plans he has for us, and he will enhance it with a passion to see that carried out. Please consider praying about this and listening for His promise to answer. His eyes are searching the entire Earth for people who are dedicated to Him and will take Him seriously and do what He says. May we each be one of those kinds of people.

On the eve of 3-1-15 I am requesting prayer for 2 Stanley children who just came down with malaria, Reagan (teen girl) and Tyler (teen boy with 103 degree fever) in hospital in Uganda.  Thanks!

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Prayer Changes Things

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer changes things, right?  But who do you pray to, when, where, and about what?  Do those things make a difference?  As usual, man's ideas about these things are just about opposite to God's ideas, at least mine typically are.  Let's see if that is the case here.


Adam was used to hearing God's voice and enjoying God's presence, until Adam made his first bad choice.  God did all things for Adam's benefit.  After Adam failed his first choice and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God drove him out of the garden so he wouldn't eat of the tree of life and live forever.  But that bad choice had serious consequences.  Man ate the fruit and died:

  • immediately in his spirit
  • gradually throughout his physical life time in his soul (mind, will, and emotions), and
  • eventually in his body 

God drove Adam out of the garden so he would not eat of the tree of life and live forever under the consequences of choosing his own way over choosing God's way.  Talking with God became harder.  It now had to begin with admission and confession of sin.  "I chose wrong.  I picked my way over your way.  I am more sorry for my bad choice that broke trust with You, disrespected You, and doubted You, even than for the severe consequences my choice brought me.  I now know that you always have my best interest at heart, even when I do not understand.  In the future I will trust you with my life and my choices, seeking Your will and Your ways rather than my own."


So payer now involves restoration of fellowship with God.  Adam MIGHT have taken his communion with God for granted.  We should not do so because restoration is gut-wrenching work.  If you doubt this please read David's experience with this in Psalm 51.  True restoration leads to a new appreciation of God and His great compassion and wisdom toward us, somewhat akin to Mark Twain's description of how much smarter his Dad became as the son finally grew up and matured.  Another such picture of God is the father of the prodigal son patiently waiting until his son would wise up, come to his senses, and choose to return to his father. 


Such understanding of God and of praying with Him is of course most appropriate at any time.  For example the return of the prodigal son was "none too soon."  And God is so patient to listen to us talk or ask about anything that He places on our heart.  But what really changes when we pray?  Typically we may start out with our ideas, but if we really place ourselves under the control of God's Spirit He will guide us along routes and paths we did not anticipate.  When our prayers are successful it is ourselves that are changed.  Our sovereign God may choose to grant our petition and change circumstances, but more often He may leave circumstances unchanged in order to help us change and grow up in Him to appreciate Him more. 


When we arise from prayer changed more into His image and attitude, our prayer is successful, and vice versa.  Recall that God wants to change our body, soul, and spirit.  Such changes progress through our prayer and worship, from our spirit, to our soul, and finally to our body.  "With His stripes we are healed." 

James 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.


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Silent, Secret, or Sold Out

Silent, Secret, or Sold Out

Why would someone keep silence so that something that they believed would remain secret?  Actually there are many reasons, like fear, peer pressure, and not wanting to appear different from those around you, as well as the high price to pay for being different.  But it typically boils down to some form of intimidation. That's how the Nazi’s did it, by making anyone who failed to join lockstep with them with the  Hitler Youth movement, or who spoke criticism, or who was not loyal, fear a dreadful visit from the Gestapo.  Even mild peer pressure at school can be enough to make “Jew boy,” and other ethnic slurs often foul the air of the school yards.  Most of us have felt the pressure to keep silent, rather than expose ourselves to public ridicule for being different or for standing up for what is right, against the majority.

As an introduction to a well-known instance of peer pressure, let me ask you how public you are to let your neighbors, co-workers, and buddies know that you are a disciple of Christ?  Do you really want them to know him too?  Or are you so afraid that your reputation may suffer, that your fear trumps your care for your friends?

Finally we're going today to look together at a secret disciple who “went public.”  Joseph of Arimathea was a chief justice on the Sanhedrin. They're the ones who sought and finally succeeded in putting Jesus to death.  They could not tolerate His competition for the hearts of the Jewish people.  He was too much competition in His healing relationships with them, as the Sanhedrin promoted control of their own “power-control” traditions and religion.  Obviously, like his buddy Nicodemus (who came secretly at night for a consultation with Jesus),  Joseph had been greatly influenced by Jesus’ miracles, His compassion that led to healings, and the authority in his speech.  But he was not ready to open His mouth and be thrown out of the Sanhedrin.  He preferred to enjoy his earthly riches and his influential position without any peer pressure.  Let’s detour a minute from Joseph of Arimathea to see what we can learn from Nicodemus in John chapter 3

  • Why would Nicodemus seek Jesus out a night?  Same peer pressure reasons as Joseph of Arimathea
  • Later what does the Bible say about Nicodemus?  He was a SECRET disciple of Jesus
  • What main thing did Jesus say to Nicodemus?  You must be born again (spiritually), i.e. you are supposed to be a master teacher but you are still in spiritual kindergarten
  • Did Nicodemus understand Jesus?  Not at first; he thought Jesus was talking about physical birth, not spiritual birth
  • Why did Nicodemus not understand?  Because humans understand ONLY what God reveals to them by His spirit
  • What will it take for you to understand spiritual things, like how to go to heaven?  God looks at our hearts.  Only when He sees us willing to obey what He shows us, will He then reveal His will and way to us
  • This is like your boss who gives the main jobs to those he knows he can depend on to do a good job
  • How many know that you do not truly know God personally today?  How many do NOT know that if you died tonight you would then be with Christ in heaven?
  • Review the Persian Proverb “3 states of knowing”
  • I invite now, those who do not yet know God, to come to God to be saved from the consequences of sin, and then you will KNOW you are on your way to heaven

Just like the hardened Centurion who couldn't help but proclaim, “surely this was the son of God,” similarly Jesus’ unique demeanor under all the stresses of the crucifixion challenged, strengthened, and enabled Joseph to go straight to Pilate, and very publicly request Jesus’ dead body for burial in his unused tomb. Having been silent so long, how easy it would have been to continue in that familiar undetected mode!  But this was his “moment of truth” to step forward and be counted, to sellout to Jesus, and support His unique claims that needed to be confirmed, no matter the cost.

So how about you?  Isn't it about time for you to sellout and stand up for Jesus?  Like the 3 Hebrew children in the king’s furnace, If you stand up, you’ll stand out, and you won’t stand alone!

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How did Jesus do it?

It’s always good to learn from Jesus for several reasons.  He pleased God the Father so completely that God the Father affirmed Him several times, like Matthew 17:5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.”  Jesus also provides us a sinless pattern to follow in His steps.  He said that John 12:47 "If anyone hears what I am saying and doesn't take it seriously, I don't reject him. I didn't come to reject the world; I came to save the world. But you need to know that whoever puts me off, refusing to take in what I'm saying, is willfully choosing rejection. The Word, the Word-made-flesh that I have spoken and that I am, that Word and no other is the last word. I'm not making any of this up on my own. The Father who sent me gave me orders, told me what to say and how to say it. And I know exactly what his command produces: real and eternal life. That's all I have to say. What the Father told me, I tell you."  Jesus modeled obedience to the Father and disciple-making, along with the eventual benefits of persistence.

So here are 5 things Jesus did with His disciples looking on.  He spent some time with crowds and equipping His disciples to reach many, but His main work was discipling the 12 and the 3 – every day, without fail.  The secret to successful discipling is spending time together, modeling, living spiritual experiences together; i.e. learning by doing together, like Jesus & the 3!

  1. Told Everyone the Good News (Gospel)
  1. Taught Many (5,000 and the 4,000)
  1. Trained Some (Seventy sent out 2 x 2)
  2. Equipped a Few (the 3 and the 12)
  3. Modeled a Relationship with the Father

Another way to contrast this is to say that as great as Jesus’ mountain-top teaching was (e.g. His ‘Sermon on the Mount’) when the disciples had to live on their own when Jesus was gone, they mainly remembered their 1:1 time with Him.  For more on this profound comparison, refer to Reference [2].

Discussion: In your opinion, which is generally more effective in lasting kingdom work, a great preacher or evangelist, or someone who spends 1:1 time discipling others?  Why?

Private Time with God

You can’t give away (or sell) what you don’t have.  To elaborate on what we said in the section title Past, you have to reach out and take Jesus and His payment for your sin, by faith, or it really is not in your spiritual bank account for you to spend.  My daughter used to go with me to downtown Dallas Union Gospel Mission.  She would ask to stop, go in and buy a candy bar.  At the mission she would approach street men on the front row, extend the candy bar to each one in turn and ask them to take it.  Some were not sure they should, but finally one would take it.  “It’s yours to enjoy” she would respond.  “You must reach out by faith and take Christ personally as your savior before you can KNOW you have eternal life based on His payment for all on the cross.”  Similarly you must spend daily private time with God and His Word to let Him disclose His love letters to you, and to spend intimate time with “your daddy.”  Reference [3] outlines many ways to do this, since people are different.  I prefer praying; reading a few verses, writing in a notebook a paraphrase of them in my own words, praying, and then writing a personal application for those verses (often a prayer).  I must do this first when I get up, or most often something will interrupt and distract me. 

Discussion: How has your Quiet Time worked or not worked for you? 


Private prayer is essential as mentioned in our Quiet Time above.  Actually as we grow we learn to pray without ceasing throughout our day, both listening and speaking in our communication with God.  He hears the prayer of our heart, independent of moving lips.  As we sharpen our conscience through experiencing the 9 fruit of the Spirit, learning obedience and sensitivity to the Spirit, and confession of sin, our communication with God improves.  Prayer is the root of all successful spiritual work, including discipleship.

Reference [4 ] is an excellent book on prayer to help us grow in the 6 aspects of prayer below that are taken from that book.

Prayer Aspect

Nature of the Prayer

God’s Aspect



Responding to …

God’s Holiness

Restores our fellowship & enables other areas of prayer effectiveness


Responding to …

God’s Glory

Gives God His due and helps us stand in awe of Him


Responding to …

God’s Attributes

Ignites our joy and strength


Responding to …

God’s Riches

Keeps us from taking God for granted


Asking that is led by …

My Heavenly Father

Humbles me and keeps me honestly in touch with my needs


Asking that is led by …

My Master

Prepares me to serve and help others & takes my focus off myself

Another excellent prayer motivator is the DVD and study booklet [5] from Brooklyn Tabernacle that graphically shows personal transformations and church growth through prayer.  And yet another prayer motivator is the slides [6] I present to churches and groups to help individuals grow, mature, and enjoy God’s special prayer provisions for us.

Discussion: Spend a few minutes comparing the two columns in the House of Prayer table below [8].  Circle on each row the number in the left or right column that seems most like your church.  Use this information to place a 1/2/3 in the left of the 3 rows where it appears your church could improve most.

"My House shall be called a House of Prayer " Matthew 21:13





  1. Limited number of people involved.
  2. Entire congregation involved.
  3. Prayer is done by a select few and the responsibility is always put on them to pray.
  4. Entire congregation takes ownership for doing their “prayer share.” 
  5. Little or no regular emphasis from the pulpit.
  6. Teaching from the pulpit and priority is placed on prayer by the pastor.
  7. Very little training offered in prayer.
  8. Classes and special opportunities on a regular basis offered on prayer.
  9. Vision for church growth in prayer is limited.  Contented with only a few praying. 2nd 9 go to Right column!
  10. Concept of “prayer band” has grown to larger vision of “prayer army.”
  11. Only a few leaders attend prayer meetings with no regular commitment.  A few carry the burden to pray.
  12. All leaders, staff and lay persons have a burden for prayer.
  13. Church groups open meetings with prayer as a main agenda item.
  14. Groups spend time praying together and set times of prayer in addition to regular meetings.
  15. Something lacking in church atmosphere because prayer is feeble.
  16. There is a fresh flowing atmosphere of the Holy Spirit due to whole church praying.
  17. Prayer opportunities limited for members to have the freedom to pray.
  18. There is a natural flow of prayer going on throughout the church.
  19. Prayer ministry staff is not recognized as viable part of church staff.
  20. Paid/or volunteer prayer minister and staff in place.


Staying in love with Jesus

Bill Bright (founder of Campus Crusade for Christ) wrote a book [8] on staying in love with Jesus.  If you think your initial love has lessened, please consider reading this and letting it rekindle the flame.  For me there are 3 main elements to keep the flame burning bright: (1) Daily Quiet Time, (2) Daily learning to pray without ceasing, and (3) daily reporting for duty with a “get to” attitude to receive assignments and God working in and through me to show me His will and empower me to do it!

Recently I traveled to visit an 86 year old lady that had fallen and cracked her hip a second time.  I took lunch for her and her grown son.  Not long after we started talking and reminiscing she asked out the blue, “how is your love life?”  I immediately replied that I find I am more in love with Jesus every day.  My wife died a year and a half ago, but God has kept me busy as His way of helping fill that void.  Obviously time spent together daily, and good and honest communication are key ingredients to fan the flame of His love initiative and our passionate response.

Here are a couple of ideas to fan the flame of your love for Jesus.  Praying according to the dimensions listed above like worship, praise, thanksgiving, and intercession can rekindle our joy in the Lord that can quickly progress to increased love for Him.  Also our obedience to Him in serving others can similarly blaze a path of increased love for Him.  Personal revival can be simply defined as our experience of an increased love for Jesus.

Discussion: As honestly as possible, please discuss or pray privately about the progression of your love life with Jesus.

What does discipleship mean to you?

As we continue to sharpen our focus on discipleship we need to personally focus on what that means to each one of us.  We know that Jesus prayed and invited 12 disciples to “come follow me and I will turn you into fishers of men.”  Amazingly to me these unlearned men immediately (without excuses or equivocation) left the fishing nets, lucrative tax collecting, homes and comfort zones to “follow the Master” and learn from Him as His disciple.  They spent time (24x7x3 years) with Him.  His leadership style was to show and tell, but much differently than most of us would do. 

He showed (demonstrated) things like prayer with such recognizable results, that after awhile, they asked Him, “teach us to pray.”  He then succinctly verbalized a model prayer as a template example to guide their prayers.  In contrast to the way Jesus did it, most of us would likely have called a meeting to discuss prayer or have started a class or lecture series on prayer.

He told them truth mostly as it came up during their travels and discussions.  Often such teaching came when He needed to correct their thinking, speaking, or action, i.e. offering opportunity for them to make personal changes to get back on track.  He was willing to patiently repeat such teaching and give examples and stories (simple parables taken from everyday life) that you could only miss if you were set in your own ways (and motives) in opposition to God.

Many of us would agree that a disciple follows his mentor or master to learn from him in order to become more like him, including becoming more able to achieve results similar to his teacher.  Jesus’ disciples at first had major difficulty understanding His goals and objectives since they often got hung up on their own earthly purposes that obscured what He was teaching about spiritual things.  Especially in the Gospel of John, Jesus promises that disciple and disciple-making fruit comes as a result of disciples “abiding in Him and His love” and He and His word “abiding in us.”  This is similar to the Hebrews 4 instructions about resting (ceasing from our own works), believing or trusting in Jesus and His word, and lastly partnering wholeheartedly, enthusiastically, and energetically with Him as we “strive to enter into His rest” of seeing and doing His will.

So at this point let’s stop and discuss: how we became interested in being a disciple of Jesus; have we received any “calling” to follow Him; what intensity do we feel about this (e.g. where does discipleship fit in our list of personal priorities); and what are one or two main objectives we are focused on in our discipleship?

Discussion: This is your opportunity to discuss the above questions and to firm up what you want to achieve through discipleship, as well as what you think God has in mind for you.  For you to have participated so far in this discussion you must have some ideas about discipleship purposes.  For example who has so far helped you most to become more like Jesus?  Is that a major goal of yours?  This can give you clues about who to look to as you future mentor.  This is also a major chance to ask questions to sharpen your goals and focus as a disciple of Christ, and to discuss current or future fruit by which you can measure progress with the help of others.

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Draw Near To God, and He Will Draw Near To You

Let’s start thinking about this simple, but profound promise (Draw Near To God, and He Will Draw Near To You) by going back to square one, and moving forward with ideas on actual ways to do this.

In either your experience or your understanding, who approached whom first, you or God? You may have searched or studied about God, feeling that you were the driving force. However, most of us who now know God by faith and experience have come to understand from His Word that He is the One who took the initiative in our relationship, and even our own efforts were guided by Him. This does not in any way devalue the FREE WILL He provided us, based on His love for us. God will never force Himself on us, and the love He shows us in giving us free will has a lot to do with Him wanting us to CHOOSE to know Him and love Him back. He could have made us ROBOTS, but that would have killed the essence of us choosing to respond to His love and thereby experience a growing, vital, dynamic love relationship with Him.

So, what is the bedrock way to see and experience His love initiative toward us? Jesus’ whole brief life on earth focused on His mission as Emmanuel (God with us) to show us God in flesh-action on His way to offer us salvation via the cross and the empty tomb. All forces of human and evil spiritual authorities tried to kill or sidetrack Jesus from His mission to become our savior by paying full price for all our sins. Perhaps the strongest potential deterrent from His mission was the foreknowledge of the pending physical, spiritual, and emotional pain He faced in his mock trials and crucifixion. For example He sweat drops of blood as he wrestled to seek any alternative to making full payment by taking ALL our sins upon Himself on the cross. Since none was to be found if we were to be given the invitation of heaven in God’s holy presence, dressed in Christ’s robe of righteousness, the third time Jesus agonized alone in prayer, he yielded, “Not my will, but Thine be done.” Psalm 22 predicted His cries from the cross, as well as the answer to His grueling WHY question. “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help?...3 Yet you are holy”

So God the Father, Son, and Spirit planned before our known world began, to provide man a way that would satisfy God’s holiness, to live in their holy presence forever. They took love initiative way beyond our comprehension to invite us to love and worship them back. Only those who are impacted by the magnitude of such love, and respond with a decisive RSVP act of their will and commitment, will experience that extended transforming love, and be allowed into the holy presence of God forever.

So for those only, who have RSVP’d for heaven, God now offers us the opportunity to respond to His love initiative, in kind, with our initiative to draw near to Him. It is no surprise that some of these “methods” include: prayer, worship, adoration, sharing His worthiness and glory with others, and cooperating daily with the Holy Spirit to allow Him to produce and refine His fruit in us (which includes love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and Spirit-control). As we see God at work in this world and join Him as partners (ambassadors), we experience His enablement, filling, equipping, and transforming power at work in, through, and around us. As we mostly listen and worship in prayer we see Him High and lifted up. In King David’s impactful Psalm 51 prayer of brokenness and repentance, he prays, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.13 Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you. There are many such ways to respond to God’s love and experience Him drawing near to us, but the first step is to accept His love initiative to us on the cross where the dearest and best died for us.

For more, please see: How to Draw Nearer to God; John Hoelzel Sr; 2011;

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Word Power

Word Power

A lot of things have great power and potential, for either good or bad results.  We've discussed before that people are that way.  But today we are looking at the power of the spoken word.  I'm sure most of us know what it means to wish we could "eat our words," or at least take them back.  Once out however, their effect is neither revocable nor negotiable.  Hurtful words can last so very much longer than we would like them to.  Sticks and stones not only break bones and make even the marrow hurt, but so do our words at times.  But do you realize that a simple word of comfort, caring, empathy, understanding, or even sympathetic silence can be just as powerful as hurtful words.  Such words can build trust, relieve suffering and loneliness, and build new levels of intimacy and openness not otherwise possible. Our words can soothe, validate, make and deepen friendships, and break down walls of isolation, situational depression, and self-pity.  But that kind of helpful speaking takes practice and tongue control.  Who do you know that would not wish to improve their ability to control their tongue better, e.g. to hurt others less, and to edify them more?

For a 1-minute inspiring video on the power of words try


The Bible says the tongue is every bit as powerful as a rudder on a large ship that turns it powerfully to the left or the right.  Ironically no person can truly control their tongue all the time, nevertheless we are known by what comes out of our mouth.  If this sounds harsh to you, let me ask if you always think over alternatives before you put your tongue in gear?  Or when opposed, attacked, angered, or threatened, do you take a "Thomas Jefferson count" before responding so you have your tongue under control first?  Most of us are honest enough to realize the truth of the other Bible claim that one little spark from our tongue can easily create a devastating forest fire that burns a long time.


But what a contrast when God speaks.  His Word is truth that transforms our lives when we are receptive.  When God speaks (and especially when we listen) things change (for the better).  He spoke every original thing in our universe into existence.  And we know that it's original state was much better than it is today, since man has chosen to succumb to inner and outer polution. 


Who do you enjoy listening to and why?  I am sure it is someone that speaks straight with you, but that also builds you up to reach your full potential.  God's Word is alive, powerful, and very active as it:

  • Generates life
  • Creates faith
  • Produces change
  • Causes miracles
  • Heals hurts
  • Builds character
  • Transforms circumstances
  • Imparts joy
  • Overcomes adversity
  • Defeats temptation
  • Infuses hope
  • Releases power
  • Cleanses our minds
  • Brings things into being, and
  • Guarantees our future forever!

Are you in need of a cure for spiritual anorexia?  Then you need healthy meals of abiding in God's Word.  How is that done?

  1. Accept its authority and use it as the compass for your life, realizing that our false, arbitrary, and unreliable authorities of culture, tradition, reason, and emotion are flawed by man turning his back on God in subtle disbelief and mistrust.
  2. Incorporate its truth into our working memory where we can reflect on it (like a cow chewing her cud) through study, meditating, and understanding how it applies to the daily circumstances of our life.
  3. Apply its principles by depending on God's promises rather than our own feelings and "wisdom."

Let's join David in his Psalm 19 prayer, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight Oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer!"

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Word Power

Word Power

A lot of things have great power and potential, for either good or bad results.  We've discussed before that people are that way.  But today we are looking at the power of the spoken word.  I'm sure most of us know what it means to wish we could "eat our words," or at least take them back.  Once out however, their effect is neither revocable nor negotiable.  Hurtful words can last so very much longer than we would like them to.  Sticks and stones not only break bones and make even the marrow hurt, but so do our words at times.  But do you realize that a simple word of comfort, caring, empathy, understanding, or even sympathetic silence can be just as powerful as hurtful words.  Such words can build trust, relieve suffering and loneliness, and build new levels of intimacy and openness not otherwise possible. Our words can soothe, validate, make and deepen friendships, and break down walls of isolation, situational depression, and self-pity.  But that kind of helpful speaking takes practice and tongue control.  Who do you know that would not wish to improve their ability to control their tongue better, e.g. to hurt others less, and to edify them more?

For a 1-minute inspiring video on the power of words try


The Bible says the tongue is every bit as powerful as a rudder on a large ship that turns it powerfully to the left or the right.  Ironically no person can truly control their tongue all the time, nevertheless we are known by what comes out of our mouth.  If this sounds harsh to you, let me ask if you always think over alternatives before you put your tongue in gear?  Or when opposed, attacked, angered, or threatened, do you take a "Thomas Jefferson count" before responding so you have your tongue under control first?  Most of us are honest enough to realize the truth of the other Bible claim that one little spark from our tongue can easily create a devastating forest fire that burns a long time.


But what a contrast when God speaks.  His Word is truth that transforms our lives when we are receptive.  When God speaks (and especially when we listen) things change (for the better).  He spoke every original thing in our universe into existence.  And we know that it's original state was much better than it is today, since man has chosen to succumb to inner and outer polution. 


Who do you enjoy listening to and why?  I am sure it is someone that speaks straight with you, but that also builds you up to reach your full potential.  God's Word is alive, powerful, and very active as it:

  • Generates life
  • Creates faith
  • Produces change
  • Causes miracles
  • Heals hurts
  • Builds character
  • Transforms circumstances
  • Imparts joy
  • Overcomes adversity
  • Defeats temptation
  • Infuses hope
  • Releases power
  • Cleanses our minds
  • Brings things into being, and
  • Guarantees our future forever!

Are you in need of a cure for spiritual anorexia?  Then you need healthy meals of abiding in God's Word.  How is that done?

  1. Accept its authority and use it as the compass for your life, realizing that our false, arbitrary, and unreliable authorities of culture, tradition, reason, and emotion are flawed by man turning his back on God in subtle disbelief and mistrust.
  2. Incorporate its truth into our working memory where we can reflect on it (like a cow chewing her cud) through study, meditating, and understanding how it applies to the daily circumstances of our life.
  3. Apply its principles by depending on God's promises rather than our own feelings and "wisdom."

Let's join David in his Psalm 19 prayer, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight Oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer!"

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