This stay-home season is, for many of us grandparents, a time of extra stress. What food and supplies will we need in coming weeks? Where can we find those supplies? How will we pay for whatever we store up? How are we handling our loneliness? How far should we go in protecting ourselves from exposure to COVID-19? How vulnerable are we personally, since seniors are less resistant to COVID-19 than our children and grandchildren?
Uncertainty. Anxiety. Panic. Fear. Depression. How can we respond wisely—and in ways that positively influence our grandkids in their own spiritual journey?
Step #1: Let’s reaffirm this vital principle of lifestyle worship in our heart’s convictions:
If God is truly the omniscient, omnipotent, and loving Yahweh of Whom we read in the Scriptures, then our response to this situation is more important than the situation itself.
How is your faith showing today?
Psalm 46:10-11 (ESV) – “Be still, and know that I am God.” . . .
The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Step #2: Let’s reaffirm that vital principle in our mind’s attitudes, because: (1) God sees our heart and our mind (Jeremiah 20:12a)—there’s no hiding the truth from Him, and (2) our attitudes motivate our actions.
Step #3: Let’s demonstrate that vital worship principle in our actions and reactions to today’s situations. Example: Others may think it clever to sneak two of some item in the store when only one of that item is permitted per shopper. But we are not quarantined from God’s call for us to love our neighbors (Mark 12:31). Let’s respect the laws of the land and the needs of others.
We can also show our conviction about that worship principle to our grandchildren in our reaction to this season’s stresses: God wants us to do our best, and then just rest. Let’s let our grandkids catch us in the act of responding with personal discipline, kindness to others, and thankfulness to Him!
Let’s encourage our grandkids amid their stress, too. My wife Jan wrote out two scripture cards last week, one for each of our grandsons, for them to keep in their bedroom: Hebrews 13:5b-6a and 1 Peter 5:7. When they received their 3x5 cards, they immediately read those verses to each other.
Video conversations (via Skype, Zoom, etc.) are also super tools for family contact. This week we connected with most of our scattered family all at once. Part of that animated conversation involved each person—young and old—naming one or two things or people for which they thank God this week. Purposeful, encouraging fun!
Keep looking up.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)
© 2020 John Garmo