Lilian Schmid's Posts (11)

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Dear friends, Last year, the Lord put in my heart to run the course of Kjell Sjoberg on spiritual warfare. Kjell and his team were on a mission to Australia. These videos and teachings below are very much relevant to this day’s battle.We were blessed to receive these videos from Noel and Barbara Bell in 2010 but we waited on God to use them now. Kjell’s wife gave us her permission to use these videos to teach others as part of our mission. Let us know if anyone from your groups is interested to send them the zoom link. Thank youWe will be running these videos on zoom, you will watch Kjell Sjoberg teaching on the following subjects 1- Soldering for Christ2- The Fighting Spirit3- Training for God’s Army4- The high places5- Finding your place in the Army6- Strategies to take cities7- Learning to do battle8- War against Jezebel9- Cleansing the Land10- Guerrilla warfare11- Elijah Anointing12- Expect Breakthrough13- Warfare Team Report 114- Warfare Team Report 215- Take Possession of the Land. Kjell Sjoberg - Spiritual Warfare course in 2022 Session Friday 8:30pm Saturday 9am Title1 Fri 04-Feb-2022 Sat 05-Feb-2022 Soldiering for Christ2 Fri 11-Feb-2022 Sat 12-Feb-2022 The Fighting Spirit3 Fri 18-Feb-2022 Sat 19-Feb-2022 Training for God's Army4 Fri 25-Feb-2022 Sat 26-Feb-2022 The High Places5 Fri 04-Mar-2022 Sat 05-Mar-2022 Finding Your Place in the Army6 Fri 11-Mar-2022 Sat 12-Mar-2022 Strategies to Take Cities7 Fri 18-Mar-2022 Sat 19-Mar-2022 Learning to Do Battle8 Fri 25-Mar-2022 Sat 26-Mar-2022 War Against Jezebel9 Fri 01-Apr-2022 Sat 02-Apr-2022 Cleansing the Land10 Fri 08-Apr-2022 Sat 09-Apr-2022 Guerrilla Warfare(break) Fri 15-Apr-2022 Sat 16-Apr-2022 EASTER WEEKEND11 Fri 22-Apr-2022 Sat 23-Apr-2022 Elijah Anointing12 Fri 29-Apr-2022 Sat 30-Apr-2022 Expect Breakthroughs13 Fri 06-May-2022 Sat 07-May-2022 Warfare Team Reports (Part 1)14 Fri 13-May-2022 Sat 14-May-2022 Warfare Team Reports (Part 2)15 Fri 20-May-2022 Sat 21-May-2022 Take Possession of the Land God bless Lilian SchmidPrayer Strategist and Coordinator lilianschmid@prayerstrategy.org Sydney – Australia
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Dear friends in Christ,

During the month of October we are praying for the Spheres of Health and Medicine.
Please go to this link to read our newsletter

A Christian Doctor’s Perspective on Healthcare at a Time of Global Crisis (by Dr Ernest F Crocker BSc (Med) MBBS FRACP DDU FAANMS)

If you wish to be listed on our website as being in partnership in prayer with us, send us the link of your website (to and in return include the link to our website on your website. We shall uphold each other in our prayers. 1 Corinthians 12

Let us know how we can serve you in prayer (especially strategic research and prayers for the spheres)

God bless

Lilian Schmid
Prayer Strategist and Coordinator
Sydney – Australia

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Praying for Afghanistan



Dear all,

We are meeting on zoom on Thursday night 9pm Sydney time, only for 45 min to 1 hr. Let me know if you wish to join us to email you the zoom link


Prayer focus

Taliban is only a symptom but we are going to pray over all the tribes in Afghanistan and bind the strongman in every tribe (Muslim or not)

We are going to pray over the highplaces, rivers and dams to destroy all satanic alters that was built there. We are going to destroy in the spirit the Taliban Government Structure in Jesus name. Amen

The Holy Spirit will guide us on the night how to pray more and what to pray for to deliver Afghanistan from the hand of Anti-Christ.


This call is for people who understand spiritual warfare and they are called to pray.

It is the Holy Spirit who will guide us to have the strategy how to pray and what to pray for with the God’s Army.

Please read Ps 91 everyday and put on the Armor of God


Exodus 14:15-16


God bless



Lilian Schmid

Prayer Strategist and Coordinator


Sydney – Australia

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Praying for the Sphere of Arts


Dear friends,


Praying for the spheres of Arts during the month of July

Click on this link to read our newsletter


The Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence is a leading global mission to pray for the spheres of influence in all nations.


Check our latest Proclaiming Pentecost video on zoom.


On this page you will find latest and former prayer strategies for each mountain/domain/sphere

Prayer Initiatives

  1. Prayer mapping
  2. Prayer Walking
  3. Adopt a Suburb
  4. Praying for Government
  5. Prayer Triplets
  6. Prayer Calendar for the Spheres
  7. Prayer for USA and Neighbours
  8. Prayers for Australia and Asia Pacific
  9. Pentecost
  10. Coming soon to pray for Europe.
  11. Check Endorsements
  12. Prayer Partners


The prayer focus is on the spheres/mountains of influence in all nations for:



Church (Ecclesia)

Immigrant Churches

Houses of Prayers




Law and Justice                                                                                                                  




Charity and Not for Profit Welfare





Sport and Recreation


Jesus Prays for All Believers

20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you have known to them and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I may be in them.”


What is the role of a prayer strategist for the spheres of influence?


As strategists we are called to stand in the gap, research the spheres of influence in all nations with the support of local prophetic and apostolic leaders to destroy the strongholds of the enemy in the spheres of influence. We as prayer strategists, we work in partnership with others to engage in and catalyse prayers, train disciples which informs and flows from the team's vision and strategy through:

  • Regularly drawing near to God in prayer, worship, and adoration both individually and as a team
  • Becoming aware of gaps and hindrances in reaching the vision God has entrusted to them.
  • Researching, envisioning, and refining strategies for overcoming those gaps.
  • Maximizing strategic implementation of the team's strategies particularly related to prayer.
  • Periodically refining those strategies with the team in times of prayer together.


1 Chronicles 12:32 speaks of the men of Issachar who understood the times and knew what needed to be done; these people might be representative of ‘Prayer strategists.' Nehemiah is another example. Nehemiah interceded about the broken-down walls of Jerusalem and he gained favour with the king, permission, and resources, mobilized teams to do the actual work, and oversaw the completion of the project. Prayer was the way he received a strategy and was integral to the project's success. In the New Testament, Barnabas was an encourager, connector, and prophetic intercessor for in the spread of the Early Church. He brought Saul into relationship with the apostles and served alongside Paul in pioneering new work for the gospel. He was another example of this same function in the Body of Christ.


Our principles are God’s principles on earth as it is in heaven.


We are implementing these truths through many leaders who represent their spheres of influence/mountains/domains. The Sermon on the Mount (Matt.5-7) is understood to the manifesto of the Kingdom of God on earth.


At this time in history, we live in the era of God's grace where good and evil can produce order or disorder according to our obedience or disobedience to God. In this reality two doctrines work in parallel: the free will of man and the sovereignty of God. While God calls all people to himself through his truth and kindness, not all will respond. God is not responsible for our sin and he will ultimately have the last say.


We will all be held accountable for the life we have been given (John 3:16-18). The time will certainly come when the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth to rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords over the whole earth from the city of Jerusalem (Micah 4:1- 8).


Our faith in Christ the Son of the Living God, and this is where we stand. Our Mission is to pray and connect people who are passionate about participating in growing the governance of Christ in every sphere/mountain/domain of society and follow God’s command to love one another as He loved us.

(John 13:34-35).


There are a few formative Kingdom of God principles that are critical to accomplishing the will and the ways of God on Earth as it is in Heaven:

  1. There can be only one head, the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. There can be only one body of many different parts working together.
  3. The authority of the head passes to the body and rests on the shoulders of the body to bring forth the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven (Matt 16:18).
  4. The Body of Christ knows the will of the Head by Word and Spirit.
  5. The Power of God is manifested in His power when we work in unity to achieve the above principles. His power is released through our faith to accomplish his will: "Later the disciples came to him privately and asked, “Why couldn’t we cast out the demon?” He told them, “It was because of your lack of faith. I promise you, if you have faith inside of you no bigger than the size of a small mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move away from here and go over there,’ and you will see it move! There is nothing you couldn’t do!" For our God is not only the God of individuals, but he is also the God of nations (Rev 21:24).


If you wish to be listed on our website  as being in partnership in prayer with us, send us the link of your website (to and in return include the link to our website on your website. We shall uphold each other in our prayers. 1 Corinthians 12


Let us know how we can serve you in prayer

Yours in Christ

Lilian Schmid


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Partnering in Prayer

Dear friends in Christ,

If you wish to be listed on our website  as being in partnership in prayer with us, send us the link of your website (to and in return include the link to our website on your website. We shall uphold each other in our prayers. 1 Corinthians 12


Let us know how we can serve you in prayer

Yours in Christ

Lilian Schmid

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Kjell Sjoberg Course


Dear friends,


 Kjell Sjoberg's course on zoom is starting in Feb 2022.


Email me to book your group or church for 2022 on


Kjell Sjoberg teaching on the following subjects


1-           Soldering for Christ

2-           The Fighting Spirit

3-           Training for God’s Army

4-           The high places

5-           Finding your place in the Army

6-           Strategies to take cities

7-           Learning to do battle

8-           War against Jezebel

9-           Cleansing the Land

10-         Guerrilla warfare

11-         Elijah Anointing

12-         Expect Breakthrough

13-         Warfare Team Report 1

14-         Warfare Team Report 2

15-         Take Possession of the Land.


We will  begin each session with prayer and after the video we shall have discussions on the topic.


God bless

Lilian Schmid

Prayer Strategist and Coordinator


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