

August 17

Praying for Truthfulness

PrayerShop Publishing is soon releasing a new book, Pray the Word for Your Church, which is a 31-prayer guide of Scripture prayers to pray, plus a journal to keep you on target in praying for the leaders and ministries in your church. Here is a sample prayer:

Speaking Truthfully with One Another


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13 December 2012

Author - Jonathan Graf

In a recent interview with Outreach magazine, Washington D.C. pastor Mark Batterson hit the nail on the head in describing the difference between a praying church and one that does not really pray.

"Prayer is the difference between the best you can do and the best God can do. So if…
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Why We Don't Pray

I have often wondered why so many believers do not pray much, if at all. (Statistics show that more than 80% of western believers would say they have a poor prayer life.) Before I go any further I need to get right out front, that I am not a great man of prayer either. I have certainly improved greatly over the years, but I struggled for the first 30 or so years as a believer to pray almost anytime other than when a crisis was in my life (or the life of someone I cared about).


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Prayer Is More Than Talk

Just a week ago, I spent a day at an interesting church. Rising out of the corn fields of central Iowa is the town of Newton. Hard hit by the recession, Newton’s main employer having gone out of business. On the edge of Newton stands a dynamic praying church of 800, Community Heights Alliance Church.

After preaching in the morning services and teaching in Sunday school, we were holding a concert of prayer that evening. The pastor was a little anxious about who would show up. It was the…

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In John 13-18, at the last supper, we have an interesting snippet into the life of Jesus. Like a parent who is leaving his child at college for the first time, Jesus covers everything important his “kids” needed to know before leaving them on their own for the first time. In this talk, Jesus reveals something they had never heard before: “Ask in my name.” Pray in my name. It was so important that he comes back to that point three times.

They got it. In Acts four we seek a crippled man…

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It’s true. I long for a day when prayer seldom will be mentioned in church. Now before you drop your membership to CPLN or report me to the heresy watchdogs, let me explain.


My dream is to see churches so committed to prayer that it is just done! It is so much a part of the spiritual DNA of a congregation that no one has to beg “please come to this prayer gathering.” People just come to pray.

Or the worship leader or prayer leader doesn’t have to fight for space to get…

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Hindrances to Corporate Prayer

I am writing an article on "Hindrances to Corporate Prayer" for the theme of issue 5 (July/August) of Prayer Connect magazine. I would be interested in your ideas and thoughts on this subject. What hindrances keep churches from doing effective corporate prayer. Why can't they get people to pray together? Why don't they put much effort into developing it?

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