Debbie Przybylski's Posts (61)

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Clay on the Potters Wheel

"This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD: 'Go down to the potter's house, and there I will give you my message.' So I went down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him” (Jeremiah 18:2-4). 
We are all in a different place in our Christian life, but wherever we are we can be sure of one thing: The almighty, sovereign, and eternal God is shaping us on His refining wheel. Often we resist this refining process because it involves pain. But God is relentless in His goal of producing holiness and Christ-like character in each one of us, especially in those involved in prayer and intercession (James 5:16). He uses our life experiences and struggles in this shaping process. While we are being shaped, we often ask God these kinds of questions:
“God, don’t you care about my pain?”
“Why don’t I understand what is happening?”
“Can I trust that you will bring me through?” 
“Why is this taking so long?”

Have you ever carefully watched a potter as he shaped the clay? My husband and I spent five years in Asia and were able to visit the delightful country of Papua New Guinea several times. While there I remember visiting a little village where an old woman and man were in the business of making pots into something beautiful. We saw a lot of pots - all shaped by the loving hands of this woman. Some were more beautiful than others. 
It was at a potter’s house in Jeremiah’s day, that the prophet received one of his most dramatic messages. God told Jeremiah in 18:1 to go down to the potter’s house and he would give him a message. The potter’s workshop must have been in the lower part of Jerusalem. The original text signals the urgency of the command -  ARISE GO DOWN! The word “potter” means “forming one” or “shaper”. The verb can be used of God’s creative work (Genesis 2:7-8, Psalm 94:9, Isaiah 29:16). God has formed all that exists. He is the one that shapes people. He is shaping each one of us into a masterpiece for His glory
It is the choice of the one being shaped if he agrees to what his maker is doing. I wonder how many of us - if we were honest - wonder what God is doing in some area of our life and if He actually knows what He is doing? Today you might feel like nobody cares or knows, and you feel as if you are in a hidden storage place. Answer these personal questions:
Am I in agreement with what God is doing in the nitty-gritty places in my life?
Am I willing to die to that which will not glorify God? 

Can I accept God’s personal stripping process in my life? 
“I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remain (just one grain; it never becomes more but lives) by itself alone.  But if it dies, it produces many others, and yields a rich harvest” (John 12:24, Amplified)
Shaping the Messenger
“When Jewish potters make new pots, they set aside the very best pots and pottery for special treatment. After they put their name on the underside of these extra good pieces, they put them away in a cold, damp room for storage, away from the public view. It is only when the more selective buyers ask for the ‘very best’ of the potter’s products that the craftsman will retrieve the chosen pots from their hidden storage place.”

Jeremiah obeyed and went down. He saw the potter working on the wheel. The Hebrew word for wheel implies two wheels (dual form). Potters typically used a device with a lower stone wheel fastened on a vertical shaft with a small wooden wheel above. The potter would sit turning the large stone wheel with his feet while shaping the clay on the small wooden wheel. To express verse 4 with the meaning of the Hebrew verbs, “Whenever the pot he was shaping was spoiled, as happens with clay in the hands of the potter, he would remake it into another vessel, shaping it as seemed best to him.” Spoiled, marred, ruined vessels were not tossed aside and discarded in favor of those that emerged perfect. They were remade! God can mend cracked pots! 
We often try to thwart the purpose of the potter. The clay often presses against the potter’s hand as it goes around. The potter controls the opposing force with pressure if he wants a useful pot. God kneads, pushes, presses and pulls us into shape, but He never throws us away. He says to Israel in verse 6, “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?” Isn’t this what He says to us as well? Can we not say, “Yes, Lord. Form me into Your image. Do whatever it takes. I want to be like you!”
Shaped by the Hand of God
“Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand (Isaiah 64:8).    
There are things we must practice as we are being shaped by the hand of God. There are ways we can get the greatest benefit out of these times of refinement. This is the time to trust completely in God for He knows exactly what He is doing. He is making you into a masterpiece for His glory. Learn to trust Him day by day. Remember that you are in the potter’s hands - God is working at the wheel of your life in every detail. Let’s look at some of the ways to cooperate with God:

  • Look at your hands - They are not just alien objects but are attached to a person who thinks, feels, and chooses. The actions of our hands have a purpose. In the same way God’s hands are not just instruments in the universe, things that just happen, but they are attached to a loving God who cares, weeps, feels, has compassion, is intimately involved, and chooses the best for you. Trust Him and rely on Him during times of testing. God is maturing you for a purpose.   

  • Listen to what you are telling yourself - We tell ourselves messages as we live out our life. What messages are you telling yourself? Believe the truth and speak the truth rather than the enemy’s lies. See Isaiah 45:9 and the following:

    Romans 9:20: "But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”
    Isaiah 29:16: "You turn things upside down as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it,
'You did not make me'? 
Can the pot say to the potter,
'You know nothing'?"
  • Ask yourself, “Do I know the hands that are forming me? - Remember, God is your good shepherd. Meditate on Psalm 23.

    Psalm 23: "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul..."
  • Obey God and walk in repentance - Let Him touch every area of your life.  Repent of weaknesses as He brings them to the surface. 
  • Hold onto God and His Word - He will carry you through. Don’t hurry along the process, but learn to cling to Him and His Word. Hold onto the promises in the Bible. Look at how other Bible characters were being shaped by God through their life experiences (Moses, Joseph, David, Elijah).

  • Learn to wait on God and pray persistently - Cry out to Him and wait for Him. He knows exactly what He is doing. 

  • Watch your attitude - Thank Him for the character He is developing in your life. Don’t give up or complain. Recommit yourself to Him and what He is doing in your life. Commit yourself afresh to God’s plans and purposes. Remember, He is making you into a masterpiece for His glory.

  • Love God for who He is - Learn to be a lover of God for Himself and not what He can give you. Worship and praise Him throughout the day. 

Let’s be like Evan Roberts who was instrumental in the Welsh Revival who cried out to God, “Bend us!” Bend your church!” May we be pliable and so easily moldable in God’s hands. Is God not saying to us as He said to Israel, “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?”
Be still and listen to this song called: The Potter's Hand.

“Proven vessels have been oven-baked and refired again and again in the kiln of commitment until they’ve proven their ability to withstand the pressures and temperature of the fire. Once you cry out, ‘God, I want to be like you,’ then you will probably be broken up, made over into a brand-new vessel, and whisked out of the bright light into a deserted and dark back storage room until the appointed time. Remember, diamonds were just pieces of coal formed in a dark, pressurized environment.” Lori Wilke

Intercessors Arise News

  • Norm just left for a month in Spain and North Africa - Please pray for this strategic trip to help build the House of Prayer in these regions. You can email me if you would like to receive regular updates or sign-up below.

  • 4 books on prayer and intercession with a 20% discount on each book - See the links to find a description, how to purchase them, and use the discount code – PL6G7Y59. I would appreciate it if any of you would advertise these books on your facebook page or website. My heart’s desire is to ignite the fire of prayer worldwide and help people grow in prayer.

    Breakthrough Prayer: Praying God's Truth, Destroying Enemy Lies -
    24/7 Prayer Arise: Building the House of Prayer in Your City -
    Deeper Still: Secrets to a Deeper Prayer Life -
    Ascending the Heights in Prayer: Touching Heaven, Changing Earth -

Debbie Przybylski

Intercessors Arise
International House of Prayer (IHOP) KC Staff

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Developing a Dynamic Prayer Life

Developing a Dynamic Prayer Life

"To the average Christian the command "pray without ceasing" is simply a needless and impossible life of perfection. Who can do it? We can get to heaven without it. To the true believer, on the contrary, it holds out the promise of the highest happiness, of a life crowned by all the blessings that can be brought down on souls through his intercession. And as he perseveres, it becomes increasingly his highest aim upon earth, his highest joy, his highest experience of the wonderful fellowship with the holy God."

God passionately desires that we partner with Him in prayer. We have a dynamic role in determining the measure of the quality of our life, because God opens doors of blessing when we pray. But we have to rise up in prayer and partner with Him or we will not see these blessings. It is wise to develop a dynamic prayer life. God seeks for those who will stand in the gap and pray (Ezekiel 22:30).
Why does God love our prayers? It seems to be a mystery, doesn’t it? 
Prayer and intercession draws us into intimacy, and at the same time, humbles and transforms us. When we bring our needs to God in prayer, we interact with God’s heart. He loves when we verbalize our prayers. He wants us to ask in order to receive (James 4:2). He even withholds blessing if we do not ask. God will answer and be gracious to us if we pray and ask (Isaiah 30:18-19).
When we pray we are in governmental partnership with God, and we are changed on the inside as His Word abides in us. We are filled with His heart, and our effectiveness in prayer increases. We then decree His decrees with power from on high (Job 22:27-28). Wrong things are made right, the sick are healed, those bound in sin are freed, and revival is released in geographical areas. It’s marvelous! 

God initiates prayer by declaring His will in His Word. We respond by praying His Word. Then He answers us by releasing His blessing because of our prayers. Our prayers are actually very powerful even during those days when we feel they are very weak. Prayer and intercession cause us to internalize God’s Word because when we speak His ideas back to Him, our minds are illuminated and our hearts are touched. His Words impart life (John 6:63). His Word builds us up and delivers us (1 Thessalonians 2:13; Hebrews 4:12; Acts 20:32; James 1:21). God’s mind then dominates and saturates ours, renewing us as we pursue Him in prayer.

I love to hear stories about Charles Finney because my husband comes from New York. Charles Finney was a lawyer from New York in the 1800’s whom the Lord used greatly to bring about revival. He soon quit his law practice and went into times of prayer and fasting. In 1857, in just eight weeks, 500,000 people came to the Lord through his ministry, and 80% of them continued on with the Lord. That was a large number of people in those days.

What was the secret of his spiritual success?  

Daniel Nash and Abel Clary were two men who believed in prayer. They would go ahead of Finney to the cities where he was going to preach, and they would cry out to God in prayer for those cities. Within three months after Nash had died, Finney’s traveling ministry stopped, and he became a pastor.

These amazing results were because of prayer!   

In the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8, Jesus exhorts us to cry night and day. We must learn to be steadfast in prayer with great endurance. Satan’s warfare against us is to undermine our faith by tempting us to lose heart and confidence in prayer. The Bible promises us that we will reap if we do not grow weary (Galatians 6:7-9).

If we look at Jesus’ disciples, their request was not to have a big ministry or great fame. They asked Him to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1). They saw that everything that happened in Jesus’ ministry was because of His prayer life. Throughout the Bible we see that those who God used greatly were men and women of prayer.

“Christ, who in this as well as in other things is our example, spent many whole nights in prayer. His custom was to pray much. He had His habitual place to pray. Many long seasons of praying made up His history and character. Paul prayed day and night. Daniel’s three daily prayers took time away from other important interests. David’s morning, noon, and night praying was doubtless on many occasions very long and involved. While we have no specific account of the time these Bible saints spent in prayer, the indications are that they devoted much time to prayer, and on some occasions long seasons of praying were their custom.”

Action Plan for Your Prayer Time

It’s good to have a prayer action plan. This will help you stay focused and will keep your mind from wandering. Realize that you are speaking to a real person who loves you. Be attentive, and focus your mind on the Father who sits on His throne (Revelation 4). Let’s look at some ways we can develop a dynamic prayer life:

  • Have a personal Bible plan. Daily read several chapters in the Bible or whole books of the Bible. There are several Bible plans. Find one that is helpful for you.

  • Pray the Bible. Pray the apostolic prayers and other biblical prayers. Pray phrases from the Bible during your prayer time.

  • Have a prayer list for others. Include specific places (cities, nations) and people (friends, ministries, unsaved, governmental authorities, etc.).

  • Pray for strategic social issues. Pray about current disasters and social crises. Pray regarding the issues of abortion and homosexuality, etc. Pray for Israel and human trafficking. 

  • Have a personal prayer list. Pray for your personal circumstances such as your physical, financial, and relational situations. 

    -Pray for your own heart (intimacy, fear of God, purity, speech, a spirit of prayer).
    -Pray for your mind (your understanding of God’s purposes, a spirit of revelation of God’s emotions, will for your life, and end-time purposes).
    -Pray for your ministry (anointed hands and words, contending for God’s purposes, authority and conviction in  your words, insight into the secrets of God’s heart, fruitfulness).
  • Pray for wisdom. Here at the IHOP, Mike Bickle encourages us to pray for the following:

    -Revelation of God’s personality and Word with wisdom to walk out the practicality of love and humility (Ephesians 1:17).
    -Knowledge of God’s love for me (Ephesians 3:17-19; 1 John 3:1).
    -Revelation of God’s will for my life (Colossians 1:9). 
    -Revelation of God’s end-time purposes (Daniel 11:35; 12:10). 
    -Personal revelation of eternity (Psalm 39:4-6; 90:12), the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21), the Judgment Seat (1 Cor. 3:11-15), the resurrected body (1 Corinthian 15) and hell (Revelation 20:11-15).

When we draw near to God, he will draw near to us (James 4:8). As we spend time with God, we get to know His love for us in a deeper way. We grow in confidence that God loves us, and we discover His heart for us. God’s light drives out darkness and energizes our spirits (Luke 11:36). 

Our spiritual capacity is enlarged when we pray. We experience the supernatural impact of God’s light in our lives. We then turn away from sin, and we come to the realization that I am my beloved’s, and His desire is for me (Song of Solomon 7:10). We delight in God and His Words, and He delivers us (Romans 7:22-25). He washes us with His Word. The devil can’t get us with his accusations and condemnations (Revelation 12:10) as we spend time in prayer. We can learn to live in victory and wisdom.

Let’s pray and ask God for His light to enter our hearts (Psalm 43:3). Let’s pray for His Word to grip our minds (Psalm 119:18, 105, 130; Colossians 3:1-3) and help us to make quality decisions to walk in righteousness daily (Psalm 24:3-6; 119:11, 32). May His Word empower us to obey His commands and daily set our hearts on wholehearted obedience.

God’s end-time strategy is day and night prayer. He is calling us to believe and develop a radical prayer life. It will be costly and sacrificial, but it will be well worth the effort (Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5; 1 John 3:16-18). We are celebrating the life of Jesus in prayer. We are standing for justice and freedom for mankind. The end-time prayer movement will be full of the Spirit and the Word of God. Our prayers will not be lifeless, but they will have power to change nations and cities. As you come to Him in prayer:

  • Picture what God wants to do in and through your life. 
  • Picture with the eyes of faith what He wants to do in your city. 
  • Picture the answer in your mind, and pray towards that vision. 

Your prayers will influence those around you in a powerful way. Developing a dynamic prayer life is the wisest thing we can do with our life. Nothing will happen without it.  
“They may start from different points, and travel by different roads, but they converge to one point: they are one in prayer. To them, God is the center of attraction, and prayer is the path that leads to God. These men do not pray occasionally—not a little or at odd times. But they pray in such a way that their prayers enter into and shape their very characters. They pray so as to affect their own lives and the lives of others, and to cause the history of the church to influence the current of the times. They spend much time in prayer, not because they watch the shadow of the dial or the hands on the clock, but because it is to them so momentous and engaging a business that they can scarcely quit.” Quotes by E. M. Bounds

Debbie Przybylski

Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer (IHOP) KC Staff

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Holy Desperation

"The key of holy desperation for the presence and ministry of Jesus is required in order for us to move out of our complacent, satisfied existence. Desperation is the underlying fuel that ignites our hearts for unity, prayer, worship, and repentance. If we aren’t longing for Jesus our ministry activities will be routine and hollow. There is certainly no shortage of ideas, plans, methods, books, teachings, programs, and activities in the church; what we are suffering from is a drought of desperation for God!” Rhonda Hughey
Are we desperate enough for God and His presence? This is a good question for each of us to ponder. I taste the level of commitment necessary for city transformation whenever I am involved in a 24/7 House of Prayer. I remember how I felt after finishing a non-stop, one month 24/7 House of Prayer in Spain a few years ago. It was as if we stepped into the fire of God’s presence in that location in southern Spain. Prayer lives had been challenged. The question I had to ask myself at that time was:
How far am I willing to go? 
How desperate am I willing to become? 

It was time to proceed. Many of us had stepped in this far and the levels of commitment required were going higher. God had challenged us to a new phase, a new mountain to climb for His glory. He wanted us to go deeper in holy desperation. The battle had been great, but there was no turning back.
There was something so exceeding real and alive to that dimension of living. 
There was something so necessary and dynamic to that taste of unity between the churches. Suddenly we realized that we were in this together, and we desperately needed one another to touch that region of Spain with God’s glory. I began to value and love the body of Christ in all its’ dimensions as I had never done before. I began to understand what it meant to be members of one another. We had tapped into God’s wonderful plan for Kingdom living, and I never wanted to return to the old ways. God had brought me a step further in holy desperation during that time. I felt really alive with the purposes of God! 
We will not see transformation in our cities and neighborhoods until our hearts move into a greater level of holy desperation for God. Rhonda Hughey in her bookDesperate for His Presence shares about purposely pursuing God. She says:
“The decision to make a radical lifestyle change and realign our hearts with the Lord is a matter of our will availing itself of God’s grace and reprioritizing our time and commitments. We can willingly and purposely begin to pursue God! When we do, He responds, and the more time we spend in His presence, the more desperate for Him we will become. It’s an interesting dynamic; the hungrier we are for Him, the hungrier we will become for more of Him!”

There are ways we can evaluate our cities and our personal lives to see if they are on their way towards transformation. We can discern if the signs of transformation are present and increasing in our city. George Otis, Jr. gives several indicators of transformation. Below are some of these indicators adapted from his study. Take time to regularly evaluate your city and your personal life, and pray through these indicators. Most of our cities have a long way to go, but desperate prayer is the key. Study and pray these verses over the area where you live. Take inventory and prayerfully answer these questions about your own life regarding holy desperation.

  • The political leaders acknowledge their sin and dependence on God - 2 Kings 11:17-18, 23:2 and Jonah 3:6-9. Do I acknowledge sin in my own life? In what areas do I need to grow in holiness? Make a list.
  • The economic conditions improve - 2 Chronicles 17:3-5, Psalm 144:14, Isaiah 60:5, and Amos 9:13. Am I wise in my spending, and do I give to the Lord’s work?
  • Kingdom values are integrated into daily life - Ezra 10:4, Nehemiah 8:10, Ecclesiastes 10:17, and Acts 19:17-20. Am I practicing Kingdom living in my own life? See the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7.
  • Crime and corruption diminish - 2 Kings 12:13-15, Nehemiah 5:6-12, and Isaiah 60:17-18. Are there any evil practices in the way I live?
  • New laws are put into effect - 2 Chronicles 19:10 and Nehemiah 10:31. Am I obedient to the laws of God? Where do I need to grow in obeying God’s Word?
  • There is a decline in divorce, bankruptcy and suicide - Nehemiah 12:27-28, 43, Isaiah 54:11-14, 62:3, 7, Jeremiah 30:17-1, 31:11-13, and Hosea 2:15. How are my family relationships? In what ways am I seeking to help those who are struggling with marriage, hopelessness, or poverty?
  • The natural environment is restored - Leviticus 26:4-5, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Ezekiel 34:27, and 36:29-30. How am I helping, or hindering, God’s natural environment? 
  • Christians take responsibility in healing and helping their community -Isaiah 58:10-12 and 61:104. In what ways am I helping my community?   
  • Christians take revival into other cities and nations -2 Chronicles 17:9, Isaiah 61:6, and Acts 11:20-26. What is the level of my revival passion? Am I fervent for revival in my city and nation, or am I apathetic?  
We will not begin to see this kind of transformation in our cities unless we first become desperate for God. He wants us to become so desperate for His presence so that we want it more than anything else in the world. What does desperation look like? Let me give you a good example: 
A young man approached the Greek philosopher Socrates and said, “O great Socrates, I come to you for knowledge.” Socrates took this young man and walked him down to the sea. They waded into the water, and he dunked the young man under the water for thirty seconds. Finally he let the man up for air and asked him to repeat what he wanted. He sputtered, “Knowledge, O great one.” So Socrates dunked him under the water and held him there a little longer. He then asked the question again. After several dunkings and responses, the philosopher asked, "What do you want?” The young man gasped,“Air, I want air!” “Good,” said Socrates, “When you want knowledge as much as you want air, you shall have it.” 
In a similar way, God wants us to be desperate for His presence like this young man gasping for air. Many of us have faced moments of desperation in this life.
  • If you’ve just lost your job and have five children to take care of, you know what it’s like to be desperate.
  • If you are starving and are searching everywhere for a meal, you know what it’s like to be desperate.
  • If you’ve been saved out of drugs, have overcome alcohol, have lost a loved one or have lived through a terminal disease, you know what it’s like to be desperate.
  • If you remember what it’s like to be lost and searching for the answer and now know what it’s like to have found Jesus, you know what it’s like to be desperate. 

God wants us to seek Him desperately and invites us to seek Him with all of our heart. Desperation is one of the secrets to a deeper prayer life. Are you willing to respond to this invitation? The door is before you - the door of intimacy and the door to His presence. Let’s invite the King of glory to radically come into our lives and take over, asking Him to make us passionate in prayer. Are we not right at this moment in a place of desperation for the transformation of our cities and nations? How bad must things get before we become desperate?  
Nothing will happen without God. Let’s invite the King of glory in. Let’s say like David in Psalm 24:9-10: “Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty - he is the King of glory.” 
“Lord, we open the door to your invitation. Make us holy. Radically change our personal lives and reprioritize everything. We seek Your face. Make us hungry. Make us desperate for You and Your presence. Change our city. Bring revival to our nation. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
“To be desperate means to be without hope in your current condition and to know that in your own power you don’t have the necessary resources required to change it. People who are desperate become determined to find help, often taking great risks to meet their desperate need. In the communities where transforming revival has occurred the people of God were desperate enough to change their lifestyle and their priorities and to commit their time and resources, making everything secondary to the desperate pursuit of God in their midst. They cried out in desperation, and the Lord heard their cry.”  Rhonda Hughey

Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer (IHOP) KC Staff
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“All thoughts of holiness are God’s; all manner of loving-kindness and tender mercies are His. All weaknesses are made for us so that we might be in a place of absolute helplessness, for when we are weak, than we are strong (2 Corinthians 12:10). All divine acquaintances with Him today will put us in the place where we may be the broken, empty vessel ready for Christ’s use.”  Smith Wigglesworth

Have you ever felt like you were in an impossible place? Have you ever felt like you were praying for the impossible? There is a power of God that is released in the impossible place. God is looking for faith, and real faith has to do with the impossible. 

Learn to pray impossible prayers. Learn to launch out into the deep and pray God-sized prayers. God loves it when we pray for the impossible, when we believe Him for things that are beyond our abilities. He is looking for those with faith who will still press through in prayer when the going seems absolutely impossible. Sometimes it may seem difficult to see how you can make it to the very end, but God is the God of the impossible.

A little girl was taking a long journey on a train. Her train had to cross many rivers. Every time she saw the water in advance, she was fearful. She could not see how the train would cross the water and make it to the other side. But as they approached the river, suddenly a bridge would appear and the train would safely go over the river. This happened over and over during her trip. The little girl finally leaned back and sighed, a long breath of relief. She finally could trust her situation. She excitedly said to the per-son next to her, “Somebody has put bridges for us all the way!” 

This a good reminder for each of us. We are not alone in life. God has built bridges for us all the way. The way may look impossible at the moment, but God has a way through the difficulty where we can cross over to a new place and get to our destination through faith-filled prayer.

We are involved in training missionaries to go to the nations. One thing that I always stress with individuals in regard to their personal destiny is this: Believe God for something that is bigger than what you can personally accomplish. We each must learn to pray for the impossible on a regular basis. We must learn to believe God for something that is greater than anything we can achieve. We must let our faith be tested to the very core. We must each pray for something that is bigger than ourselves. We are earthen vessels but God is mighty and great. We need to raise our view of Him and realize that He is able to do the impossible. It is right in the midst of the impossibility that God will be highly exalted. We read in 2 Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us."

He loves the impossible place in our lives, because it is here that He will show His supreme greatness. E. M. Bounds in E. M. Bounds on Prayer writes about the possibilities of prayer:

"The possibilities of prayer are the possibilities of faith. Prayer and faith are Siamese twins. One heart animates them both. Faith is always praying. Prayer is always believing. Faith must have a tongue by which it can speak. Prayer is the tongue of faith. Faith must receive. Prayer is the hand of faith stretched out to receive. Prayer must rise and soar. Faith must give prayer the wings to fly and ascend. Prayer must have an audience with God. Faith opens the door, and access and audience are given. Prayer asks. Faith lays its hand on the thing asked for."

Several things happen in our lives when we face the impossible place. We often do not like to be challenged in this way, but God does a deep work within us when we face the impossible with persevering faith. The Apostle Paul learned to delight in the impossible place because he realized that it was there that he experienced the true power of God. This is what happens:

  • We lose control. We are divinely sustained by a power greater than ourselves. When we lose our own control then we experience the power of Christ’s control. “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

  • We become absolutely dependent. We are weak, and He is strong. We become broken vessels, empty and ready for Christ to use. “That is why for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10).

  • We are changed. We move into the place where God is on the throne, and it changes us. When we are changed, we can change other things. We lose our identity in Christ, and it is He that is living through us. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

  • We cease from our own works. We give place to God’s ways and His work. We become an instrument of noble purposes. “In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work” (2 Timothy 2:20-21.

  • We rest in faith. God teaches us to rest in faith, and we learn to enter His rest. This means that we cease from our own fleshly works. “There remains, then a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His” (Hebrews 4:10).

Do you think it was easy for the Apostle Paul to live in the impossible place? Was it easy for Paul to become weak and lose control? Was it easy for a high achiever to cease from his works and learn to rest in faith? 

No! He had to learn to live in this way. In the natural, he was strong and very capable. He was a high achiever, a very gifted and capable man. He was intelligent and able to do great things! But God touched him deeply, and he learned to live a crucified life. He learned to count everything as rubbish that He might gain Christ and be found in Him. He learned to lose control and become absolutely dependent so that God could be in control and do the impossible through him.

Perhaps you are like most of us. There are situations in your life that call for the power of God. You are in an impossible place. You may have an impossible, God-sized dream, and you can’t do it or see it happen in your own strength. There is the need to pray for something that is absolutely impossible in the natural realm. 

Don’t give up. God loves the impossible place. He is taking you deeper in effective prayer because this kind of prayer always involves faith. Keep on praying for in due season He will show Himself strong on your behalf. He loves to answer impossible prayers of faith. Fervently pray for your dreams and for God to break through the impossible place, because He can move any mountain. 

With God all things are possible!

“And Jesus, replying, said to them, “Have faith in God constantly. Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him” (Mark 11:22-23, Amplified).

Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise 
International House of Prayer (IHOP) KC Staff

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God’s Perfect Timing in Prayer

"A cosmic clock is ticking. It was established by God, not just for the vast movements of the universe, but for every situation in your life. If you are frustrated by it, wondering why God is not rushing an answer to your earnest prayer then feel at home. You’re part of a long list of people—biblical heroes included—who have struggled with God’s timing."

Perhaps there is not one of us who has not called out to God and prayed:

  • Lord, why are You not answering my prayers now?
  • Why is it taking so long?
  • When will the breakthrough come? 
Many of us have prayed for many years about certain things—a lost son or daughter, a job change, a personal dream or desire, revival in the land—and we have not yet seen the fulfillment of those prayers. Yet we believe that it is God’s will and that He has led us in those prayers. 

Why does it seem to take so long for some prayers to be answered? Think about it—Is God not doing something within us as He gets us ready for the answer? Does He not have a deeper purpose in this process of praying towards the fulfillment of our prayers? Is He not developing our faith on a deeper level? Do we try to take matters in our own hands because the stretch of our faith seems too large?

"What has driven you on occasion to wrestle with the hands of time? Fear? Pride? Impatience? Inevitably, it’s a lack of faith in God’s wisdom. It is telling God that we know what is needed, when it is needed, and that we are going to make it happen if He does not."

I am convinced that God is preparing us in the process by stretching our faith. He has His way of getting us ready for the answer and for the breakthrough. He is often revealing what is in our heart. We are often impatient and God has to crucify our flesh, purify us, and make us ready so that we handle the answer in the right way when it does come.

Many of us are like a wild horse. God has to tame us so that we learn to wait for His Word and then move forward in His timing. We must learn to pray by faith consistently and long-term, to wait and then move forward. God is not building His Kingdom in the flesh or through the influence of man but with faith, and this involves praying, trusting, and then moving in His time and in His way. 

The big word for me is “Be patient!” 

God will act if I don’t give up.  I have had to wait long and pray hard regarding Intercessors Arise International. I have finished several books on prayer with another oen recently completed, and yet only one has been published! A few weeks ago I got the "proof" copy of my book called Breakthrough Prayer only to discover the interior layout wasn't right. So I had to redo the interior. The Lord has said to me during this waiting time, “Be patient! It will happen in My timing, not yours. Obey Me, and be faithful in prayer” (Colossians 4:2). 

So I have continued on in faith. Perhaps He is saying the same to you regarding some of your long-term prayers. We must resolve to trust in God’s wisdom and timing. We must believe the truth when we pray and realize that breakthrough will come in God’s timing. 

Did God not initiate the prayer assignment and burden when we first began praying it, perhaps even years ago? Will He not answer it in His timing and in His way if we are faithful in prayer? We must hold onto the truth that God answers prayer, and we must believe it as we pray.
At times we may feel we are in a crisis and need God’s answer now. We may take matters into our own hands and really mess things up. Look at King David. He was in a dilemma many times where he needed God’s answer in a difficult situation. He cried out in Psalm 83:1, O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still. But he learned to wait and pray. He let God test his faith and he hung on, not letting Satan get the upper hand through a quick-fix method. And God answered His prayers.

What happens as we are waiting for God to answer our prayers?

There is a process we may go through as we wrestle in prayer with God. We often face negative emotions as we face the difficulty of waiting for God in the midst of a crisis. But this leads us to a greater faith and a greater revelation of God and our situation. The process of waiting for God’s timing in prayer, especially when we are facing a crisis, is usually this:

  • Fervency. We begin by praying with fervency when the crisis arises. We use all of our energy to focus on praying through the crisis. It takes our strength in every way—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

  • Negative emotions. As time goes on and the answer does not come, we may get distracted by other things. We just can’t maintain the same level of intensity. We wait with no answer, and we may run into negative emotions—anger, frustration, confusion or disappointment. Anger may be directed toward God, the situation, or even ourselves for not being able to do more.

  • Lies of the enemy. We feel the accusations of Satan. He speaks lies into our mind: “You are too sinful to have God answer your prayers.” “Your faith is too small.” “God doesn’t love you or care about your situation.” “He will not answer your prayers.” Remember, Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). He will try to attack us through this vulnerable time when God is stretching our faith.

  • Revelation. We come to a deeper knowledge of what God is doing. Our understanding is deepened as we hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess (Hebrews 10:23). As we stay in the Word of God, we begin to see the situation from God’s standpoint. We grow spiritually.

  • Greater faith. We rise up in faithful, determined prayer. We are no longer living by feelings but by faith. We are willing to wait regardless of how long it takes. We can actually get excited in the wait. God is with us, and He has heard our prayers!

God always has a perfect timing. I may be waiting for the publication of books, but your situation may be completely different. We are all waiting in prayer for something. We are waiting by faith for the breakthrough.  Hold on, because God is getting you ready for the answer. 

Right now I know of people who are praying for God’s healing from cancer. I know others who just want to get back to the mission field and others who are praying for the fulfillment of their dreams. When living in Virginia Beach a couple of years ago, I knew of a pastor who was praying for his son to come out of a coma. He was struck by lightning. I knew another who was praying for a wayward daughter to come home and come back to the Lord. And Joanie, a friend from church, was praying for healing from cancer. Is God not concerned about all these things? Yes, He is deeply concerned.

He stretches our faith in the midst of the wait just as He did with His disciples when encountering a storm at sea (Matthew 8:23-27). Imagine if you were one of those disciples. The storm was furious and the waves were high, sweeping over the boat! And Jesus was sleeping. How would you feel at that moment? I’m sure most of us would probably feel like the disciples did when they said, "Don’t you care? We’re going to drown!" But Jesus got up, rebuked the winds and the waves, and calmed the sea at just the right moment. He asked them why they lacked faith and feared. He was with them. 

Let’s remember that He has all wisdom. He answers our prayers at just the right moment and is not a minute too late. If we believe, we shall see the breakthrough in prayer. By the way, God did answer those prayers in Virginia Beach. The wayward daughter is home, back with the Lord and has been free of drugs for a year, Joanie is healed from cancer, and that pastor's son came out of his coma. God is so good. Even when His answer is different than ours, He always does what is best. He always cares! 

"It is the sovereign stillness—quiet, confident, and non-active—that unnerves us in the face of crisis. “Wake up!” screamed the disciples (and us) to Jesus. “Get up here in the deck of this fragile boat. Look at this storm. Don’t you care about us?” But look at Who it is we are trying to shake into action. It’s the God who said, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). This God can remain quiet and still in the face of crisis. He calls us to wait on Him. Indeed, He will act, but in His timing." Quotes by Ron Susek
A Breakthrough Prayer for Waiting for God’s Timing

Lord, I thank You that You will answer my prayers in Your perfect timing. Reveal what is in my heart, and make me ready to handle the answer in the right way when it comes. Help me to pray by faith consistently and long-term, to believe, wait, and then move forward in Your timing. Help me to be patient in prayer, not give up, and trust You even during moments when I feel negative emotions. I don’t want to live by feelings but by faith. Help me not to take matters in my own hands. I choose to trust you, and I refuse to believe the lies of the enemy. I choose to be faithful in prayer (Colossians 4:2). Deepen my understanding, and give me a greater knowledge of what You are doing in my life. I choose to hold unswervingly to the hope that I profess (Hebrews 10:23). Stretch my faith in the midst of the wait, just as You did with Your disciples when encountering a storm at sea (Matthew 8:23-27). I thank You that You have all wisdom and will answer my prayers at just the right moment and in the perfect way. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise 
International House of Prayer (IHOP) KC Staff

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Put Prayer First

“To the average Christian the command ‘pray without ceasing’ is simply a needless and impossible life of perfection. Who can do it? We can get to heaven without it. To the true believer, on the contrary, it holds out the promise of the highest happiness, of a life crowned by all the blessings that can be brought down on souls through his intercession. And as he perseveres, it becomes increasingly his highest aim upon earth, his highest joy, his highest experience of the wonderful fellowship with the holy God.”  Andrew Murray

As we each face many challenges and blessings in life, it is critical that we put prayer first in our schedules.  I sense in my heart that we are entering into very deep waters. We always have enough time for the things we value. The greatest key to success in the Christian life is to put God and prayer first. Too many things in life are crying out for our attention. Everything we do must be done through the power of prayer.   

We must learn to put prayer first on a daily basis. It is something we have to give our utmost attention to. The enemy is TOO clever, and he will try to steal our time. This is where he will resist us the most. We need to have a vision for prayer. Vision determines priorities, and our priorities determine our destinies. Put prayer as a high priority in your life.

In Acts 12:5 we read about fervent prayer for Peter by the church. They prayed with intense earnestness. Peter was in trouble! The word “earnestness” in the Greek means “stretched-out-edly”. Their souls were stretched out with intense earnestness toward God. It was like a runner using every nerve and muscle stretched out toward the goal. Jesus also prayed with intense earnestness in Luke 22:44 so that even his sweat became as drops of blood. God desires that we learn to prioritize prayer and seek to be a man or woman of intense earnestness in intercession. The Bible speaks about devoting ourselves to prayer in Colossians 4:2. The Amplified Bible says:

“Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer life, being both alert and intent in your praying with thanksgiving.

Dorthy Haskins in her book A Prayer Guide to Prayer tells about an excellent concert violinist who was asked the secret of her mastery of the violin. She responded, “Planned neglect.” She explained how so many things demanded her time. After breakfast, she would do her normal duties such as straightening her room, cleaning and several other things that seemed necessary. She would then turn to her violin after finishing all her work. But she was unable to accomplish what she should on the violin. So she reversed the order, and neglected everything until her practice period on the violin was completed. That was the secret to her success. How often we are like this violinist and put prayer at the end of what needs to be done. It can be last on our list! It must be first. It must be prioritized in our lives, if we want to have a life dedicated to God’s glory.

We must learn to put prayer first now and not wait. The world is getting worse with each passing day as crime and terrorism increase. With earthquakes killing thousands, financial difficulties, unusual weather patterns, plus lawlessness, famines and needs everywhere - if ever there was a need for prayer, it is now. But you and I don’t have to wait for an emergency situation in our city. We already live in an emergency situation - God has sounded the alarm - Millions do not yet know Christ. The hour is urgent! Throughout history, there were praying individuals who knew the seriousness of the hour and prioritized prayer every single day. Let’s look at some of these examples from history.

Historical Examples

“Christ, who in this as well as in other things is our example, spent many whole nights in prayer. His custom was to pray much. He had His habitual place to pray. Many long seasons of praying made up His history and character. Paul prayed day and night. Daniel’s three daily prayers took time away from other important interests. David’s morning, noon, and night praying was doubtless on many occasions very long and involved. While we have no specific account of the time these Bible saints spent in prayer, the indications are that they devoted much time to prayer, and on some occasions long seasons of praying were their custom.” E. M. Bounds

These prayer warriors put prayer first in their everyday life. Even though some of them had ill health, busy lives or were very old, they still were able to put prayer first.

  • 84-year-old Anna - She was very old but prayed and fasted night and day for decades. See Luke 2:36. 
  • David Brainerd - He spent whole days in prayer as he cried out for the salvation of the Native Americans. 
  • E. M. Bounds - He was an eager and intense man of prayer. He prayed with faith that believed God for the impossible and wrote many outstanding books on prayer. 
  • John Hyde - He was a missionary to India who paid a high price for prayer. He spent thirty days and nights in intercession and was ranked as a mad enthusiast in prayer.

We influence others as we, ourselves, spend time in prayer. Our short prayers are effective when we have prayed long ones. We must learn to prevail with God just as these men and women did. Jacob had victory because he wrestled all night with God. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, the Bible exhorts us to “Pray without ceasing”.

The Cost of Putting Prayer First

Those who pray receive a blessing for now and for eternity that far outweighs the cost. They learn the secret to a joyful and strategic life. But choosing to prioritize prayer has a price tag. It will cost us to put prayer at the top of our responsibilities, but it is well worth the effort. It will cost us:   

  • Time - We must devote ourselves to prayer. We may have to give up other good things in order to do the best thing. See Colossians 4:2.
  • Energy - Prayer can be hard work and very intense physically. It will take concentrated energy to pray. God may call us to pray in the middle of the night. See Isaiah 64:7.
  • A Pure Motive - Prayer is often done in secret. We need to have a pure motive when we pray. God will reward us openly. See Matthew 6:6.
  • Faith - We don’t often see results immediately when we pray, and this takes great faith. But God does answer prayer in a powerful way if we persevere in faith. See Hebrews 11:1, 6. 

Let’s rise to a new level in putting prayer and intercession first. May God help us to keep it central in our busy life. May He give us the grace to put prayer first, not only when emergency situations arise in our own personal lives, but also as we live in the emergency situation we all face in the end times. I pray that God will encourage your heart to count the cost and say, “yes” to the ministry of intercession. I make a conscious choice to put prayer first every day of my life. I pray that you do the same.

Here at the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, every year the staff renews their commitment to prayer. Each year they make a Sacred Trust before the Lord as to what hours they will spend in the prayer room. They actually put it in their weekly schedules. Prayer and intimacy with God is central at IHOP and all work springs from that central commitment. Full-time staff spend 24 hours weekly in the prayer room. Although a high commitment, God gives grace to pray. You may want to make a Sacred Trust before the Lord as to how much time you will block out in your schedule for prayer, worship, and time with God. This helps you keep prayer first in your life. You may also want to watch the webstream here at IHOP to encourage your prayer life - See IHOP Prayer Room.

“They may start from different points, and travel by different roads, but they converge to one point: they are one in prayer. To them, God is the center of attraction, and prayer is the path that leads to God. These men do not pray occasionally - not a little or at odd times. But, they pray in such a way that their prayers enter into and shape their very character. They pray so as to affect their own lives and the lives of others, and to cause the history of the church to influence the current of the times. They spend much time in prayer, not because they watch the shadow of the dial or the hands on the clock, but because it is to them so momentous and engaging a business that they can scarcely quit.” E. M. Bounds

Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise

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The Power of Crying Out

“In moments of fear, anxiety, and trouble, the right step toward experiencing God's powerful deliverance and protection is to simply cry outto use our voice in fervent appeal for His help.” Quotes by Bill Gothard


Do you ever practice crying out loud to God for help? 


I think most of us have, especially when we’ve been in serious trouble. This is how our Biblical predecessors often prayed. Fervency in prayer and crying out loud is a key to breakthrough in prayer. My husband has often told people that fervent, passionate prayer is the type of prayer you would cry out if your airplane were falling from the sky. You would cry out to God in desperation, with all your heart! There would be no place for distracted, apathetic prayer under those circumstances. No way! It would be a life and death matter! 


Yet many of us are facing impossible circumstances where the "crying out" type of prayer is needed for spiritual breakthrough. Crying out loud seems to be a key to a powerful prayer life that influences heaven and sees tremendous answers to prayer. Often we are urged by the Spirit to cry an impassioned declaration of God’s powerful ability. That demonstrates our total dependence on God to accomplish the victory. We need to catch hold of this truth and apply it to our prayer lives. We read in Psalm 86:7, “In the day of trouble I will call upon you, for you will answer me.” When we cry out to God, we experience His all-sufficient, supernatural power to answer us.


God often arranges our circumstances so there seems to be no way out. 


Haven’t you been there? The problem doesn't seem to go away. But in response to our crying out to Him, He answers. He may bring healing, protection, or direction. He wants to show us that He is our sole saving power when we are at the end of all our known resources. In the Bible there is a consistent pattern of God's people crying out to Him and His answering in His power. David often cried aloud to God with deep emotion when in desperate situations, and God answered his cry. He says in Psalm 61:1, "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their trouble." Bill Gothard in his book, The Power of Crying Out states:


“Many believers today seem unaware of this consistent pattern in God's Word. It could even be said that the most significant difference between the prayers of God's saints in Scripture (so powerfully effective) and our prayers today (so seemingly ineffective) is this: There was a fervency in the prayers of biblical saints - a fervency that is inherent in crying out.”


Crying out to God is not something we do mechanically, but it flows out of our relationship with Him. Do we really know that God actually hears us and longs to hear our cry? He is our father and loves to hear our voice. We have the authority and right as His children to call fervently to our Father. Do we realize that there is power in the spoken word? When it is spoken fervently, sincerely and with all our heart, it is even more powerful. Do we realize that as we cry out to God aloud, He sees that we are seriously and boldly coming to His throne of grace? Do we not comprehend that when we cry out to God in our distress He will answer? 


We will see that crying out in prayer is the very turning point that brings His deliverance. It happened often in the Bible and can happen for us as well. Notice in Psalm 107:6, 13, 19, and 28 how God loves to answer those with a sincere heart in their need. "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses.” Crying out triggers God's deliverance. Many of you are facing desperate situations in your life. Learn to cry aloud to God with all your heart. Trust Himyour delivererto undertake in your behalf.


“Days of trouble. Hours of crisis. Moments of urgent and fearful need. They come to us all unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. How can we prepare for such times? We can prepare by being ready to cry aloud to the Lord for His saving help, boldly expecting His deliverance. God invites and expects His beloved ones to do exactly that: ‘Call upon Me in the day of trouble,’ He tells us; ‘I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.’”


For many years we live on a ship called Doulos. This ship was our moving home that sailed from country to country, spreading the Good News of Jesus and selling Christian and educational books. During one of our voyageswith over 300 persons from 40 nations aboardwe were sailing down the coast of South America and were about to enter the Straits of Magellan. This is a narrow, long passage of quite some distance off the coast of Chile. Our next port of ministry was the southernmost city at the tip of Chile. You could consider this area of the world the “ends of the earth.” The straits are known for their treacherous and dangerous seas. 


The weather at the time was stormy, and the waves were choppy and unsafe which would make it very difficult for our old ship to pass through safely. This ship, built in 1914 and in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest floating passenger ship in the world, caused many of us even more concern as we anticipated this dangerous journey. 


In light of our situation, the captain made an urgent request over the loud speaker. He said that we must all gather together immediately and pray for God to calm the seas. We must cry out to God to give us a safe passage through the Straits of Magellan so that we could arrive on time at our next port. 


With no time to waste, the entire staff and crew gathered together in our main lounge to pray. Imagine the thoughts that raced through our minds and the level of anxiety many of us felt as we hurried to the main lounge. After all, we were on a tiny, old ship anticipating tossing around in treacherous seas. We felt dependent at that moment on a supernatural God who could turn our situation around by His power and might. 


We began to pray and cry out to God to calm the seas for His glory. Perhaps you can guess what happened next. Yes! God answered prayerthe seas became stilland the ship passed peacefully through the narrow passage.


My future husband and I sat on deck and admired the beauty of God’s creation in that gorgeous part of the world. We had met each other on board, and this was our first date and one we would always remember. During that voyage we saw many shipwrecks along the way right in the midst of all the natural beauty of massive rocks and clear blue seas. This was a vivid reminder of God’s powerful answer to our desperate prayers.


Is crying out to God effective? 


It certainly isOur ship was able to reach its destination safelyWe were able to continue our conferences and evangelistic programs right on schedule. God used such a situation to build our faith as we cried out to Him and lived His answer. He wants to break through in extreme situations. He will do the same for you as He did for us on this voyage. I recommend that you read and pray through some of the heartfelt prayers of David. Psalms 16, 25, 31, 51, and 63 are excellent Psalms that you can pray out loud for yourself and others.


You may be passing through dangerous or difficult waters. God hears your cry and wants to take you deeper in passionate, fervent prayer. And remember when He answers your prayers, be sure to give thanks to Him for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds on your behalf. Crying out to God for help is a wonderful way to live. We not only should do it during times of trouble but as we pray for revival in our city and nation. God loves it when we pray with fervency and passion. 


"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men" (Psalm 107:28-31).


 Intercessors Arise News:

Debbie Przybylski

Intercessors Arise International

International House of Prayer KC Staff


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Revival Passion

"Every significant outpouring of the Spirit seems to have been preceded by earnest, agonizing intercession, accompanied by a heartbrokenness and humiliation before God... Let no one pray for revival—let no one pray for a mighty baptism of power who is not prepared for deep heart-searchings and confession of sin in his personal life. Revival, in its beginnings, is a most humiliating experience. When one, like Isaiah, sees himself in the light of God's holiness he must inevitably cry, 'Woe is me!' Deep spiritual awakenings, whether in local churches or in whole countries, begin with desperate people." Rick Joyner

There has never been a revival without passionThere is a deep heart-searching and desperation over personal sin and the sin of the people. The Welsh revival had these characteristics—a deep conviction of sin along with intercession and repentance. Many of us find it very hard to add prayer meetings into our already busy schedules—but when a mighty revival is moving—all of this doesn’t seem to matter.

Prayer and getting right with God become all important. 

In pondering such moves of God and seeing our need for passionate prayer and a greater concern for souls, certainly our desperate cry should be for revival to sweep across the nations. We need to search our own hearts and cry out, “God, purify me!” Evan Roberts, the young man who was used so powerfully by God in the Welsh revival of 1904, prayed passionately that God would purify and bend the Church. He prayed that God would break his own heart over the condition of mankind—His heart was set on obedience—Agonizing prayer was his daily life style. Well-known author and founder of Morningstar, Rick Joyner, said this about him: 

"Evan Roberts captured the spirit of the whole revival with the theme: Bend the Church and Save the World. James E. Stewart claimed that this is the secret of every true awakening. Christians must humble themselves and get right with God so that the Spirit can break through in converting power upon the unsaved. There must be no hypocrisy; the Christian must bend to all the will of God for His life in perfect obedience before the Spirit of God is released. When we are bent to the will of God we will be intercessors, because as He 'ever lives to intercede' for His people, if we are abiding in Him we will do the same."

Are we willing to pay the price to actually let God bend us as he did Evan Roberts?   

Characteristics of Revival Passion

It is helpful to look at some of the meanings of the word “passion” in Webster’s Dictionary as we think of the characteristics of revival passion. The word “passion” means “highly excited, expressing strong emotion, with strong feeling, zeal, eager desire.” Great passion and zeal were expressed in the past revivals. This passion was for holiness, for purity of life, and for obedience. 

Those in the revival had strong emotions as they yearned for the salvation of the lost. Because of their great passion for souls, preachers were zealous for a fearless proclamation of the truth and brought God’s Word with deep conviction and mighty unction, bringing sinners face to face with the Almighty God. As a result, multitudes would weep with great agony of soul as they were confronted with the sin in their own heart. These were the characteristics of revivals in the past. This is what we need in our present day. 

  • A passion for God’s Word and anointed preachingRevivals are characterized by a powerful and passionate proclamation of the truth. The preaching is extremely anointed, spontaneous, and fearless. Revival preaching centers on Christ, bringing conviction of sin to all its listeners. The words are spoken with a demonstration of the power of God with a supernatural boldness and unction. People are hungry for God’s Word.

    “In the Evans Mills revival, Finney recalls: ‘The Spirit of God came upon me with such power that it was like opening a battery upon them. For more than an hour, the Word of God came through me to them in such a manner that I could see was carrying all before it. It was a fire and a hammer breaking the rock, and as the word that was piercing… I saw a general conviction was spreading over the whole audience.’” Winkie Pratney

    "With a demonstration of the Spirit's power" (1 Corinthians 2:4).
  • A passion for prayer and holiness. Those in the revival had a deep passion for prayer and for getting their lives right with God. There was no toleration of sin. There was humility, an urgent confession of sin, and a holy fear of God. Worldliness was forsaken and large numbers would attend early prayer meetings on a daily basis. People were bent on obeying the will of God.

    "Thousands of believers, often unknown to each other, in small towns and great cities, cried to God day after day for the fire of revival to fall. This was not merely 'a little talk with Jesus' but daily agonizing intercession. These were devoted saints who had given their lives to the sacrifice of prayer and worship. They were so jealous for the name of their God that they agonized day and night because of the way Satan was being glorified all around them and they yearned from the depths of their beings to see the Lord's name lifted up in Wales. They constantly reminded God of what He had done in 1859, through the Second Great Awakening, and begged Him to pour out His Spirit again.” Rick Joyner

    "Create in me a pure heart, O God" (Psalm 51:10).
  • A Passion for the Lost. The concern for the lost during the revival was extraordinary. There was praying with tears and a passion to see souls saved. The joy of knowing Christ could not be hidden. Everyone was a brightly shining lamplight to neighbors and co-workers, powerfully attracting unbelievers to that light.

    “There can be no revival without soul-winning. In saving lost souls the Welsh Revival must be considered one of the most intense and effective revivals of all time. This was not a program for a few preachers or a campaign to get church members testifying to the saving grace of the Lord Jesus. There were no classes given on how to reach the lost. It just seemed that every Christian in Wales erupted simultaneously with a burning agony for the lost. The joy of salvation simply could not be contained by the believers as every coal mine, tramcar, office, school or ship became a pulpit for the gospel… There was no set pattern of strategy for the witnessing; it was simply born out of an overflowing joy and faith that could not be contained in those who knew the Savior.” Rick Joyner

    "Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand souls were added to their number that day(Acts 2:42).

Fervent, passionate prayer for revival in our churches will change the messages in the pulpit into ones of tremendous power.

Five young college students were spending a Sunday in London, and they decided to go and hear the well-known preacher, Charles Spurgeon. While they were waiting for the doors of the church to open, a man greeted them at the door and asked, “Gentlemen, would you like me to show you around the church? Would you like me to show you the heating plant of this church?” It was a very hot day in July and so they were not very excited about his offer. But they said, “yes” because they didn’t want to offend the man. The young men were taken down a long stairway, and the door was quietly opened. Their guide whispered to them, “This is our heating plant.” The young college students looked through the door in complete surprise. 

In that room were 700 people bowed in passionate prayer seeking God’s blessing on the service that would soon begin in the auditorium above. The guide softly closed the door. He turned to them and introduced himself as Charles Spurgeon.

Passionate prayer was the secret to his powerful preaching. 

Passionate and desperate prayer will be characteristic of the coming revival. God wants to take us deeper in passion and fervency in our prayers. Holy desperation for the presence of God is the key to transformation.

Are we desperate enough to change our life styles for God?  
"Both international and local revivals have been distinctly linked to special prayer… The coming revival will be no exception. An extraordinary spirit of prayer, urging believers to much secret and united prayer, pressing them to labor fervently (Colossians 4:12) in their supplications, will be one of the surest signs of approaching showers and floods of blessing." Andrew Murray

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Become a member of the Intercessors Arise International Network here. Connect with intercessors and what God is doing in prayer worldwide! Discover many resources and training on prayer in this network.
Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise
International House of Prayer KC Staff


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“In every revival in history we read a similar testimony. When God responded to His people by sending His presence, He didn’t just work Himself into their routine religion - He overtook them by His power and glory! He left a trail of glorious chaos in His wake - weeping, repenting, rejoicing, reconciling, changing of habits, healing of families! Nobody wondered if Jesus was involved in these meetings. There was no doubt in their minds and no lack in their hearts.” Rhonda Hughey 

Dear Intercessors,
God wants to invade our cities with His glorious and powerful presence. He wants to overtake our lives and change our plans and routines so that they are fully in line with His purposes. As we think about the Kingdom of God and preparing the way for God’s presence, the Sermon on the Mount is the greatest test to measure our personal success. How well do we live out the 8 beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12, and how well do we obey all of Matthew 5-7? Do we seek to obey God in every area of our life? Do we declare war on all compromise? This is the test.
We are made for personal holiness and to intimately know God.        
This is what is so fantastic about the increase in prayer worldwide and how is raising up Houses of Prayer. God begins to change you, and you begin to prioritize prayer in a way you have never done before or even imagined possible. Prayer begins to take center stage in your life. God begins to deal with our lives - our speech, our time, our money, our relationships, and everything. There is an internal calling in God to love and follow Him with all our heart. God wants our hearts and a life of complete obedience so that we would be perfect and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:4). In working with IHOP Kansas City and living in a prayer environment, I am personally challenged to make quality decisions for holiness and to let God challenge my motives. I still have a long way to go, but at least I am on the road. It definitely is a life-long journey.  
When we get a vision for a House of Prayer, we are challenged in our prayer lives as the Holy Spirit begin to reinforce the importance of personal prayer and the absolute necessity of corporate prayer for the nations. There is a lying down of secondary priorities for many. We become very hungry for Jesus and His presence (Matthew 5:6). Through prayer and praise, we welcome God into our region. Many of us begin to treasure the presence of God above all else, as we realize deep in our hearts the truth of John 15:5, “Without Me you can do nothing.”
You may be thinking, “Well, how do I even begin to think about a House of Prayer in my city?
The first step is to PRAY! You start by praying about a House of Prayer in your city. Even if you are not the one to start it, you can pray for others who will. Pray that God raises up the right ones to begin, and you be the one who supports them in prayer. You may want to start with a one-day, weekend, one-week, or one-month House of Prayer. In starting to plan towards a House of Prayer and beyond, there are several initial steps to pray and work towards. Every city needs a House of Prayer but there always needs to be a few who start it.

Now this may seem overwhelming at first, but you will be surprised at how God helps you. After all, it’s His idea and desire in the first place. You want to provide times and places for many to come together for prayer, asking the Lord to visit your city with His presence. Ultimately, you want to role out a red carpet for the King of Kings, inviting Him to come and do His work. In Biblical and church history, united prayer has been proven to be the single lifesaver of a nation during times of danger and uncertainty. The Lord commands His people to seek His face (2 Chronicles 7:14). God warned Noah concerning the flood even when there was no visible sign of it, not even a raindrop! He took heed and diligently and reverently constructed and prepared an ark for the deliverance of His family (Hebrews 11:7).  

It is difficult to predict exact results in a House of Prayer. The key is to be faithful in doing what God shows you to do in prayer. We have to be willing to pay the price for God’s continual presence in our city. It’s up to the Church to decide long-term how much of God they really want. It is important that churches and intercessors continue to pray and anticipate the ongoing development of God’s plan for the city while the discipline and blessing of united prayer is still fresh. I believe the following results will follow when Christians do accept the challenge of united prayer in their city:

  • A united praying church develops that is pleasing to the Lord.
  • There is a breaking of the spiritual darkness that is invading the nation.
  • The church demonstrates an example of corporate prayer that challenges others in cities around the country to do the same.
  • A movement of the Spirit occurs, bringing salvation to thousands of people.
  • A continued growing movement of prayer arises, sweeping tired Christian into a fresh new vitality in Christ.

Imagine the future of your city when a House of Prayer is operating day and night. God will pour out His spirit. There will be the manifest presence of the Lord scattering His enemies and ours. Signs, wonders, healing, and deliverance from demonic oppression will become the norm. There will be the revival of the church, and the church will grow. Sinners will come under conviction and will open their hearts to the message of the Gospel. 
A House of Prayer welcomes God into your city. As I traveled from nation to nation as a young missionary on a ship, upon arrival in a new country we would often have a great welcome from the people of that city. In New Zealand we experienced a special dance form the Mori Indians. It was quite impressive, and one I will never forget! At the end of that unique tribal dance, the staff and crew of our ship received a beautiful lay of flowers around their neck and the Mori greeting of rubbing noses. It was quite a cultural experience for many of us, I can assure you. In other countries we had special greetings unique to each culture - everything from other cultural dances, to gifts, to songs and banners - that was a beautiful welcome to the ship into their unique city. It made all of us on board feel very welcome in that country and city. It made us deeply desire to stay there and interact with the people. 
Perhaps God feels the same way. 
When He sees His people eagerly praying for His presence - welcoming Him into their city day and night in prayer - He is delighted and wants to invade that city with His presence. When He sees your desperate cry for His presence, He feels like a welcomed and longed-for guest and wants to make your city His home.  
Begin now to prepare the way for God’s presence. Start with increasing your prayer life and find a few others who have a vision for transformation in your city. Get together regularly, and God will lead you and add others to your prayer meetings. Transformation will occur in your lives, and you will become consumed with a hunger for God’s presence. The Lord will hear your cry for your city, and God will begin to move in your midst. Early in our month of 24/7 prayer that we had in Spain a few years ago, God made his presence known to us in a very special way. There was no rain outside and as I was having my prayer time early in the morning, I suddenly looked out the window and there in the sky surrounding the House of Prayer was a big, bright colorful rainbow. It was as if God was speaking to us and saying, “See, my desire is for citywide, united prayer, and I love your House of Prayer - Keep it up for I shall surely come with my presence - I have heard your cry.”  
During this last month we were in Spain and Gibraltar encouraging Houses of Prayer. We went to Madrid, Seville, Malaga, Cordoba, Gibraltar, and Algeciras, Spain. Everywhere we went we saw a hunger for prayer and for Houses of Prayer. After our team prayed on the top of the rock of Gibraltar, the following morning a rainbow appeared in the sky. God is doing something big everywhere. Hunger for God is increasing. A House of Prayer in Madrid was started and another House of Prayer in Cordoba will be started soon. Others are in the planning stage.
It is time that we change our life styles and become desperate for God and His ways. It is time that we welcome God into our cities!
“To be desperate means to be without hope in your current condition and to know that in your own power you don’t have the necessary resources required to change it. People who are desperate become determined to find help, often taking great risks to meet their desperate need. In the communities where transforming revival has occurred the people of God were desperate enough to change their lifestyle and their priorities and to commit their time and resources, making everything secondary to the desperate pursuit of God in their midst. They cried out in desperation, and the Lord heard their cry.” Rhonda Hughey

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Together in the Harvest,

Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise

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Open Wide the Gates

“Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty - he is the King of glory” (Psalm 24:7-10).

What a privilege it is for you and I to pray that the King of glory would come into the gates of our cities and nations. The King of glory is mighty in battle. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord of hosts, the Commander of heaven’s armies. He is eternal, holy, and mighty. Psalm 24 is a battle cry for the Kingdom to come to earth. It also looks forward to Christ’s future entry into the New Jerusalem to reign forever! 

You and I are in a war of tremendous proportions. Wherever we are living, we are to battle for the land and must pray for the King of glory to come in and rule in our nation. When we do this, we are cultivating a Kingdom prayer life. The question we must ask ourselves is:


“Are we using our authority in prayer?”


The astounding reality is that God actually shares His authority with us (Luke 12:32). It is our responsibility to pray for our president, king, prime minister, and leaders to yield to God, working for His righteousness to come forth. He is the Judge and Ruler of the universe, and we are here to enforce His Kingdom on earth through our prayers. It is not only a privilege to help bring in His Kingdom, but it is our responsibility to use our authority in prayer. Let’s learn to be intercessors like Moses.


Prayer Warriors for God’s Kingdom 

“As Moses stretched forth his rod on God's behalf over Egypt, so the church by its prayers stretches forth Christ's authority over the nations and their rulers.” Derek Prince

In this great warfare between the powers of light and the powers of darkness, how do we prepare for battle? To be a prayer warrior for God’s Kingdom, what qualities do we need to pray for? We are at war against the forces of evil, and we must not take this lightly. Just as we must exercise to keep physically fit, there are spiritual qualities we must also exercise in order to be fit for war in intercession. There are personal qualities we must develop in our lives. Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords! We must prepare for battle through:

  • Intimacy - We must have an intimate relationship with the Lord. We must be one with Christ, listening for His directions and assignments, strong in worship and the Word.
  • Our Position in Christ - We must know who we are in Christ and that He is the King who is mighty in battle. We must wage war in Christ’s authority through prayer. 
  • Faith - We must believe in the power of prayer and that God will use faith-filled prayer to break the power of evil over the land. He is greater than the enemy and has defeated Satan at the cross. 
  • Character - We must realize that godly character will cause the enemy to flee. God is looking for integrity, the fruit of the Spirit, and a dedicated life. Growing in holiness and humility is opposite of the enemy’s pride. Humility enables us to receive the grace of God.
  • Discipline - We must say “no” to the things that weaken our spiritual lives such as too much TV, food, or laziness. Soldiers must live a disciplined life even when they don’t feel like it. In order to pray for the government in our land, we must exercise self-government first.
  • Truth - We must be truthful without any hypocrisy or falsehood in us. We are here to speak truth, study truth, declare the truth, and hold onto it tightly during times of warfare (Zechariah 8:16-17).

As believers we must understand our rights and responsibilities as citizens of heaven. We must know our position in Christ at God’s right hand. We are made alive, raised up, and enthroned in the heavenly kingdom. It has already been accomplished (Ephesians 2:4-6). Psalm 24 was probably used in corporate worship many times. The people outside the gates would call out to the temple gates to open and let the King of glory in. From inside, they would say,


“Who is this King of glory?” 

Outside in unison they would say, “The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.” 


They would proclaim God’s great power and strength. Then the gates would swing wide open. Should we not do the same regarding our need for God’s presence in our cities?


When my husband and I travel to other countries, we spend time waiting in airports. We recently were in Spain. On the trip we spent all day waiting in the airport in Kansas City because our flight was cancelled because of tornadoes in Texas. Waiting is not easy. Often in other countries I have heard this call over the airport loud speaker, “Will (person’s name) proceed urgently to his gate!”  They are paging for someone because his plane is about to take off, and he is not present. Many of us don’t realize that our nations are in urgent need of prayer. We are taking our time, but God is asking us to proceed urgently to heaven’s gate, to the throne room of prayer. We must beware of complacency. This is the time to seize the moment in prayer and intercession for our countries. 


In the real life airport situation, missing a plane can cause a lot of time and discomfort. But for us to miss this window of opportunity to pray for our leaders and our nations can cause us years of agony and pain. There isn’t much time left. We must proceed urgently to the gates of heaven and take our authoritative role in prayer for our cities. We read in Luke 18:7-8, “And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you he will see that they get justice, and quickly.” 


God is the supreme ruler over all human affairs, and we can exercise a decisive influence upon the course of our governments through prayer and godly action. God’s kingdom is supreme over all other kingdoms and over all other forces that work on earth (Philippines 3:20, Psalm 103:19, Ephesians 1:20-23). Let’s extend the rod of Christ’s authority and advance His kingdom. Let’s bring heaven to earth through our prayers. Even though we are in a tremendous battle against the forces of darkness, the truth that Christ is the supreme ruler over all rulers and governor over all governments is reason for us to rejoice! 

“Lord, I pray that you would teach me how to be a prayer warrior for Your Kingdom. Help me to cultivate a Kingdom prayer life. Teach me to pray Your Word over my city, my nation, and my family. Develop intimacy, faith, discipline, truth, and character in my life. I long to walk in the fruit of Your Spirit. I long to speak truth, study truth, and declare truth daily in my life. Teach me to pray regularly for my nation, president, and city. Teach me to pray Kingdom prayers for my city and nation. I thank You that You are the supreme ruler over all and Your Kingdom is supreme over all kingdoms. I praise You because You are the King of glory. ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being’ (Revelation 4:11). In Jesus’ name, amen."


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“He rules now in the midst of his enemies and rules by the rod of His strength (Psalm 110:2). The rod is the mark of the ruler’s authority. The rod of Christ’s authority, exercised in His name, is sent forth through our prayers. In every direction that the rod is extended, the forces of evil are compelled to yield, and Christ in turn is exalted and His kingdom advanced." Derek Prince


Debbie Przybylski

Intercessors Arise 

International House of Prayer KC Staff

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Prayer is the Strategy of Heaven


“Intercession is standing before the court of heaven and pleading a case or cause before an Holy awesome God. There are things that deeply touch the righteous Heart of the Father and above all, He is jealous of His glory…” Michael Howard

Our God is a mighty warrior. He is a God who has a strategic plan. You and I can take part in this strategic plan.

I doubt if very many of us wake up in the morning and enter the day realizing that we are at war and that strategy is of utmost importance. The truth is that prayer is the greatest strategy in the world. Prayer is the strategy of heaven. As we use this mighty weapon, God then gives us His strategy for life on earth.

The majority of the Church worldwide has not, yet, awakened to this strategic weapon of prayer and intercession. If we did, we would be using it daily, and our prayer meetings would be packed to overflowing. I envision the day coming when we will begin to realize more and more that nothing happens without prayer.

Often in the natural we look to man-made methods and schemes to get the job done. We think big money and promotion will reach the world. We try harder with our human ingenuity. That will never work, at least not long-term. Prayer and intercession will prepare the way for the harvest. We must choose to use heaven’s strategy rather than man’s human devices. We must set our minds above and learn to intercede. We read in Colossians 3:1-2:

“Since, then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

It is in prayer that God gives us heavenly strategy to do the work on earth that will touch the world. I have seen this over and over again. In intercession God gives us the greatest plan. In the quiet place God opens to us His greatest secrets. Everything that will make a difference has to have the touch of the supernatural. God does the work through us, and He gives us His plan in prayer. The days we are living in are evil, and nothing but intense intercession will bring in the harvest.

A woman came to a missionary in India asking him to prevent a certain Christian from praying for her anymore. She was asked how she knew that Christian was praying for her. She replied: “I used to perform my worship to the idols quite easily before and now I can’t. He told me he was praying for me and my family, and now my son and daughter have become Christians. If he continues to pray, I may become a Christian as well! Things happen when he prays. Somebody must make him stop!”

This Christian knew that prayer was the strategy of heaven and so did the idol worshipper who did not want to experience the power of prayer! God wants us to go deeper in strategic prayer. These are days of opportunity, and God is raising-up intercessors to touch people’s lives in every nation. Never underestimate the true potential of prayer. Ephesians 5:15-16 says:

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

Never fail to realize that an hour in prayer can make a huge difference in the strategic outcome of your day and in the lives of others. But how do we touch this heavenly strategy?

Ways to Touch Heaven’s Strategy of Prayer

I find in my life personally that a faster way to enter into the throne room of God is through worship, praying the Word of God, and fasting. This brings me quickly into heaven’s perspective. These are three secrets to a deeper prayer life. This is what we practice regularly at the International House of Prayer here in Kansas City. You and I have every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3 says: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”

We touch heaven through our praise, through praying the Word, and when we deny ourselves through fasting. We are then able to concentrate more fully on God’s heart. Let’s look at these three ways along with quotes from Michael Howard, a mighty intercessor, in his book called Proven Arrows of Intercession:

  • Worship and Praise. Worship, praise and thanksgiving should be incorporated into your life as much as possible. When you are down or discouraged, try the medicine of praise and thanksgiving. It is a good medicine because it puts your attention back upon the greatness and the glory of God. Praise is a powerful weapon of war. 

    “We can never underestimate praise as one of the greatest and most powerful weapons of war which the Lord has placed in our hands. And, when praise becomes high praise, it commands the unlimited resources of heaven because it gives absolute glory to the Lord. In a way which is beyond our understanding, deliverance and redemption are wrought through praise with great power for such conclusively speak of the supreme victory of Jesus.” 

  • Pray the Word of God. If you want to grow in your prayer life, start praying the Bible. God loves us to pray His Word and use the sword of the Spirit in intercession for the lost. It keeps us on-target, and we begin to think the very thoughts of God.

    “The promises and blessings of God’s Word are conditional. What God has done before, He will do again under the same climate and by the same standards. It is for this reason that intercession must be solidly built upon and directed by the Word. This means that the intercessor must know and quote the Word. This is not so the devil can hear but because a case must be made before the Lord… God is committed to His Word and the fulfilling of it.

  • Fast and Pray. Fasting is a key to a powerful prayer life. Fasting together with prayer will help you to tap into heaven’s riches and strategy in a way nothing else can. It quiets your outer man so that your inner man can hear the heartbeat of heaven. 

    “Jesus was always ‘prayed and fasted up’ while the disciples were not. This is why He always had authority in any situation. It is too late in the crisis to ‘get fasted and prayed up,’ so to speak… The benefits, blessings and powers of fasting are clearly revealed in the Word. Firstly, fasting brings the flesh into submission in all areas and herein lies the secret of the power… Fasting is a total denial of self that is mandatory if one is to be a true disciple of Jesus (Mt. 16:24). Thirdly, there is a mysterious relationship between fasting and the power of heaven intervening on our behalf.” 

Is it always easy to go heaven’s way? No, we are so often tempted by earth’s attraction. We are tempted by quick results and man-made schemes, by things that look so good. We are attracted by fleshly fame and fortune. But in reality prayer is what really will get the job done. Prayer and intercession will bring glory to the King and touch earth with heaven’s riches. Prayer is the strategy of heaven. Prayer is the work, the strategic work, of the Kingdom. Prayer will prepare the way for the King. 

Never forget this truth, because your enemy will tempt you in every way possible to get the job done through human resources. He will promise you a quick, painless way to get results. But, the quickest way is go straight to the King in prayer. And He will reveal to you a strategy of life that will release His greatest glory through you here on earth. Why is this true? It is because you will be living and doing exactly what you were made for.

And I promise you that this is a joyful and fulfilling way to live.

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“God puts no limitations on His ability to save through true praying. No hopeless conditions, no accumulation of difficulties, no desperation in distance or circumstances can hinder the success of real prayer. The possibilities of prayer are linked to the infinite rectitude and to the omnipotent power of God. There is nothing too hard for God to do. God is pledged if we ask, we shall receive God can withhold nothing from faith and prayer.” E. M. Bounds

Debbie Przybylski

Intercessors Arise International 

International House of Prayer KC Staff

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The Urgency of the Hour

The Urgency of the Hour

“Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purposes for me” (Psalm 57:1-2).


The hour is urgent. We are more aware of this because of the devastating earthquake and huge tsunami that recently struck Japan. Massive walls of water caused terrified residents to flee the coast as houses and cars were washed away in a moment. Floodwaters shoved floating debris inland hitting highways, bridges, and homes. Heavy trucks were pushed aside by the power of those waves. Air travel and trains were shut down. It was the biggest earthquake in a century, so strong that even buildings in central Tokyo, 230 miles southwest of the quake swayed.


Survivors huddled on the airport roof and a flaming refinery like an inferno sent up huge columns of thick black smoke. Others waved white sheets from the upper floors of buildings. Residents ran into the streets as they attempted to leave the city. Two huge cargo vessels were tipped on their sides in one port. Thousands lost their lives suddenly in this enormous disaster. The hour in Japan is urgent.

Most of us sense in our hearts that we are moving towards an unusual time in all of world history. No longer are days as they were in the past. As I read about this Japan disaster, I thought to myself, "This is what I would read in fiction books." What you read only in fiction books is now happening right before our eyes. We cannot escape it. It's here and only going to increase as time goes on. But we as God's children do not have to live in fear or defeat. Instead we need to move to a higher place in God.


One of the books I am in the process of publishing is called Ascending the Heights in Prayer.  This is exactly what you and I need to do. We need to ascend the heights in prayer and find that place of peace in the center of God. He will fulfill His purpose for us. He is our protection and refuge in the storm. 


We have had a multitude of tornados in America, and I live right on the border of Kansas. This state is situated along “tornado alley” where there are a lot of tornadoes. Of course tornados hit almost anywhere and any time, because the weather patterns are changing everywhere. There seems to be no certainty in anything anywhere, but God is stable and sure. We need not fear. He is our rock, our refuge, and stronghold.


So just as I will run downstairs into our tornado shelter if bad weather approaches, we can run to God when storm clouds threaten our world. Jesus is our safe place. He is stronger than any cement fortress. He wants us to prepare and rise up to live where He lives during the end times. There is no more time to sit on the fence. He wants to shake us out of complacency right where we are. There is always higher ground to ascend to in our prayer life, devotion, and intimacy with God.



As in the Days of Noah


For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark” (Matthew 24:38).


As in the days of Noah, people are living life as if no tsunami is coming. But look, it is happening before our eyes. Life goes on and so many want to live in denial and pretend that Jesus is not coming soon. They continue to live as if there is no seriousness about the hour in which we live. Eat, drink, and be merry. I remember a drama our evangelistic teams would do overseas many years ago called "Eat - Drink - Sleep". Individuals would take turns visualizing eating, drinking, and sleeping and in the end show the futility of life if that is all there is!


There had to be a purpose to it all.


It's time to build our ark for the storm is already upon us. Intercessors, it's time to rise up and ascend the heights in prayer. God will help you to build your ark (prepare for the future). Others will continue to question and even mock those who are preparing and positioning themselves for the future. Our every step is vitally important to God. Last October one step led me to a might fall down the stairs in my own home which I considered a safe place. We must consider our every step. We must learn to live in the center of God's peace and presence as the storm clouds come.


This is the most fruitful time in all of human history if we would only learn to get onto God's wavelength and agenda. The day of the Lord is at hand. It's a new exciting day if we will only shake off the way of life of the past and live in the now. Regardless of age or nation, we are all called to live in this present season fully and freely for God. This will be the best of this life. As we live for eternity and for God, we will be most joyous and free. As we try to hang onto the past way of life, we will be most afraid. It is a new day.



What Can We Do, and How Can We Live?


“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (Matthew 26:41).


Rather than trying to escape and hide, perhaps there is a better way to live in the end times as the return of the Lord draws near. In October of last year during an ordinary morning, I was upstairs running to answer the door to receive a new computer for writing these articles. I missed the top step of a very steep stairway, hit my heel, and begin to fall. As I tried to regain my composer on the second or third step, I begin to fall forward. I fell the rest of the way down the stairs and landed on my wrist. As I lay at the bottom of the stairs, I looked at my twisted wrist and knew that I couldn't walk or even attempt to stand on my foot. My husband and I went to the emergency room of the hospital and I knew that my life would change. I was in an emergency situation and there was no turning back.


You and I are in a world emergency. The financial crisis in the world alone should make us realize that God wants to get our attention. He is shaking everything that can be shaken. Most of us have been in a personal shaking of God's own design. Falling down the stairs and experiencing a broken right wrist and right heel has given me a more urgent look at life. Hour after hour and day after day I was able to look more seriously at the situation in life. I was helpless, and was able to see my desperate need of God in my most urgent hours. 


God wants us to get into His way of thinking for the very final years of human history before His return. He wants us to prepare spiritually for the days that are upon us. In my own crisis of breaking bones, when I had to sit still I noticed how most people were rushing around. They were running here, there, and everywhere. But to be still and in tune with the living God was not fully practiced. It's time that each one of us stops and listens to the Lord. It doesn't matter where we are or what we do. The Lord wants our attention.


Here are some crucial ways to prepare:


1) Prepare in prayer - Prepare your own heart. Give yourself to prayer. Here at the mission's base in Kansas City, there were awakening meetings several nights a week. A couple of months ago, they were stopped in order for the IHOP community to give themselves more fully to prayer in order to prepare for what is coming. Right now I am sitting in the IHOP Global Prayer Room on an ordinary Thursday morning, and hundreds of young people are here praying and seeking God. Give yourself to prayer in a greater way. Worship God. The end times require it.  


2) Get rid of the secondary things in your life - In emergencies, secondary things don't matter. In my own personal crisis, I realized this very quickly. I could do nothing but seek God. I couldn't move, I couldn't cook, and I couldn't walk, or write these letters. I was helpless. Secondary things did not matter. I was present in the emergency, and I was living to survive the hour. God brought me through with a wealth of understanding in my own heart regarding the end times. I am so thankful for my own personal shaking.


3) Begin praying for the emergencies around the world - As the end times unravels before us emergencies will increase. God wants us to pray. Here at IHOP, there was prayer every couple of hours for the crisis in Egypt and Japan. The world is in crisis, and we must learn to pray for the crises around us locally, nationally, and internationally.


4) Live in God's peace - He promises peace in every circumstance. He is our peace. When you feel frantic or uptight about the future, stop and center in on God. He is above and beyond all the tragedies. Your peace is an incredible testimony in hard times and will help those around you to find Him as their Prince of Peace. Jesus is alive! He wants to make Himself known in the midst of the present shaking.


As in the days of Noah, people will say what a fool we are to fast and pray, but when the rain starts falling, it's too late. We must prepare in every way today. We must position ourselves before God daily in prayer and wait upon Him for direction. He will show us how to prepare in every other way - emotionally, physically, mentally, etc. When I fell and was in a helpless state I realized how very dependent I was on God for my very breath. I cannot take anything for granted.


We must check our spirit daily. I had to rest in God's presence in order to not get discouraged when the trial seemed so long and endless. I had to also work physically by doing daily therapy on my wrist and foot as I was in the healing process. It seemed so lengthy and time-consuming but I had to do it. We must prepare physically for the last days. We must get out of debt. I had to position myself relationally. Friends helped me in my time of need. Numerous calls and emails, a word of encouragement at a difficult moment, and an electric blanket gift when I was so cold from lack of movement. This helped me in my moment of need.


Mentally I had to position my mind. This was not going to be a quick fix. It was a long-term trial. I had to say to myself, "Debbie, this will take time. Be patient. God is going to help me through this one day at a time." And He did. We must be alert to God's overall preparation in our lives, not only for ourselves but so that we can help others in the days ahead. 


Listen to this song by Misty Edwards called "As in the Day of Noah": 


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“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Selah. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah. Come and see the works of the Lord, the desolations he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’ The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah” (Psalm 46).

By Debbie Przybylski

Intercessors Arise








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Prayers to Strengthen Your Inner Being

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strength you with power through the spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” (Ephesians 3:16).Inner strength - It’s what we all need! In times of change in my own life, I have found that inner strength from God is the only thing that sustains me. We all need strength for daily life, but where do we get it?When unexpected things happen in your outer life, what sustains you on the inside?Well, it’s certainly not TV or facebook. It’s got to be something more, something far deeper. God wants to build spiritual muscles in us that can overcome the world on a daily basis. He wants us to be able to react quickly to adverse circumstances.We are presently visiting my husband’s family in New York. It was a long, tiring journey just to get here for the holiday weekend, but we finally made it. One day we went out to lunch to celebrate the occasion and were driving back to their country trailer. It looked like the safest place to drive - no cars, good weather conditions, and a beautiful country road. But was it?Suddenly without any warning a mail car pulled out of a side street right into our lane. My husband, though extremely tired, in a split second veered into the oncoming lane to keep from hitting the car. Fortunately no cars were coming in our direction and we missed hitting the mail car by a fraction of an inch!The mailman was not looking. He was probably in a hurry to finish his route because of the holiday weekend. There could have been a big accident. It could have cost us our car, our health, our time, everything. But Norm was alert and able to steer out of the way in a second. He was alert on the inside. He had the INNER STRENGTH AND ALERTNESS to drive carefully on an ordinary day with no foreseen danger even though he was tired. And it paid off.So many people are like that mailman. They are going through life without carefully watching. They are busy doing things that don’t really matter, things that don’t count for eternity. They foolishly live for today without thinking or preparing for eternity. Perhaps you have neighbors or co-workers just like that. Ones that sit back, eating and drinking, but are unaware of the serious danger ahead. Failing to cultivate their inner spirit in Christ, when hard times come they collapse under the pressure.We recently relocated to Kansas City and live 5 miles from the International House of Prayer. Recently major evangelical prayer leaders from around the U.S. led the prayer room for 66 hours. It was fantastic - it brought unity among the denominations - it united the generations, young and old. These prayer leaders were alert and watchful, so aware of the times we are facing, and it brought courage to the multitudes of young people who are living on this mission’s base.The young people did the same to the older by contributing so much zeal and enthusiasm in prayer and worship. I am so challenged by the young people here because they are watchful, they are praying (many 4 hours daily), and they are alert to the hour we are living in. The combination of this multi-generational prayer focus brought great strength and momentum to the prayer movement. It brought INNER STRENGTH to everyone!Yesterday the storm clouds rolled in. At night my husband and I went for a walk, and he took a picture of the turbulent sky across the background of the lush green trees blowing wildly in the wind. It was an ominous sight and quite unusual and unexpected for this time of year. You are I are in serious days where it is absolutely necessary that we build up our inner being in Christ. We read the Bible and know that we are facing the end-times head-on. Storm winds are blowing all over the world. We must be prepared and ready for any unforeseen emergencies that come our way. We must be God’s watchmen in fervent, united prayer.This is not a time to be alarmed but to be strengthened on the inside. It’s not a time to sit back and watch it all happen before us, but we must strengthen and increase our prayer life. Passivity does not bring peace. We are God’s watchmen in prayer for such a time as this. It’s time to build up our inner being in the love of Christ. Intercessor, it is your greatest hour. You were born for such a time as this. It’s time to rise to the heights and live full lives, full in the fullness of God!But how do you and I build our self up in our inner being? How can we be strengthened with power?Prayers to Strengthen You on the Inside“And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19-20, Message Bible).The following are prayers you can pray to strength your inner being. I will use the acrostic FELLOWSHIP, because it’s all about fellowship and intimacy with God. This is our highest calling in life. Take hold of this and apply these prayers to your personal life on a regular basis. Build your spiritual muscles that will last, not only for this life, but for all of eternity. These prayers, adapted from Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer, will strengthen your inner being:Fear of God - “Lord, release the spirit of the fear of the Lord into my heart. Strike my heart with Your majesty, Your power, Your glory, (name other attributes of God). Unite my heart to Your heart to fear Your name (Psalm 86:11). May my delight be in the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:3).”Endurance - “Father, strengthen my spirit with endurance and patience so that I may do Your will and endure any test that I am facing with Your joy (name any trial that is tempting you to quit) (Colossians 1:11). Direct my heart into the patient endurance of Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:5). Impart to me Your zeal (John 2:17).Love - “Lord, I want to experience Your love. Pour it into my heart and give me revelation of Your love for me. Let it overflow back to You. Direct my heart into Your love (2 Thessalonians 3:5, Romans 5:5), and set me as a seal on Your heart (Song 8:6-7). Help me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matthew 22:37). Teach me to abide in Your love, and help me to abound in love toward others (John 15:9, 1 Thessalonians 3:12).”Light of Glory - “Lord, show me the light of Your glory. I want to encounter You on a deeper level. Lift up the light of Your countenance on me, and cause Your face to shine on me (Psalm 4:6, 80:3). Send out Your light and truth. Let them lead me and bring me to Your holy hill (Psalm 43:3). Open my eyes to see everything from Your perspective.”One Thing Life Focus - “Lord, I choose to be a person of one thing. I choose to sit at Your feet. Align my life circumstances so that I can keep focused on You. Let me behold Your beauty (Psalm 27:4). Help me to pray Your Word and dialogue with You as I read it. Teach me to mediate and set You always before me (Psalm 16:8).Worthy and faithful - “Lord, I want to be faithful to You all my life. Strengthen me to be faithful. Consider me worthy to walk in my highest calling in this age and the age to come (2 Thessalonians 1:11).”Sanctify me - “Lord, sanctify me completely. May my spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless without compromise at the coming of our Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Establish my heart blameless in holiness (1 Thessalonians 3:13). Set a guard over my mouth and keep watch over the door of my lips (Psalm 141:3). Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You (Psalm 19:14).”Humility - “Lord, I want to learn to walk in lowliness and humility of heart. Teach me humility in my attitudes, my speech, and my actions (Matthew 11:29). I want to consider others as more important than myself and look on their interests. Let Your attitude of humility be in me (Philippians 2:3-6). I thank You for Your wonderful example and bless Your holy name.”Insight and wisdom - “Lord, I ask for insight into your Word, will, and ways. I want to partner with you in every area of my life including my finances, physical body, schedule, emotions, fears, circumstances, relationships, and future. I pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You (Ephesians 1:17). Fill me with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that I may have a walk worthy of the Lord (Colossians 1:9-10).Peace and Joy - “Lord, I pray that you would strengthen me with supernatural peace and joy that overpowers fear and anxiety. May your peace guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Fill me with all joy and hope in believing, that I may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).”When you feel a sense of alarm because of all that is happening around you, it is not a time to panic. Simply get down on your knees, lay all your concerns before the Lord in an act of worship and surrender, and strengthen your inner man by praying these prayers. Arise strong in God’s Spirit! Out of His glorious riches He has strengthened you with power through the spirit in your inner being. Remember God can do anything!“God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us” (Ephesians 3:20-21).To view this article or send it to your friends - PrzybylskiIntercessors Arisedeb@intercessorsarise.org
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Cultivating a Thankful Heart

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Perhaps you are facing a difficult circumstance - financially, relationally or with your health. During challenging times it is not always easy to give thanks, but this is the very thing we must do in order to see God’s will accomplished in our lives. This is how we move into higher realms of faith for ourselves, for our city, and for our nations.

Thanksgiving breaks the power of the enemy. Whenever you give thanks to God, despite the most difficult circumstances, the enemy loses a big battle in your life. When you give thanks in the midst of hardship, you bring pleasure to God's heart and breakthrough begins. He is looking for Christians who live in a realm of praise and thanksgiving where the enemy no longer has an ability to hold or manipulate a person. Satan is defeated when we have a thankful heart because thankfulness during difficulty is a sacrifice, pleasing to God.

Are you thankful?

Are you thankful for your present circumstances?

Are you thankful for your salvation, your friendships, and your job?

Thankfulness is a key to a victorious prayer life. We enter His courts with praise. It is the key that turns your situation around because it changes you, your outlook, and your attitude. There is power in a thankful heart. Thanksgiving brings contentment. An attitude of thanksgiving accepts and embraces God’s will.

Begin to thank God for all the blessings he has given instead of dwelling on the negative. Discontent dries up the soul. Look at what Elizabeth Elliot - who lost her husband on the mission field and has faced multitudes of hardships - says about loving God's will and being content. In her book, Secure in the Everlasting Arms, she says:

"To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by one who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise apportionment. It is to follow in the steps of the Master, as did Paul, who was able to say that he had learned contentment no matter what the circumstances. His circumstances when he wrote that? Prison. No easy lesson, but great gain which is the sum of godliness plus contentment (1 Timothy 6:6)."

Look at the example of Jesus. He followed the will of His Father to the very end. He obeyed without complaint. In Philippians 2:5-8 Paul says that we should have that same attitude. Jesus made himself nothing and took on the very nature of a servant. He humbled Himself and became obedient to death. We also are to have this same attitude with a humble and thankful acceptance of God’s will for our lives. Elizabeth emphasizes the fact that Jesus embraced hardship without a complaint:

"Jesus loved the will of His Father. He embraced the limitations, the necessities, the conditions, the very chains of His humanity as He walked and worked here on earth, fulfilling moment by moment His divine commission and the stern demands of His incarnation. Never was there a word or even a look of complaint."

The Duke of Wellington was the Great British military leader who regretted that he had not learned the secret of praise during his lifetime. He had many great accomplishments and even defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. He was a brilliant and demanding man and when he was older, he realized that there were areas in his life that needed to change. In his old age a women asked him this question,

“What would you do differently if you had your life to live over again?”

He thought carefully and said, “I would give more praise.”

This is a lesson for all of us. That we would learn to be people of praise and thanksgiving to God all the days of our lives would be a great accomplishment. William Law, who wrote the book A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, stresses the greatness and the happiness of thanksgiving. He says:

“Would you know who is the greatest saint in the world? It is not he who prays most or fasts most; it is not he who gives most alms or is most eminent for temperance, chastity or justice; but it is he who is always thankful to God, who wills everything that God wills, who receives everything as an instance of God’s goodness and has a heart always ready to praise God for it… Could you therefore work miracles, you could not do more for yourself than by this thankful spirit, for it… Turns all that it touches into happiness.”

David writes in Psalm 116:17, "I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord.”

Did you know that thanking God for a difficulty is actually an offering that He highly values? You are bringing a gift of thanks to Him. It makes Him smile. It’s so easy to complain and point the finger and find fault. But to come in the opposite attitude and gives thanks brings breakthrough and joyful contentment. Let each of us seek to have an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving during this Thanksgiving season, and rise to a new level of holiness. Here are some ways to practice this attitude in everyday life:

*Thank and praise God for everything in your life - Thank Him for even the difficulties. It is a sacrifice to do this, but He can turn troubles to triumph. “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess his name” (Hebrews 13:15).

*Don’t allow yourself to complain about anything - During the difficult times, be very careful to watch your tongue. Instead of complaining, think of ways you can verbally offer God the sacrifice of thanksgiving. “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe” (Philippians 1:14-15).

*Don’t compare yourself with others - Don’t wish your life were different. God knows what is best for you. The Bible says having a thankful heart is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. When we begin to thank God for what we have rather than comparing ourselves with others, it opens the door for God’s blessings. “Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else” (Galatians 6:4).

The Apostle Paul was a wonderful example of one who practiced thanksgiving in prayer. He didn’t complain about anything even when facing imprisonment. He didn’t fall into self-pity or compare himself with others. That would be hard for most of us. Instead, Paul thanked God in every circumstance, even the difficult ones. He was thankful in his prayers for others even when they were having trouble spiritually. See 1 Corinthians 1:4, Ephesians 1:16, Philippians 1:3, Colossians 1:3, 1 Thessalonians 1:2, 2 Thessalonians 1:3, 2 Timothy 1:3, and Philemon 4.

Most of us are in need of breakthroughs in prayer. The enemy is fighting hard with fiery darts of discouragement and lies. The way we will begin to deal with the lies in our lives and the vicious ways he tries to destroy our joy is through cultivating a thankful heart.

As we cultivate a lifestyle of worship and praise, we will be able to break through the strategies of the enemy. A worshipful and thankful life permeates the atmosphere with the presence of God because worship is the atmosphere where God’s truth dwells. Thanksgiving turns all that it touches into happiness.

A Prayer for a Thankful Heart

“Lord, teach me to offer you a heart of thanksgiving in all my daily experiences of life. Teach me to be joyful always, to pray continually, and to give thanks in all my circumstances. I accept them as Your will for my life (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). I long to bring pleasure to Your heart. Break the power of the enemy in my life. Defeat Him through my sacrifice of praise. Change my outlook and attitude into one of joyful contentment with my present circumstance. Help me not to dwell on the negatives because discontent dries up my soul. I thank You for… (Name a difficult circumstance in your life presently and thank God for it). I offer this to You as my thank offering (Psalm 116:17).

Jesus, I want to be like You who obeyed the Father without complaint. You embraced the chains of humanity when you walked this earth. Convict me whenever I complain or compare myself with others. Give me Your attitude of humility and thankful acceptance. I want to be like the Apostle Paul who learned contentment in every circumstance. I choose to continually offer you a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that give praise to Your name (Hebrews 13:15). I want to give You enjoyment through a life of thanksgiving. I long to bring a smile to Your face. Teach me the power of a thankful heart. I know that Your truth dwells in a thankful heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

"God smiles when we praise and thank Him continually. Few things feel better than receiving heartfelt praise and appreciation from someone else. God loves it, too… An amazing thing happens when we offer praise and thanksgiving to God. When we give God enjoyment, our own hearts are filled with joy." Rick Warren

Debbie Przybylski

Intercessors Arise International

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Listening Prayer and Expectation

“’The word of the Lord came to Elijah… I will send rain upon the earth.’ That was the foundation of that persistent praying and sevenfold watching on the mountaintop. First the ear heard, then the voice persistently claimed, and the eye expectantly looked. First the voice of God, then the voice of man. That is the true order. Tremendous results always follow that combination.” S. D. Gordon

Think about these questions as you evaluate your personal relationship with God.

Are you able to endure silence?

Are you tuned into hearing God’s still, small voice?

Are you able to listen attentively to what He is saying above all the noise of your world?

In order to pray His will, it is crucial that we hear God’s voice clearly. We all know what it is like to talk with someone who never listens. It is absolutely frustrating! Likewise, God wants us to learn to listen to Him. It is as we spend time before Him in quiet listening that we are able to pray His will more fervently and with greater expectation, hitting the target effectively. We need to be certain of hitting our target as we pray for the situations we see around us. When you give God time in listening prayer, He will direct your prayers strategically, even when you don’t realize it. He will help you to proclaim His will in your prayers, and your level of faith will increase.

God has so much to say to us daily, but often we can’t hear the fine, quiet tones of His voice.

When I was growing up, my father used to make and sell hearing aids from our home. Individuals would come into our house with hearing aids that needed repair. We, as a family, would not even bother to go into the living room to talk with them, because we knew they were not able to hear our voices.

How many of us are in the same situation with God?

He can’t tell us things because our hearing needs repair or we are not taking the time to listen. He often can’t speak into our lives because we are not ready, nor able to discern the treasures of what He has to say to us. Just as we could not communicate with my father’s hard-of-hearing guests, God may feel the same way with us. He can’t share His secrets because we are not listening or are too distracted. We are not able to hear Him whispering in our ear. As a result, we are the ones that miss out and have chosen the lesser thing. And our expectation of what God can do does not increase.

Listening prayer builds expectation. Notice the difference between Mary and Martha in Luke 10:39-41: “She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made… ‘Martha, Martha’, the Lord answered, ‘you are worried about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better.’” Mary listened and sat at Jesus’ feet while Martha worked.

Let’s look at three dimensions of listening prayer. As you evaluate your own listening skills, answer these three questions.

Three Dimensions of Listening Prayer

1. The Ear Hears - Are you attentively listening?

It’s just too easy for us to make our plans and then ask God to bless them. But to be effective in prayer, we must learn to listen to His plans and cooperate with Him. We are then able to pray God-size prayers and join God in partnering with His answer. His blessing then follows because God’s plans will always bring tremendous blessing and fruitfulness. t may take time, but in due season we reap a harvest. Listening is key to being effective and watchful in prayer. It’s a skill to develop in all relationships, but especially in our relationship with God. If we don’t listen to God and hold fast to His word, the devil will continually attack and weaken us with His lies.

“The first stage of Moses’ prayer training was wearing the noise of Egypt out of his ears so he could hear the quiet, fine tones of God’s voice. He who would become skilled in prayer must take a silence course in the university of Arabia”. S. D. Gordon

2. The Voice Persistently Claims - Are you persistently claiming?

Sometimes God tells us things in the secret place of listening, but we fail to persist in claiming His promises. We may pray for a time, but then we give up. We fail to proclaim the truth in His Word. However, when we do move into that dimension of knowing what God wants and as we pray His Word with His unction and anointing, the answers will surely come. Our faith will rise up to that level of proclamation, and we shall see the fulfillment of our dreams. Listening prayer builds an assurance in our inner being of God’s will in the here and now. This moves us into new dimensions of faith and victory.

“When we so absorb this Book (the Bible), and the Spirit of Him who is its life that people cannot tell the line of division between the man, and the God within the man, then shall we have the mightiest power as God’s intercessors in defeating the foe. God and man will be as one in the action of service against the enemy. S. D. Gordon

3. The Eye Expectantly Looks - Are you expectantly looking?

It’s easy to lose an expectant heart when we are bombarded by bad news on a daily basis. We don’t want to live in the place where we listen to the lies of the enemy. We want to have ears that hear the sounds of heaven and eyes that look with expectation of victory in all that is before us. We are soon stepping into eternity, a wondrous place to live. Now is the time to rise up in prayer and see what God has for each one of us as we work to pray in His kingdom. We are made to reign with Him, and one day all our tears will be turned into joy. Learn to listen now and the heartbeat of God will empower your prayers of proclamation, and you will look expectantly for the fulfillment of those prayers.

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always” (Psalm 105:4).

Moses learned to listen in the desert. He learned the value of solitude. God had him in a training program. Early this morning I got up, got a cup of coffee, and sat outside listening - listening to God, to the many sounds of nature, to a natural wonderland of birds and animals right in my own back yard. It was a rich experience and as I did this, my expectation level in God rose.

When we begin to listen to the voice of God through a trained, attentive ear, then we shall be able to walk in a new level of Holy Spirit-inspired productivity and anointing. Let’s ask God to help us to slow down and listen in prayer, that He may empower us with Godly proclamations of life and truth that bring freedom into the lives of all those we touch through intercession. Learn to touch heaven with your prayers by learning the secret of listening prayer. Learn to live on this level of expectancy in prayer. We can learn from the example of Moses as we seek to be God’s watchman in prayer.

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“There were two distinct stages in the training of His (Moses) ears. First there were the forty years of solitude in the desert sands, alone with the sheep, and the stars, and - God. His ears were being trained by silence. The bustle and confusion of Egypt’s busy life were being taken out of his ear. How silent are God’s voices. How few men are strong enough to be able to endure silence. For in silence God is speaking to the inner ear.” S. D. Gordon

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise

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Over-Abundant Restoration

Over-Abundant Restoration

“The devil wants you to believe that justice delayed means justice denied (so that you lose heart and give up asking). But in fact, justice delayed means recompense compounded… Is it possible, beloved elect of God, that God has called you to wait upon Him because He wants to exact as much as a sevenfold return from your enemy for the years he has stolen from you... Could it be that God has not yet avenged you of your adversary because he has more for you in this thing than you’ve ever thought or imagined for yourself?” Bob Sorge

A month ago we were moving to Kansas City. My husband quite skillfully drove a large truck with most of our household belongings. What a trip! 32,000 pounds of weight in total (including us), driving along what seemed like an endless highway to two very tired travelers. Partway through the journey we arrived at the hotel where we were to spend our second night. As we settled near dusk into our cozy hotel room, my husband peaked out the window curtain to make sure all was ok with our truck and car.

To his dismay he saw a shady-looking character closely eyeing our truck and car carrier. Our newly purchased car was sitting temptingly on that car carrier. Norm realized that he had not thought about locking the car carrier to the truck. After the man had left, he promptly got his lock and went out and locked the car carrier securely. With shock we realized that the man had been planning to steal our car and car carrier. He could very easily attach it to his car and drive off with ours.

This reminds me of the devil and his vicious plans to steal from our lives.
He comes to kill, steal and destroy, but we have God on our side who comes to give us an abundant life (John 10:10). Many Christians have been praying a long time for something that seems impossible to attain. Barely hoping beyond hope, it seems that all has been lost. The devil seems to have stolen what rightfully belongs to them. Perhaps it’s a wayward child, a lost ministry, or ill health. The loss seems to be incredible. In the natural, the devil seems to have gotten his way.

We all want justice. We may feel it would take a miracle to reverse what has been lost. The process may have left a deep wound, a gapping pain. We lose heart - we give up praying - we feel the incredible loss over a long period of time, maybe even years. It seems so hard to wait for God’s justice in our situation. But God wants to give us over-abundant restoration of that which has been stolen or lost. If we are willing to wait in faith and go deeper in God, He will give us so much more.

It’s Worth the Wait

“When you’ve been waiting on God for a long time, one of the things that changes during the waiting season is the nature of what you request of God. Early in the journey you might have been content with a lesser request, but now that you’ve endured all these years of heartsickness and grief, you’re no longer satisfied with what you once desired. Now you want more.” Bob Sorge

It’s worth the wait.
Though so seemingly long and endless, it’s worth it! God changes us radically and He gives us so much more when we have passed through this type of endless trial. He is developing us deeply within. Look at Job! Look at Joseph and so many other biblical characters that had to wait for such a long time for justice. The devil wants us to think that justice that is delayed is justice denied, but God wants to give us seven-fold restitution (Proverbs 6:30-31).

Waiting pays off in the long run. I don’t think we realize how God works. His ways are so much higher than ours. He wants to restore our souls and all that has been lost and stolen from us. He has so much more if we are willing to see it through His eyes. He wants to give us not just restoration, but over-abundant restoration. He wants us to pray bigger prayers and with more fervency.

You may have been waiting for years to see answers to your prayers and your dreams fulfilled.
Don’t give up. God is preparing you for His best for your life. He has more in His heart to give you than you right now realize. He will bring justice and restoration into your life. Hold on and let Him take you deeper - Let Him purify your desires - Realize that if your dream has to do with prayer, it may take a longer preparation because prayer is what the devil hates the most. God takes time with His intercessors. Lock your heart into God’s heart and His way of preparation. Keep that lock secure with His heart through the dark nights in your life. God brings you into the sunshine as you see from His perspective with new hope and joy.

I myself have waited for years to see my dreams fulfilled. In this process God has been developing my heart. Now I am seeing God’s over-abundant restoration. He has a greater plan than I ever dreamed possible. He wants me to pray bigger prayers with greater faith. I believe this is true for you as well.

See with the eyes of faith what God is doing right now to prepare you.
Agree with His plan and preparation. What the devil has planned for evil, God will turn to your good. Don’t let him steal your joy by making you think there is no hope or purpose in what you have been experiencing. Let God take your pain and turn your mourning into dancing. Believe and hope once again. He will answer your prayers at just the right moment. He wants to give you joy in this journey of faith. He will give you justice and over-abundant restoration. He will bring restoration to your soul.

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“At the beginning, your prayers have elements of selfishness and carnal desire woven into them. You don’t realize it at the time, but the carnal ambitions of the heart are discoloring your requests. As you wait on God, He refines your passions and purifies your desire, until you are asking for those things that are truly upon His heart. In the persevering, all that is not of God is burned away, and that which remains is that which is impassioned by the heart of God. And at the end of the day you realize God had more in His heart for you than you had for yourself.” Bob Sorge

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise

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The Power of Worship

"Whatever the issue in your life is, the key is to worship a holy God who created you and knows everything about you - your failures, shortcomings, insecurities, besetting sins and fears. He sits on His throne, omniscient, and says something like this: 'I know your final destination, and I know how to get you from where you are now to where I want you to be. I know why I created you. If you'll worship Me, I will visit with you. I can tell you how to get untangled from the snares in your path and how to move forward. I can even reveal to you things to come that are pertinent to your life and world.'" Chuck Pierce with John Dickson

There is power in worshipping God. If we want to see breakthroughs in our life and in the lives of others, than this is the time to enter into deeper levels of worship both personally and corporately. It is only as we ascend to the throne room in worship that we can descend back into the harvest field here on earth, praying and warring for victory in every area of life. When you and I come boldly to God's throne in worship, He gives us His plans and strategies for our lives here on earth. There is no way that we can walk in His peace, power, and perfect plan without a lifestyle of worship.

To ascend is to arise, come up, increase, recover and restore. God wants us to rise up. He knows what He is doing here on earth. He can make sense of things that are happening and can show us the way through challenges. He can strengthen us in prayer and intercession and give us keys during our seasons of worship that unlock the path before us and bring glory into our situations here on earth. It's time to devote our self to a greater worship of the Lord.

Worship changes our lives and how we see our circumstances.

It is amazing to see life from God's point of view instead of our own. Living for many years on a missionary ship, at sea I would often feel seasick. Some voyages could be quite long and very stormy. If you’ve had the flu, you can imagine how uncomfortable that could be. One day on a rough voyage would
seem like an eternity! There was no way to escape the up and down or side to side motion of that ship.

But I did find one way to lessen the pain. My solution was to walk out on deck with my worship music and praise God as I gazed intently at the ocean. After an hour on deck worshipping God, my situation would seem very different - I would even feel better physically. It seemed like a miracle at sea, and in a very real sense worship does bring forth miracles.

A lifestyle of worship is the key to life.

We are entering turbulent waters, and we must lay hold of this reality so that each one of us may stand firm, hold steady, and pray fervently as the days unfold before us. There is no storm that Jesus will not be able to
conquer. If we worship Him in the midst of resistance, we shall see His victory. He can break through any obstacle when we make worship our lifestyle. The Psalms are filled with worship. Psalm 96:1-3 is a good example.

"Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”

Best-selling prayer author, Stormie Omartian, shares about an extremely difficult time in her life when she felt empty, paralyzed, and depressed. During that time the Lord spoke to her and said, “Simply worship Me.” This radically changed her life. In her book, The Prayer That Changes Everything, she says,

“We were created to worship God. It’s a state in which our soul finds true peace, rest, and purpose. But it must become a condition of the heart, a way of life, a pattern woven into the fabric of our being. Worship must become so ongoing that it is no longer even a decision that has to be made because the decision has already been made. Worship must become a lifestyle. When you make worship a lifestyle, it will determine in whose image you will be formed and what you become. Sometimes praise and worship will be the only thing you do in a situation. You will stand and praise God while the tornados of life whirl around you, and you will see God move on your behalf. And then you will understand the hidden power of praise. When you understand that concept, it will change your life.”

We all go through difficult times. In the midst of them, God loves persevering worship. Do you find it easy to worship God when facing difficulty? None of us do. This week we are moving out of our home in Virginia Beach after living here for 15 years. It is not easy packing, selling cars, or saying good-bye to so many people. It is not easy for my husband to drive a truck loaded with all our belongings to a place where we do not yet have a home. But the solution is praise and worship. God has it all figured out, and worship opens the way before us. There is power in worshipping God.

John Dickson was a man who faced an oppressive cloud of difficulty. He operated a Christian bookstore that went through a terrible financial crisis. Here is his testimony of how God broke through in his life.

"Sometimes we just have to tell our soul what to do. Our soul does not always feel like praising God. As I praised Him as an act of my will, my spirit began to awaken inside me. As my soul began to line up with my proclamations, a flow of anointing began to be released. The oppressive cloud would lift, and the presence of God would come into my store. Over time my business turned around, and I knew it was not because of my keen business… It was the Lord. He turned my business around because I praised Him in the hard place."

Are you overwhelmed by the troubles of life?

Are you overwhelmed by your circumstances?

Then praise and worship God with all your heart. Be radical and see the enemy flee. As you press through the heaviness, a transformation will take place. You will begin to see the beauty and greatness of God. Your faith will rise up. Your spirit will begin to sing. But you must take the first step. Open your mouth and begin. He can turn any darkness into light. Here is a breakthrough prayer and song to help you cultivate a lifestyle of worship.

Blessed be Your Name -

A Breakthrough Prayer for a Lifestyle of Worship

“Lord, I choose to praise and worship You today. You know how to break through the difficulties in my life. I choose not to be overwhelmed with circumstances, but instead I choose to behold your beauty and greatness. I choose to say blessed be Your name. You are my victorious God. I will praise Your name and proclaim Your salvation day after day. I will declare Your glory among the nations, Your marvelous deeds among all peoples (Psalm 96:1-3). I will sing to the Lord a new song.

Teach me to ascend to Your throne room in worship and then descend back into the harvest field here on earth, praying and warring for victory in every area of life. Help me to have a lifestyle of worship, thanking You in every situation. I believe that worshipping You is a key to breakthrough in every area of my life. I believe in the power of worshipping You. I know that Your truth dwells in a worshipping heart. I offer You a sacrifice of praise right now. Blessed be the name of the Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Notice the transformation that took place as John Dickson began to praise God right in the midst of a crisis. God brought victory and breakthrough. We can easily be overwhelmed by personal trials, but instead let’s be overwhelmed by the beauty of God. He loves it when we persevere in worshipping Him. He breaks through in
our situation when we do this.

"When things are wonderful, we praise Him. When things are horrible, we praise Him. Whether we are happy or sad or terrified or bored, we are determined to offer to God our sacrifice of praise. Everything in us should give praise to the Lord.”

This is from my new e-book called Breakthrough Prayer: Praying God’s Truth - overcoming Enemy Lies. To purchase this e-book, see Be sure to put 1 for quantity. The paperback version is not yet available.

Written by Debbie Przybylski

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Breakthrough Faith at the Gates

“Gates are where we win or lose. That is why Scripture uses gates as the place to be broken through. We must break through intimidation, faithlessness, fear, hopelessness, despair, or whatever else looms like an unconquerable foe at the gates. The threshold is where we either leap forward or back out. Yet once we leap, it is where we meeting the incredible supernatural power of God to break through before us victorious over every obstacle. It is after we leap that we begin to possess our inheritance for the current season. It is where increase and abundance come in whatever dimension we are crossing over into. It is there we meet God in a way that is new.” Barbara Yoder

The death and resurrection of Jesus was the greatest breakthrough in all of history. Take time to think about this astounding breakthrough. Jesus broke the power of death and evil when He died on the cross for our sins. His resurrection is proof of the most wonderful and glorious accomplishment on earth. He provided a way of breakthrough for those who trust in Him.

There are shut doors that need to be opened by the resurrection power of God. There are long-term barriers where we need the explosive power and might of God to break through. Our God has the breakthrough anointing for each one of us. We don’t have to feel trapped in a narrow place. He will use His authority and force to open the gates that have been shut.

Perhaps you are still waiting for a breakthrough in your life.

Jesus has the breaker anointing to break through in any situation that you or I may face. We need breakthrough in order to see heaven come on earth and to see the Kingdom of God released among us. God is looking for people who believe Him for breakthrough.

God wants us to rise up in faith in order to see the breakthrough. He is the one who will break through for you, but He needs your cooperation to open the gates - the opening to those closed places - that lie before you. Barbara Yoder in her book, The Breaker Anointing shares with us what faith will do for us.

“It opens the gate of heaven. When heaven’s gates open, what is in heaven comes down to earth. Health, wholeness, peace, love, grace, glory, revelation, strategy, and all the rest of the nature of God and His Kingdom come down when the gates open.”

As I have already said, the enemy tries to restrict us. He coils around us and tightens His grip like the python snake. He wants to restrict the Church worldwide, but we know that the Gates of Hades will not prevail against her (Matthew 16:18). Gates are exit and entry points that must be opened. Especially when we are at the place of threshold, the enemy will try to terminate our forward movement. He will attack with fear and through squeezing the life out of us.

There is warfare at the gates and especially at the threshold of breakthrough. This is where we must overcome. The Hebrew root meaning for threshold, gate or door is “caphaph” and means “to snatch away or terminate”. The other word for threshold is “pethen” and means “to twist as a snake”. It even sounds like the python and may be where the name of this snake originated.

When we are experiencing strong enemy warfare at the gates, it may seem that there is no life or direction but only darkness, despair, and the feeling of being lost. This is not what God wants for us. This is an enemy attack at the point of threshold and breakthrough. He tries to snatch away our destiny and seeks to terminate our work for God at this point. There is fear at the brink or threshold because we are moving into a new place or territory. It is as if we are at the precipice of a mountain and there is a fear of risk, because there is a need for more faith in order to leap over to the other side.

Haven’t you been there? You know you must jump but your flesh doesn’t want to. It’s too risky. You might fall.

We made a move for several months to southern Spain where I experienced this first-hand. I knew I had to jump and make the move, yet it was so hard personally. My cozy home seemed just too comfortable and the unknown was not very appealing. But after I made that jump and settled into the new place, everything changed.

God began to open new doors of breakthrough, but I had to take that first step and by faith go through the gate God had put before me. I won a victory at that gate, but it was a place of real personal battle until I finally stepped through it. I had to wrestle through to a new place of victory. I had to give up what I had before and cross over into that new place. It wasn’t easy but it was necessity.

In 5 weeks we are making a move to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri in order to base our ministries from that location. It’s a huge step. We’ve been in Virginia Beach for 15 years, but God wants us to move forward in faith. We’ve sold our home and are driving a truckload of all of our belongings to Kansas City without having a place to unload it! We are trusting God to break through for us. We sold our house almost instantly but that’s another story I will have to tell you in the future. God broke through in an incredible way!

We are all overcomers through Christ. He is the one who will win the victory, but we have to exercise our faith. He is the one who will break through for us, but He wants our cooperation. We need God’s supernatural intervention to break through gates. It is impossible for humans to do it, but God will go before us and break through. He will break through those impenetrable gates before you to bring you into new places of victory. Isaiah 45:2, “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze (brass) and cut the bars of iron.”

I encourage you to persevere in faith, and do not give up.

There are breakthroughs in prayer that are close at hand. The enemy is trying to terminate your forward movement. You may be battling in faith and feel hindered by the enemy. Press on and press through for the breaker, Jesus, will surely come, and He will come with His resurrection power. In 2005 I found out I had breast cancer. Having a life-threatening disease was a great test of faith. What God was showing me during the months of going through breast cancer - with continual challenges of faith daily - was that He was preparing me spiritually for the next step. I could never move further without this personal preparation.

Intercessors are key to the world harvest that we are beginning to see in the nations. The enemy knows this and is trying to hinder the prayer movement. He will do this by trying to hinder the faith of God’s people. God has been preparing you for the future. This is the time to crossover to a new place and to take new territory for the Kingdom of God. But this involves letting go and moving forward with God in a dimension you have never known before.

“Crossing over require us to give up something that is precious to us such as a prized possession. It may be a thing, an attitude, a person, security, or our desire for the future. It can be anything that we hold on to when the only way to get to the other side is to let go of it. There is an aspect of idolatry to that. It has become a god to us, something we worship and to which we are bowing our knee. To cross over will mean to let go of that which will not fit through the gate with us.” Barbara Yoder

How to Break Through in Faith

Many of you may be at the door, at the threshold point of breakthrough in faith. The enemy is taunting and trying to stop you from forward movement. The keys are a breakthrough God. What do you need to do in order to see the breakthrough and touch the God of the breakthrough? Remember, there are things you must let go of in order to see the breakthrough. Here are some keys that will help release your faith and unlock the door to breakthrough:

  • Realize that God is going to break through for you - You can’t do it by yourself. He has the resurrection power to break through every obstacle in your life. Meditate on God and His Word until you know that He is the breakthrough God for you.
  • Yield all control to God - Let go of the known and trust God to get you across to the other side. So often we try to control our own lives. We must let go of anything that God may want us to give up. We need to yield our will, and move to a new level of trust in God.
  • Wait on God and find out what action He wants you to take -Be still and make sure you know God’s leading in your life. Some of you may be in a place of waiting, and it may take faith to wait. But others of you may know what God wants you to do, but you have been hesitant and fearful. Hesitate no longer.
  • Move forward in faith and obedience - Bold action will open the gate and release God’s spiritual power. Do not waver because of fear. Take a leap of faith. God will catch you in His arms on the other side.
Realize that if you refuse to leap at the point of breakthrough, you have made a choice to stop. Then you are stuck at that place until you go back and again choose to step out by faith. God will then open up new revelation to you. You’ll wonder why you had been so hesitant. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

We will come to this choice of breakthrough again and again in our lives. God expects us to walk by faith daily. Remember that Jesus’ death and resurrection was the greatest place of breakthrough.

Jesus broke through every power of darkness when He died on the cross. His resurrection is the key to all power and all victory against the enemy attacks we face today. We can walk in great faith without fear because our King has already won the battle at the cross. We can pray great prayers without doubt or fear, because we pray them in His most powerful Name.

A Breakthrough Prayer for Faith at the Gates

“Lord, I thank You that Your death on the cross and resurrection was the greatest breakthrough in all of history. You have provided the way for breakthrough. Your resurrection power can open any door. I want to believe You for breakthrough in my life. Today I ask You to break through in the following areas (name those areas specifically). I want to see the Kingdom of God released in this place. Help me to believe You for a greater breakthrough. Open heaven’s gates and bring heaven to earth in these situations. Help me to cooperate with You and move forward in faith. I claim Your promises in Isaiah 45:2, ‘I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze (brass) and cut the bars of iron.’ Break through every obstacle of the enemy in my life and make the crooked places straight. Bring me into a new place of victory.

I choose to persevere in faith and not give up. Help me to go through the gate - crossover to a new place - and take new territory for the Kingdom of God. I choose to let go of anything that will not fit through the gate. I yield all control and choose to wait on You. Show me what action You want me to take. I choose to let go of the known and the comfortable, and I trust You to get me across to the other side. Help me to move forward in faith and obedience. Hebrews 11:6 says, ‘And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.’ I earnestly seek You Lord. Help me to walk by faith every day. Thank You for breaking through for me at the gates. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

“Today, as much as at any time, we need men of great faith and men who are great in prayer. These are the two chief virtues that make men great in the eyes of God. These two things create conditions of real spiritual success in the life and work of the church. It is our main concern to see that we keep this kind of quality faith before God. This kind of faith grasps and holds in its keeping the things for which it asks without doubt and fear.” E. M. Bounds

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise

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