Claude V. King's Posts (4)

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Introducing Prayer Boot Camps from Claude V King on Vimeo.

The response to War Room indicates that God is calling His people to prayer, and God’s people are responding with a hunger to learn to pray more effectively and strategically. Developed by Claude King, Prayer Boot Camp is a flexible prayer training experience to provide basic training in prayer and to introduce the weapons of our spiritual warfare. It is not just learning about prayer. It is learning to pray by praying together. The content is based on The Battle Plan for Prayer by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, developers of War Room.

The Prayer Boot Camp utilizes a learning map that guides learning and prayer experiences based on content from The Battle Plan for Prayer.


I’ve developed the learning map, a leader guide, reproducible handouts, a script, and an optional PowerPoint file leaders can use to customize and conduct a Prayer Boot Camp for their groups, churches, ministries, or communities. All the instructions and files you need can be downloaded at on the bottom of this page.

At this link you will find three file folders. You can open each folder to see the contents. You may download entire folders, or you may download only those files and folders you check mark.

One folder is “Prayer Boot Camp Essential Files.” This folder contains all the essential files you will need to prepare for, promote, and conduct a Prayer Boot Camp. It also includes a file with links for ordering The Battle Plan for Prayer and other products you may choose to use in your Prayer Boot Camp. After downloading files, read the Prayer Boot Camp Leader Guide FIRST.
The other two folders have optional files that are not essential. The Video files are larger and you would not want to download them unless you plan to use one or more.
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Understanding and Leading a Solemn Assembly

This is by no means an exhaustive treatment of the topic, but I have prepared some helps that may assist you or those you work with in guiding a solemn assembly. I'm attaching a file developed in conjunction with other Southern Baptist prayer leaders.

How to Lead a Solemn Assembly


The link below is to an album with 8 video clips about solemn assemblies. Feel free to share with others as you may be led.

Solemn Assembly

Solemn Assembly

About this album:
"Solemn assemblies are times for God's people to renew their covenant relationship with Him. This series of videos by Claude King is designed to help spiritual leaders understand the meaning and nature of solemn assemblies. Claude also shares insights on ways leaders can facilitate a people in their return to the Lord through a solemn assembly. If you have questions, go to his video blog at and post a comment or question."

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Prayerwalking Video Training

When I was serving as prayer coordinator for New Hope New York, we produced a 23 minute video to teach people to prayerwalk and take prayer to the streets of their city. The North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention has it posted for download and use for the sake of the Kingdom. You can view it and download it at:

Let's take "praying on site with insight" to the streetsof our cities, see with God's eyes, pray Holy Spirit prompted prayers,and join His work to see transformation for His glory and Kingdomadvance.
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Over the past two decades, God has been working in many different groups to call for more prayer. We’ve had concerts of prayer, solemn assemblies, prayer and fasting gatherings, days of prayer for various purposes or praying for people groups, prayer teams to pray for specific leaders, prayer ministries, prayer chains, and prayer conferences. Books on prayer fill bookstore shelves. We’ve prayed for revival and spiritual awakening. Perhaps never in history has more prayer been offered to God for a transformation in our churches, society, our nation, and the world. Why then do we find ourselves in a time when our nation seems to be growing farther and farther from God? What we need is not more prayer alone; we need more power when we pray. We need a people who are right with God when we pray so that God will answer the prayers of His people. God’s Word is true:

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (James 5:16, NIV)

Do you want to be a person who has power with God in prayer? Do you want your prayer group and church to have power to work with God in prayer to transform a life, a family, a community, or a nation? Then ask God to guide you to come clean before Him so you can pray with power. Here are 8 ways you can come clean before God so you can pray with power.1

1. Examine yourself. “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith” (2 Cor. 13:5). Joining a church or claiming the name “Christian” doesn’t make you one. A saving relationship with Jesus Christ does. Does His Spirit live in you in such a way that your life is a new creation that looks and acts like Jesus? That’s the starting point for being a powerful prayer relationship.

2. Judge yourself. “If we were properly evaluating ourselves, we would not be judged” (1 Cor. 11:31). Do you know of any sin or impurity in your life that is unlike Christ? Those need to go.

3. Remove idols of the heart. An idol of the heart is anything that captures my love in such a way that I’m distracted from my first love for God. Things, money, pleasures, hobbies, sports, careers, positions of power, or other people can all become idols. If you are loving anything too much, put it away and return to your first love.

4. Consecrate yourself and your home. Have you allowed anything into your life or your home that is impure, unholy, ungodly, or unbecoming of a Christ follower? Get rid of it. Whether others know or not, keep your life and your home pure and clean before God.

5. Reconcile broken relationships. Have you offended anyone and not gone to ask forgiveness or make restitution if needed? Get things right with him, her, or them. Has anyone offended you and you are holding on to unforgiveness and bitterness? Forgive. Let no broken relationships remain outstanding.

6. Humble yourself. Do arrogance and pride show up in the way you relate to others? Are you bearing the fruit of pride through such things as a judgmental spirit, critical attitude, prejudice, controlling behavior, condescending attitude, and so forth? “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Pet. 5:5).

7. Love God and one another. Return to your first love for God and allow His love to flow through you to others in tangible ways. Demonstrate your love by meeting needs.

8. Watch and pray. Draw near to God in prayer and receive His power to resist the temptations that are sure to come your way.


1. For more on prayer and revival see my video blog at

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