Beth Ipock's Posts (5)

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When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise– in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?   Psalms 56:3-4 NIV

What are you afraid of?  Be honest before God and ask Him to replace your fear with praise.  Trust Him.  He has been so faithful.

Now think about the kids you are responsible for each day.  What are they afraid of?

  • Physical abuse?
  • Sexual abuse?
  • Being left alone
  • Not having enough to eat?
  • Moving . . . again?
  • Parents splitting up?

I pray that today you can give them stability – perhaps the only stability they have in their life.  I pray that you can be sensitive to needs – even when you don’t know what they are.  I pray that you will allow the Lord to replace YOUR fears with praise and trust.

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Love Our Kids Devo - 1/13/12

Good morning!This morning my prayer for you comes from Romans 12:12."Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."I'm sure there is something in that verse that you can use every day.I pray that today you will not only have hope, but that you will find opportunities to share your hope. I pray that you I'll have patience for that most challenging child who needs some grace because they don't get any at home.And I know that these things are possible if you submit yourself in prayer.
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Trusting God That I Will Glorify Him

I love how God honors our desire to be in His word!This morning I was starting with Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon. His devotions are not only just on one verse, but only one part of one verse. But often, the Lord uses that verse as a springboard into study of that verse or a larger passage, or even a precept.We are so blessed in our culture to have simple and almost unlimited access to scripture. And one of the best parts of that is being able to read many different translations Whether it is the printed Word or Internet or e-Sword or an app on your phone, tablet or reader. . . HOLY COW! We are blessed.Today's scripture was actually Philippians 1:21, but to get a context I started at the beginning of the "passage" with verse 20. I never got to verse 21. And reading in verse 20 of the New Living Translation, I read:20 For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.Here are my notes and prayer from this passage. I'd love to know what this passage means to you.NLT - Do I have that kind of faith? The kind that says - "I fully expect and hope. . ."AND I TRUST THAT MY LIFE WILL BRING HONOR TO CHRIST." Lord, I want to be confident of that. But I think of the many times it hasn't and I don't know how to be so confident that I say it.Other translations read differently:NIV - (still eagerly expecting and hoping) . . .that I will have "sufficient courage" for Christ to be exalted in my body.NASB - that "with all boldness Christ will even now be exalted."If I trust you, you will be exalted. If I allow you to live through me, you will be exalted.If I don't think about my shame, but yours, you will be exalted.I praise you, Lord that you have given me everything I need for life and godliness. Live through me today.
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What Are You Giving God to Fill?

I love listening to some of the great Bible teaching available on Bott Radio. While I don't believe listening to this teaching is a replacement for my personal Bible study or meeting with my church family for solid Bible teaching and fellowship, it is a great supplement during my commute or even while I put on my makeup in the morning.


One of James McDonald's lessons that I remember vividly from May, 2010 was based on the story of Elija and the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7. You probably remember this miraculous event where the widow poured what little oil she had into borrowed vessels and ended up with enough oil to sell and pay off her debts.


This woman was distraught because of her indebtedness. What has you distraught today and seeking a solution? Pastor James' statement (as well as I can remember it, if not word for word) really spoke to me:

"God will fill anything we bring him.  If we're not being filled it's because we haven't brought him any more empty vessels."


Despite the fact that I have a regular time with the Lord, I am often so focused on intercession for others that I fail to bring myself before Him for filling. I fail to come humbly say, "I need thee, O I need thee." Or I fail to clean my vessel so that it is truly empty for His filling.


Father, I thank you that you can fill anything I willingly put before you. Keep reminding me of my great need for you and then remind me to clean my vessels and put them before you.


"I need the, O, I need thee.

Every hour I need thee.

O bless me now my Savior,

I come to thee."

Annie S. Hawks

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