I love listening to some of the great Bible teaching available on Bott Radio. While I don't believe listening to this teaching is a replacement for my personal Bible study or meeting with my church family for solid Bible teaching and fellowship, it is a great supplement during my commute or even while I put on my makeup in the morning.
One of James McDonald's lessons that I remember vividly from May, 2010 was based on the story of Elija and the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7. You probably remember this miraculous event where the widow poured what little oil she had into borrowed vessels and ended up with enough oil to sell and pay off her debts.
This woman was distraught because of her indebtedness. What has you distraught today and seeking a solution? Pastor James' statement (as well as I can remember it, if not word for word) really spoke to me:
"God will fill anything we bring him. If we're not being filled it's because we haven't brought him any more empty vessels."
Despite the fact that I have a regular time with the Lord, I am often so focused on intercession for others that I fail to bring myself before Him for filling. I fail to come humbly say, "I need thee, O I need thee." Or I fail to clean my vessel so that it is truly empty for His filling.
Father, I thank you that you can fill anything I willingly put before you. Keep reminding me of my great need for you and then remind me to clean my vessels and put them before you.
"I need the, O, I need thee.
Every hour I need thee.
O bless me now my Savior,
I come to thee."
Annie S. Hawks