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  • You're message was a real blessing for me. I want nothing more than to be pleasing to God. Leslie and I are struggling so hard to care for Mother. I don't know if you're aware that she has Alzheimer's. We had to more her from a lovely facilty that had minimal medical care to an older facility that has 24-hour nursing care. Her body seems to still be strong enough, but her mind is really becoming very affected. She is aware that she was asked to move from the first facility and is fighting being embarrassed. I wish I could retire and take care of her, but I just can't. Our son is still in college and expenses are great. Leslie and I are in the process of applying for Daddy's veteran's benefits for her. She is quickly running out of money. Please pray that the VA will come through with assistance. As you can tell, my heart is a little heavy, but I know that the Lord will provide. He always does. Thank you for your encouragement. Hope all is well with you. Love you. Nanette
  • Yes ,God is good and faithful to us. He is the source of my strength each and everyday. So glad I was raised in a christian home. What a blessing! I have a special burden for my children and all those who are lost. That they will find true happiness thru him.
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